STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Tonight ends almost 6 weeks of Keto. Not tired of it...just want to get big

Ivesaid it a few times throughout the thread but what scares the **** out of me is getting "fat"

Maybe a mini bulk for starters? Just this month and take it from there ? Anybody have macros I should follow at 5'10" 181lb trying to gain 1-2lb a week?

Scared of getting "fat" is why I've been around 140-155 since last fall bruh. I always start to bulk and by day 3-4 when I notice my face getting chubby, jawline dissapears and my stomach loses some packs...I go back to cutting.

Call me baby, idc...I'm to self conscious I guess.
so peep this bros, my box set up this damb challenge for the month of April, the challenge is in addition to our WOD and must be done everyday of the month...

first day which was today we start off with 800m or .5 miles everyday we go up by .5 miles, towards the last week we should be running 10+ miles capping off at 15 miles on the last day....I really doubt i can do it, im already defeated mentally....any foods you guys would recommend to be able to pull this off?
That is way too much volume for the average person, especially considering the intensity of crossfit. That programming is borderline dangerous even with appropriate rest. That last week is along the lines of 50+ miles of running on top of metcons and lifting.
Steezy, I've been on this crossfit thing for a while and my recommendation would be to skip one class a week and go for a long run. Start off with a mile, and add a mile every week. Then take a break from training completely every 4-6 weeks to give your joints, muscles and connective tissue time to heal.
You might even like to check out the site crossfit endurance. Brian Mackenzie has put together a really good system that focuses on running technique and quality interval and distance training rather than pure volume. PM me if you have any questions.
be strong :lol:


Sheesh. Scaring me now. Bout to just permanent bulk.

Need tips on cutting. Besides just decreasing calories and cardio.

I'm just tryna drop 10-15lbs.

Got my forearms lil bigger :smile:

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Man just came back home from my first day of work and it was BUSY. worked 6.5 hours non stop moving on top of my daily cardio. I just uploaded my bodybugg and I burned a ****load of calories today :smokin


I usually burn 3000-3200
and eat 2000-2100

i dont even feel like eating more right now to make up those calories lol
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I've always been a person who tries to eat the right things. We all have our addictions, and mine is coffee. I probably drink 2 cups every morning. I can drink it black, I recently started using stevia as my sweetener. But it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as creamer does. It wasn't until maybe just a couple weeks ago that a friend told me most of these commercial creamers have trans fat in them in the form of hydrogenated oils (even though companies use a loophole that allows them to list 0 grams on the label) Can anyone recommend a creamer that is free of transfat (International Delight Fat Free is the only one I could find online) I'm wondering about Coffeemate Natural Bliss (only has nonfat milk, heavy cream, sugar and natural flavors as its ingredients) Does heavy cream contain transfats?

Drink it black or use a tablespoon of heavy cream. Anything other than that isn't really coffee. No, heavy cream doesn't have any trans fats, only processed foods contain trans fats.
Did shoulders yesterday.....i basically cheated all weekend which i can honestly say motivated me yesterday....thinking about the wawa sub i ate at 2am after having copious amounts of jack daniels really makes you pump out one last rep in each set :lol:

Spring time = sports. I have soccer wednesday's and sundays and football on saturdays...maybe kickball on thrusdays....gonna really be a struggle to keep my gym schedule around a 4 day split. I can go to the gym after football on saturdays because its not that tiring....but no way i can go after soccer and hopefully time permits for me to go before kickball. :smh: too active

Just started lifting 4 months ago. Im 5'7 155. Doing 5x5 in all my exercises Im trying to bulk a lil bit. Should i take creatine? Any suggestions?
Just started lifting 4 months ago. Im 5'7 155. Doing 5x5 in all my exercises Im trying to bulk a lil bit. Should i take creatine? Any suggestions?
Man creatine is not some magical thing that is going to get you HUGE like juice. Its all up to you honestly, it will add water weight to you through retention. Make sure you drink plenty of water while your taking it. I don't know why that idiot said beginners shouldn't take it that is a false statement. 
Man creatine is not some magical thing that is going to get you HUGE like juice. Its all up to you honestly, it will add water weight to you through retention. Make sure you drink plenty of water while your taking it. I don't know why that idiot said beginners shouldn't take it that is a false statement. 

