STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Going to give Shortcut to Shred a shot.  Won't have to change much, I already incorporate cardioacceleration, but now I'll force myself to be more strict with it.  Want to get myself nice and summer ready.  Almost there.  Just need the midsection to pop more.
Pic 1: Jan 2011: 213.5lbs, 17% BF
Pic 2: April 2011: 198.2lbs, 12% BF
Pic 3: April 2012: 190.7lbs, 7.94% BF
Pic 4: April 2013: 187.1lbs, 6.96% BF

background: i work roughly 70-90 hours a week in ibanking, but have lifted (almost) every morning for the past 3 months at 545am. got kinda fat at the end of 2010 / beginning of 2011 because i was studying for the gmat on top of work and stopped hitting the gym for a few months in the fall of 2010 . started this workout program in jan 11.

workout: did p90x from jan 11 to april11 and then the rest of the year i mixed some p90 workouts with my old college football lifts. from jan 1 of 2012 to april 2012, i completed another full round of p90x, and did the same thing for the rest of the year (mix of p90x and old college fotball workouts). from jan 13 - april 13 I used p90x yet again, but also mixed in some insanity cardio workouts (those are incredibly tough)

diet: used the p90x diet the whole time.

supps: nothing hardcore, just no-xplode or assault b/c it has a lot of caffine and i'd usually be up late the night before b/c of work and whey protien.
Nice work fam.
50 reps though? i thought the 12 i was doing was too much. i put enough weights on my sets so that when i get my last rep in, my legs just drop and my whole body is paralyzed in pain.
Personally, my legs only respond to high volume, I put 5 plates on at least when doing that many reps. Sometimes I do 50 straight or do a 5 second pause between each 10. No lightweight here son.
Lol I don't even know man once I landed I went straight to the ground. Need to buy a brace so I can hit the gym tmrw.

You'll be alright just dont do exercises that will put stress on your ankles. Also put ice on your on ankle like thrice a day for healing
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Personally, my legs only respond to high volume, I put 5 plates on at least when doing that many reps. Sometimes I do 50 straight or do a 5 second pause between each 10. No lightweight here son.
Do you squat as well or just leg press? I feel like 50 rep sets on the leg press can't be the most economical way of working your legs. If it works for you fine, but my guess is you could get the same results without the extreme rep numbers.
Going to give Shortcut to Shred a shot.  Won't have to change much, I already incorporate cardioacceleration, but now I'll force myself to be more strict with it.  Want to get myself nice and summer ready.  Almost there.  Just need the midsection to pop more.

Nice work fam.

What's cardioacceleration?
Do you squat as well or just leg press? I feel like 50 rep sets on the leg press can't be the most economical way of working your legs. If it works for you fine, but my guess is you could get the same results without the extreme rep numbers.
Yes I squat then do leg press. Economical? I try to keep my leg routine short and simple but sometimes it gets boring so I'll switch it up and do the high rep range just for the hell of and to get a crazy burn. The next time I might just put 8 plates or so on and just do like 20 reps per set, I just go by how I'm feeling that day. The ROM sucks on leg press anyway I'm just trying to get my squat up.
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Yes I squat then do leg press. Economical? I try to keep my leg routine short and simple but sometimes it gets boring so I'll switch it up and do the high rep range just for the hell of and to get a crazy burn. The next time I might just put 8 plates or so on and just do like 20 reps per set, I just go by how I'm feeling that day. The ROM sucks on leg press anyway I'm just trying to get my squat up.
If you want to get your squat up, you should squat. Leg pressing isn't going to help your squat nearly as much as actually squatting will.
My squats is almost in the 200's again :smile:

Squated 190x5 yesterday for 2 sets

started at 115 squat in february and I'm cutting :smokin

my weight gone from 177 to 154

bench went from 145 to 170ish

deadlift 135 to 230

would post progress pics but still hate the way I look
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If you want to get your squat up, you should squat. Leg pressing isn't going to help your squat nearly as much as actually squatting will.
I do squat, *** to grass errrrtime bro. This convo is going in circles. I'm not doing leg press to help my squat. What do you do for legs? Please don't say leg extensions or any form of. 
I do squat, *** to grass errrrtime bro. This convo is going in circles. I'm not doing leg press to help my squat. What do you do for legs? Please don't say leg extensions or any form of. 
Squats (sometimes front squats as well). Deadlifts (separate day) plus some box jumps and oly lifts for explosiveness.

Generally, I do my warmups, then do my three 5/3/1 work sets (5/5/5+, 3/3/3+, 5/3/1+ depending on the week in the cycle), followed by 3-5x10 at around 60% of my training max. Sometimes, I'll throw in a couple extra strength sets or switch around the assistance work. I'll also do 20-rep sets for squats on occasion. But I don't bother leg-pressing or anything like that. I've seen a lot more gains both in strength and size from sticking to squatting only rather than leg press. I'm not saying the leg press is a bad exercise; I just don;t think it's as efficient as the squat.

I guess he's trying to figure out why do leg presses if you can just squat more.
Squats (sometimes front squats as well). Deadlifts (separate day) plus some box jumps and oly lifts for explosiveness.

Generally, I do my warmups, then do my three 5/3/1 work sets (5/5/5+, 3/3/3+, 5/3/1+ depending on the week in the cycle), followed by 3-5x10 at around 60% of my training max. Sometimes, I'll throw in a couple extra strength sets or switch around the assistance work. I'll also do 20-rep sets for squats on occasion. But I don't bother leg-pressing or anything like that. I've seen a lot more gains both in strength and size from sticking to squatting only rather than leg press. I'm not saying the leg press is a bad exercise; I just don;t think it's as efficient as the squat.
I agree 100% squats are the best for strength and size, but I actually personally enjoy doing leg press. Something about moving all that weight just makes me feel like a beast.

I do a 5x5 for squats. Do you think that is a good way to make it go up? Or should I try something different? 
I agree 100% squats are the best for strength and size, but I actually personally enjoy doing leg press. Something about moving all that weight just makes me feel like a beast.

I do a 5x5 for squats. Do you think that is a good way to make it go up? Or should I try something different? 

5x5 is great for gaining strength and size. I did this in high school and got super strong. Another good hypertrophy/strength rep range I use is 4x8.
I used to do ATG squats till I developed tendonitis in my ankle area and had to stop squatting for a while. Haven't had any issues since going parallel and still progress nicely, so i'll stick to that.
took some pictures at my box during 13.5





i dont know what is there to bash, i havent had this much fun getting into shape
I don't hate Cossfit, if it gets people working out I'm all for it, I dislike Crossfitters that are condescending know it alls about fitness all of a suddenly

They sound like the dude who just started doing BJJ, buys a ton of Tapout gear and starts talking about how he could tap people in a street fight. rolleyes No you won't brah, you would still get worked, you're white belt.

Same with Crossfit......No you can't do 100 pull-ups, no that's not proper technique for a clean, no you're endurance isn't that great, no you're not that strong, no you not that explosive. You just started, You just don't understand how **** works
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