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Why is this a problem?
Well timmy, I never said it was a problem but just more of not my style. I do not believe in a set rest day for every week and I for sure do not want them on back to back days. I let my body tell me when it needs a rest day, because I'll admit I have had to scale back on my basketball nights because of how sore they were leaving me the next day going into my lifting but other than that I am a tank. Have you ever looked at KGs 12 week program? I didn't like it after a month or so and prefer a bro split to be honest. 
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Why is this a problem?
I never understand the appeal of these protein imitations of unhealthy foods. I feel like it would leave me craving the real thing even more. I think it's a product of people treating food as a reward rather than sustenance/nutrition. I think one of the reasons why obesity is so prevalent these days is people rely on food for pleasure. I like to treat food as nutrition/fuel rather than a pleasure source. Sure, if I can make things taste better, I'm all for it, but I'm not gonna go down the imitation 0-cal food route myself.
I don't see why they're necessary. Is missing out on ranch dressing or caramel flavorings really that big of a deal?

It's not a necessity to create "faux foods", but it's a nice change of pace from the typical boiled bird (which I can eat until my dying days :lol:)

As far as Walden Farms goes, I keep them in the arsenal for times like now, when on a low fat macro split, and might get tired of hot sauce and mustard on the salads.
Olive oil with fresh squeezed lemon or orange juice is my go to salad dressing.

"Don't treat food as a reward. You're not a dog." Good quote I read earlier
Just eating breakfast now, it's a little late, but I just woke up. Loooooong night lol.

1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal. 13g of protein, 10g of fiber, 1g of fat.
1 cup of milk.
1 jumbo navel orange.
and then my vitamins.

My abdominals are absolutely cooked. Pounded them into the ground yesterday with so many ill iso exercises. I work them lightly every workout between sets, then i work them fully on their own day. I absolutely feel it today, it's a great kind of pain.

I think I might try IF this week, see what that's like. I'll probably keep a 10 hr window though, since i dont go to the gym until after work and I'll need to at least eat after I workout. Maybe I'll drop the window to 8 hrs on the weekend. I'm in the homestretch, my trip is in 10 days. Gotta maintain discipline. No days off, figuratively speaking.
slow digesting protein. best for bed time. not 100% necessary, but every little bit helps. I drink a shake before I go to bed. I like it. Plus it has glutamine in it which helps with healing and recovery.

Got u, thanks sir
244 this morning


Pic 1: Jan 2011: 213.5lbs, 17% BF
Pic 2: April 2011: 198.2lbs, 12% BF
Pic 3: April 2012: 190.7lbs, 7.94% BF
Pic 4: April 2013: 187.1lbs, 6.96% BF

background: i work roughly 70-90 hours a week in ibanking, but have lifted (almost) every morning for the past 3 months at 545am. got kinda fat at the end of 2010 / beginning of 2011 because i was studying for the gmat on top of work and stopped hitting the gym for a few months in the fall of 2010 . started this workout program in jan 11.

workout: did p90x from jan 11 to april11 and then the rest of the year i mixed some p90 workouts with my old college football lifts. from jan 1 of 2012 to april 2012, i completed another full round of p90x, and did the same thing for the rest of the year (mix of p90x and old college fotball workouts). from jan 13 - april 13 I used p90x yet again, but also mixed in some insanity cardio workouts (those are incredibly tough)

diet: used the p90x diet the whole time.

supps: nothing hardcore, just no-xplode or assault b/c it has a lot of caffine and i'd usually be up late the night before b/c of work and whey protien.

Pic 1: Jan 2011: 213.5lbs, 17% BF
Pic 2: April 2011: 198.2lbs, 12% BF
Pic 3: April 2012: 190.7lbs, 7.94% BF
Pic 4: April 2013: 187.1lbs, 6.96% BF

background: i work roughly 70-90 hours a week in ibanking, but have lifted (almost) every morning for the past 3 months at 545am. got kinda fat at the end of 2010 / beginning of 2011 because i was studying for the gmat on top of work and stopped hitting the gym for a few months in the fall of 2010 . started this workout program in jan 11.

workout: did p90x from jan 11 to april11 and then the rest of the year i mixed some p90 workouts with my old college football lifts. from jan 1 of 2012 to april 2012, i completed another full round of p90x, and did the same thing for the rest of the year (mix of p90x and old college fotball workouts). from jan 13 - april 13 I used p90x yet again, but also mixed in some insanity cardio workouts (those are incredibly tough)

diet: used the p90x diet the whole time.

supps: nothing hardcore, just no-xplode or assault b/c it has a lot of caffine and i'd usually be up late the night before b/c of work and whey protien.

Good job bruh. Repped.

Just looking at your post, it really wasn't difficult to get shredded. Just eat right, exercise/lift and remain focused.

Some people make it seem like its impossible to even get to where you are at stage 1 LOL
Good job bruh. Repped.

Just looking at your post, it really wasn't difficult to get shredded. Just eat right, exercise/lift and remain focused.

Some people make it seem like its impossible to even get to where you are at stage 1 LOL

Thx bro. Always check NT for tips and motivation. Not on here as much as I was back in the day but still love this place.

Pic 1: Jan 2011: 213.5lbs, 17% BF
Pic 2: April 2011: 198.2lbs, 12% BF
Pic 3: April 2012: 190.7lbs, 7.94% BF
Pic 4: April 2013: 187.1lbs, 6.96% BF

background: i work roughly 70-90 hours a week in ibanking, but have lifted (almost) every morning for the past 3 months at 545am. got kinda fat at the end of 2010 / beginning of 2011 because i was studying for the gmat on top of work and stopped hitting the gym for a few months in the fall of 2010 . started this workout program in jan 11.

workout: did p90x from jan 11 to april11 and then the rest of the year i mixed some p90 workouts with my old college football lifts. from jan 1 of 2012 to april 2012, i completed another full round of p90x, and did the same thing for the rest of the year (mix of p90x and old college fotball workouts). from jan 13 - april 13 I used p90x yet again, but also mixed in some insanity cardio workouts (those are incredibly tough)

diet: used the p90x diet the whole time.

supps: nothing hardcore, just no-xplode or assault b/c it has a lot of caffine and i'd usually be up late the night before b/c of work and whey protien.

that first pic is 17% BF? what did you use to measure BF?
Is there something wrong with doing first? I run around 3 miles before i hit the weights? im starting to fall in love with cardio, used to hate it....lost close to 100 pounds....

I breakup cardio and lift days. I find I go harder on the weights when I don't waste energy on cardio. Sometimes if I have a bad lift day or maybe have an unplanned cheat meal I'll WALK 30-60 minutes on the treadmill before or after lifting. That's about as far as it goes.
Been using the stairmaster all week as I've started my cutting diet. Stairmaster is no joke when you haven't done steady cardio in over a year. I'm thankfully getting used it; my stamina is holding up fine.
What do I need to do to tone my arms faster? Im building the muscle, but they dont look toned or as toned as I want them. Do I need to lift more? My arm workout is pretty strenuous as is.
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