So should i take it or not? Is 8 glasses a day enough when talking creatine? How about my doing 5x5 as my routine? I used to do 3sets of 12,10,8 with less weight before. Any feedbacks will be appeciated :smile:
I try not to judge people at the gym, as we're all in there trying to get results one way or another...but I damn near lost it when I saw a dude with OBVIOUS synthol injections to his arms. He had zero muscle definition, but biceps like popeye after spinach. I've never seen it in person before, but I don't know what dudes are thinking when injecting that **** into their bodies. Looks AWFUL.
I see it all the time. These dudes even have a 17 yr old kid on it at my gym. Sick.
Just finished up on some Insanity. Break from work so I won't have access to a gym. Been on Insanity for the last 4 days to hold me over. Feels good man.
So should i take it or not? Is 8 glasses a day enough when talking creatine? How about my doing 5x5 as my routine? I used to do 3sets of 12,10,8 with less weight before. Any feedbacks will be appeciated
Take it.

It woudnt do any harm, and 8 glasses a day is fine.You'll probably end up consuming that much without even realizing it. I drink about 4 glasses in the gym alone.

Try the 5x5 routine. Those routines are great, but of course they are adjustable to whatever you want.

Consistency is key, do any program you want but if you arent consistent, then its going to be for nothing.
Take it.

It woudnt do any harm, and 8 glasses a day is fine.You'll probably end up consuming that much without even realizing it. I drink about 4 glasses in the gym alone.

Try the 5x5 routine. Those routines are great, but of course they are adjustable to whatever you want.

Consistency is key, do any program you want but if you arent consistent, then its going to be for nothing.

Alright im gonna stick with the 5x5 for now. Thanks!
NT came thru as always .... :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin

I am still on the fense about creatine, just because I heard the first few weeks is ratchet on the stomach ... I'm out the house 14 hrs a day, and not really into using public bathrooms like that.

I rep'd every one who provided some info ... I definitely will try to incorporate more sweet potatoes into my dinners, and I'm going to buy a new juicer/blender to make those shakes you were speaking of. I do not have access to a gym at school though, as you assumed. I have classes right after I get out the office, and the classes end at 10 p.m. The gym is closed by then, but I joined Planet Fitness over on Jamaica Ave out here, and it is 24 hrs Monday - Thurs.

Once again, thanks for the help NT ....
If you're worried about stomach discomfort ( which I've never experienced) get capsules or if you're prone to stomach issues get magnesium creatine chelate.
NT came thru as always ....

I am still on the fense about creatine, just because I heard the first few weeks is ratchet on the stomach ... I'm out the house 14 hrs a day, and not really into using public bathrooms like that.
Nah b, I took (and currently still am) taking MusclePharm Creatine Monohydrate and it has never given me stomach issues at all. You just feel thirsty. Got me feeling like 
SMH at all the replies to something that was obviously a April fools joke.

They rustled the jimmies and won.
ugh I have a hard time forcing down oatmeal. i just hate it. but it helps in the morning and curves hunger all day. but goodness i hate it lol.
So should i take it or not? Is 8 glasses a day enough when talking creatine? How about my doing 5x5 as my routine? I used to do 3sets of 12,10,8 with less weight before. Any feedbacks will be appeciated
Take it.

It woudnt do any harm, and 8 glasses a day is fine.You'll probably end up consuming that much without even realizing it. I drink about 4 glasses in the gym alone.

Try the 5x5 routine. Those routines are great, but of course they are adjustable to whatever you want.

Consistency is key, do any program you want but if you arent consistent, then its going to be for nothing.
ugh I have a hard time forcing down oatmeal. i just hate it. but it helps in the morning and curves hunger all day. but goodness i hate it lol.
Bro I put some cinnamon in it and that helps. Also I put some sugar free syrup in it if I'm feeling like saying **** the hippies that morning.
Is not for time so we don't have to sprint, we just have to cover the distance, it's still ridiculous to me even if I jog it....I've always ran on my own, but never more than 4 miles at a time.
 Damn steezy. Our April challenge at our box are rope climbs haha
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