STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Gym looks nuts. That rock climbing must be a good workout.

I pay $40/month at LA Fitness, got my weights and basketball court so im good.
Man Phase 8 is the worst mixing protein I've ever used Idk if its my shaker or what but muddy powder keeps getting stuck all in the mouth part after shaking it hella times.
good god. i hope you guys are utilizing every amenity at your gyms.

i paid $300 for 2 years for 24hr fitness thru costco. ends up being $12.50/mo. give me access to free weights and a cable machine and i'm good.

what? i payed $35/month at 24hr fitness ... :smh:

i signed up for a free trial of sportclubla but never ended up going. revisiting their website makes me want to go check it out
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good god. i hope you guys are utilizing every amenity at your gyms.

i paid $300 for 2 years for 24hr fitness thru costco. ends up being $12.50/mo. give me access to free weights and a cable machine and i'm good.

what? i payed $35/month at 24hr fitness ... :smh:

$350 for 2 years now, but still better than what you're paying (assuming you don't have super sport)

super sport is available for $600 for 2 years
Are sunflowers seeds bad? I been eating some at work cause I get hungry..
Watch out for sodium. Also, don't know if they're roasted in oil, but I'm not a fan of veggie oils, so I'd avoid them if that's the case, but if you get em dry roasted and not too salty, no issues with them.

Really, often? And you haven't noticed anything that could be the cause?

Yeah it's weird to me because I ate a lot today, and consumed a good number of cards. I also drank a good amount of water, probably around 8 cups so far in my day.
You're talking day of, right? It's harder to trace back, but, from personal experience, if I had a bad night's sleep or ****** day in terms of nutrition, that sometimes affects workouts 2-3 days later more than the workout the day after. Consistency in terms of nutrition and hydration even on your offdays is key

Gunna retire my gloves and buy some chalk.. where do I get it? ?

Modells and ****'s Sporting Goods dont sell it..

What is the best one to buy?
Good call. Gloves suck. Amazon for chalk. only sells liquid chalks, which aren't as good as block chalk. I did buy some LiquidGrip liquid chalk from and it's alright - better than nothing but not as good as real life chalk.

Also a follow up question:

Chalking or bare hands while exercising is better for you in the long run right (as opposed to using gloves)? Like doesn't it improve your grip and utilize more forearm muscles? Any insight?
Improved grip - compared to gloves, don't think it works your forearms more. Compared to straps though, you'll definitely hit the forearms harder.

it came when I ordered some gloves from I got some Phase8 I may try tomorrow or use when I run out of Vanilla Dymatize.

And Zyzz I like trying stuff to make my own decision wheter its good or not. Once I get in shape where I want to be I plan on starting an Online Vlog/Site about my personal interest and hopefully I can land a Supplement sponsorship 8)
Please don't. The whole workout vlog and blog thing is oversaturated with people saying the same thing. Unless your perspective is extremely unique, don't bother.

Anyone add coconut oil into their coffee?

Amazing stuff.
Yo is this actually good? I keep on reading this especially in the paleo context ("bulletproof coffee") but haven't gotten around to trying it. I only really drink iced coffee but may have to try a hot coffee with coconut oil at some point.
Back day.

Deadlifted for the 2nd time in months.  Worked up to 335 x 4.  Could've done more, but didn't want to overdo it.  Figure if I get into the groove by consistently doing them again, I shouldn't have much trouble moving 4 plates.
My new workout AB day MWF with Tue and Thur and Sat (sometimes sunday) for Cardio and abs.
Everything is 4 X 8 Besides Lat Pull down where I do Wide Grip 2 X10 Close Grip 2X10 then 1x5 of each to finish out, Calf Raise is 20 X 5, and Leg Press is 10 X 5 ( reps X set)

A day
Incline DB bench
Flat 1 arm DB bench
Chest fly machine
Lat pull down
Seated row
1 arm DB row
Tricep machine
Leg press
Calf raise

B day
Ez bar curl
Zottman curl
Alternate hammer
Standing one arm
One arm side lateral
Front barbell raise
Leg press
Calf raise

You're cutting right? You won't put on muscle mass while in a caloric deficit. Quick glance at this workout seems like it's too focused on hypertrophy, which isn't gonna happen when you're cutting. I understand you're limited by a lack of barbells, but I would still focus on heavier weights, less reps, not too many sets, rather than this amount of volume. I'll post some articles/papers tomorrow supporting this point.
Vote: C4 or Assault??? Going to pick up one tomorrow... trying to decide, they are really close...
You're cutting right? You won't put on muscle mass while in a caloric deficit. Quick glance at this workout seems like it's too focused on hypertrophy, which isn't gonna happen when you're cutting. I understand you're limited by a lack of barbells, but I would still focus on heavier weights, less reps, not too many sets, rather than this amount of volume. I'll post some articles/papers tomorrow supporting this point.

What do you consider lower reps 4x8 seems low to me
Bruh I went to that Sports Club LA a few years back for a bball tourney, that gym is BEAUTIFUL. I remember it even had an outdoor theater and bar on the roof.

I still can't see the justification of Equinox being like $300 a month though.

If I had a choice I'd pick Chelsea Piers. The usual gym stuff plus indoor track and tons of basketball courts. Beautiful scenery outside. And the honeys in there:
Legs day today.....shooting for 2 working sets at 315....4-5 reps a set. IT WILL HAPPEN

Back up to 184lbs though :pimp: I was sick and struggling to eat for a week and dropped to 180. My goal is to get to 190lbs. Im 6 foot btw.

My chest is by far my weakest asset. Has a lot to do with mechanics i think. I have long arms. But I am going to try to get some chest in on shoulder days and hit it 2 times a week to see if that helps stimulate growth.
What do you consider lower reps 4x8 seems low to me
True 8 rep sets are pretty mid range, but I'm thinking more in the 3-5 rep range. Also, I'm commenting on your overall volume as well - seems quite high for someone cutting.

Bruh I went to that Sports Club LA a few years back for a bball tourney, that gym is BEAUTIFUL. I remember it even had an outdoor theater and bar on the roof.

I still can't see the justification of Equinox being like $300 a month though.

If I had a choice I'd pick Chelsea Piers. The usual gym stuff plus indoor track and tons of basketball courts. Beautiful scenery outside. And the honeys in there:
Equinox is like $130 a month. My brother's a member and I go on guest passes on occasion. Nice place. For me, first and foremost, I'm willing to pay for convenience. ASide from that, I'd prefer to pay high $ for a gym with good equipment relevant to my goals rather than just really nice interior design.

Theoretical question: Could you use baby powder as a chalk substitute since it keeps your hands dry as well?

Frank Yang has a video where he uses protein powder as a substitute. Don't really see why you wouldn't get chalk though - it's super cheap.
I got told by one of my friends last night via text that she doesn't like the new me bc I never go out and all I do is workout. At times I do miss going out and having a good time but this is serious business to me and I know once I hit my goal that stuff is still gonna be there....she'll get over it haha.
I got told by one of my friends last night via text that she doesn't like the new me bc I never go out and all I do is workout. At times I do miss going out and having a good time but this is serious business to me and I know once I hit my goal that stuff is still gonna be there....she'll get over it haha.
Forget her and her thoughts. Tell her to come hang out with you in the gym if she wants to see you.

But yea, a little morning inspiration

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