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How much is too much reps and sets?

I do four sets and 9-12 reps on everything I do.

Now Im seeing others do like 6-8 sets and 15-20 reps with great results.

I confuze.
Just gotta find your sweet spot, Easier said than done though, I'm still trying to figure it out myself 
Where u get sample from lucky?

it came when I ordered some gloves from I got some Phase8 I may try tomorrow or use when I run out of Vanilla Dymatize.

And Zyzz I like trying stuff to make my own decision wheter its good or not. Once I get in shape where I want to be I plan on starting an Online Vlog/Site about my personal interest and hopefully I can land a Supplement sponsorship 8)

i feel you man, wish there was a site where you could order samples for dirt cheap and try stuff out. sucks spend $40 on a tub and hating it.

surprised no one has set up a site like that and get in contact with those companies. They make samples like crazy and its good for them to get their product out there.
My new workout AB day MWF with Tue and Thur and Sat (sometimes sunday) for Cardio and abs.
Everything is 4 X 8 Besides Lat Pull down where I do Wide Grip 2 X10 Close Grip 2X10 then 1x5 of each to finish out, Calf Raise is 20 X 5, and Leg Press is 10 X 5 ( reps X set)

A day
Incline DB bench
Flat 1 arm DB bench
Chest fly machine
Lat pull down
Seated row
1 arm DB row
Tricep machine
Leg press
Calf raise

B day
Ez bar curl
Zottman curl
Alternate hammer
Standing one arm
One arm side lateral
Front barbell raise
Leg press
Calf raise
If you can do more than 12 reps with any exercise then you need to up the weight. Unless its a warm up or something like forearms.
Normal discussion is going on. Everyones just looking for info.

I like when Druden pops in, but at times it just comes off slightly superior. The knowledge is worth accepting the facetious nature.
Yeah I can understand how it comes off that way. Theres a certain level of professionalism/way of speaking/acting/typing that comes with my job/education so it always tends to bleed into the way my words are perceived. Its not intentional, it just comes off as me being a pompous prick. I get it.
I'm not overly sensitive like some of the people who usually take offense when you decide to chime in.  Sometimes you have to be blunt and convey your message in a way that may cause people to have an emotional reaction to it.  I actually appreciate what you add to this thread and enjoy picking your brain.  At the same time, I can see why people tend to get defensive when you call them out.  I may not agree 100% with everything you preach, but you obviously know what you're talking about.  People like you, nealraj (spelling), timbo, etc. who discuss the science of it all add a lot to this thread.  If people would step outside of the realm of as their one stop shop for fitness information, they'd see that there's a method to your madness.
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drinking Phase 8 right now Chocolate, did 2 scoops with 10 oz of water, very rich and good but the scoop is huge so that tells me that the protein isnt the highest quality and it left powder around the top of my shaker. I wouldnt buy it again without it being BOGO but it is pretty good.
Started having a migraine while in the gym today, could barley finish my workout. Every time I did a rep my head pounded :smh:

Fought through it and finished but damn my head is pounding.

That ever happen to anyone else? Stare with a small headache before the gym, try and shake it off and it just gets 10x worse :smh:
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Started having a migraine while in the gym today, could barley finish my workout. Every time I did a rep my head pounded :smh:

Fought through it and finished but damn my head is pounding.

That ever happen to anyone else? Stare with a small headache before the gym, try and shake it off and it just gets 10x worse :smh:

only time I ever felt weird is if I didnt intake enough fluids prior.
Yeah my friend said that was a possibility, but I drank a lot of water today actually.
Started having a migraine while in the gym today, could barley finish my workout. Every time I did a rep my head pounded :smh:

Fought through it and finished but damn my head is pounding.

That ever happen to anyone else? Stare with a small headache before the gym, try and shake it off and it just gets 10x worse :smh:

are you breathing properly? drinking enough water as well?
Started having a migraine while in the gym today, could barley finish my workout. Every time I did a rep my head pounded :smh:

Fought through it and finished but damn my head is pounding.

That ever happen to anyone else? Stare with a small headache before the gym, try and shake it off and it just gets 10x worse :smh:

I get it often. I still dont know why. I try to see if its lack of carbs or lack of fluid..lack of food...idk. Its weird man
i feel you man, wish there was a site where you could order samples for dirt cheap and try stuff out. sucks spend $40 on a tub and hating it.

surprised no one has set up a site like that and get in contact with those companies. They make samples like crazy and its good for them to get their product out there.

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i feel you man, wish there was a site where you could order samples for dirt cheap and try stuff out. sucks spend $40 on a tub and hating it.

surprised no one has set up a site like that and get in contact with those companies. They make samples like crazy and its good for them to get their product out there.


i know, muscle and fitness have the same thing. They send worthless stuff.

im saying you pay a few bucks and you pick what samples you want, like different kinds of whey and what not.

i did the muscle and fitness one for free for a month, not worth it IMO
I get it often. I still dont know why. I try to see if its lack of carbs or lack of fluid..lack of food...idk. Its weird man

Really, often? And you haven't noticed anything that could be the cause?

Yeah it's weird to me because I ate a lot today, and consumed a good number of cards. I also drank a good amount of water, probably around 8 cups so far in my day.
not just staying hydrated but making sure you have enough electrolytes? or are you're taking a preworkout that raises your blood pressure? i know if i take plenty of stims and do heavy squats, i can get some bad headaches.
Gunna retire my gloves and buy some chalk.. where do I get it? ?

Modells and ****'s Sporting Goods dont sell it..

What is the best one to buy?
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