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I'm sure someone will go into more detail with advice but DO NOT take creatine since you're just starting out. Wait till you're at least 6 months to a year in the game. You don't need it yet.
This is the best advice you could give homie? Something he shouldn't do and on top of that not give him any solid reason to why he should listen to you? Next time just don't say anything lol Do you know what creatine is? 

akuratl02 look up and check out there forums there. Theres plenty of info on getting started. You should try something out like starting strength, a 5x5 program. Also remember to get big you must eat big. Try to eat 1/1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. Check out the nutrition section one there and you can figure out your macros. Just eat big and lift hard and you will see results in no time. I think your underweight more than likely so don't even worry if you put a little fat on.
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I try not to judge people at the gym, as we're all in there trying to get results one way or another...but I damn near lost it when I saw a dude with OBVIOUS synthol injections to his arms. He had zero muscle definition, but biceps like popeye after spinach. I've never seen it in person before, but I don't know what dudes are thinking when injecting that **** into their bodies. Looks AWFUL.
You're a beginner, train with heavier loads (relative to your maximal strength). Aim for 4-6 reps, aiming to increase weight (perhaps 5 lbs) every session. Once you can't add weight every session, add volume (going from 3x5 to 5x5 to 7x5 for example), and try to add weight then. After a while, you will need a new stimulus to stimulate gains, but beginners don't need too much variety because of various factors(nervous system isn't efficient, hypertrophy stimulated, etc.). Train heavy to get strong. Train light to get endurance.

Thanks bruh :pimp: im gonna take your advice the next chest day :smile:

Ive been doing 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps in all my exercise should i change it to 5sets of 5reps each but heavier loads?
Im tryin to bulk up by the way. Should i make all my exercises like that?
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so peep this bros, my box set up this damb challenge for the month of April, the challenge is in addition to our WOD and must be done everyday of the month...

first day which was today we start off with 800m or .5 miles everyday we go up by .5 miles, towards the last week we should be running 10+ miles capping off at 15 miles on the last day....I really doubt i can do it, im already defeated mentally....any foods you guys would recommend to be able to pull this off?
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so peep this bros, my box set up this damb challenge for the month of April, the challenge is in addition to our WOD and must be done everyday of the month...

first day which was today we start off with 800m or .5 miles everyday we go up by .5 miles, towards the last week we should be running 10+ miles capping off at 15 miles on the last day....I really doubt i can do it, im already defeated mentally....any foods you guys would recommend to be able to pull this off?

Wait...running 10-15 miles with little-to-no training in a span of a month? How much sense does that make?

IMO, that's something you have to gradually build up to....maybe I'm missing something, but that seems a bit much - unless you've been working on your endurance/cardio with the running.
so peep this bros, my box set up this damb challenge for the month of April, the challenge is in addition to our WOD and must be done everyday of the month...

first day which was today we start off with 800m or .5 miles everyday we go up by .5 miles, towards the last week we should be running 10+ miles capping off at 15 miles on the last day....I really doubt i can do it, im already defeated mentally....any foods you guys would recommend to be able to pull this off?

i dont know, but that sounds dangerous to me. if you're gonna be running a 10+ miles every day for 10 days (in addition to all of the runs the previous 20 days), there's no way your body is gonna be able to replenish the glycogen loss. people carbo load for those lengths of runs
Wait...running 10-15 miles with little-to-no training in a span of a month? How much sense does that make?

IMO, that's something you have to gradually build up to....maybe I'm missing something, but that seems a bit much - unless you've been working on your endurance/cardio with the running.


yeah we all thought it was an April fools joke, i guess the challenge is more so to challenge us mentally?....idk man...

we start off at .5 miles and build on that each day by another .5 is not till after 20 days of running that we hit 10 mile runs...
i dont know, but that sounds dangerous to me. if you're gonna be running a 10+ miles every day for 10 days (in addition to all of the runs the previous 20 days), there's no way your body is gonna be able to replenish the glycogen loss. people carbo load for those lengths of runs

yeah effff this challenge, ima try to make it to at least day 15 :lol:
Thanks bruh :pimp: im gonna take your advice the next chest day :smile:

Ive been doing 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps in all my exercise should i change it to 5sets of 5reps each but heavier loads?
Im tryin to bulk up by the way. Should i make all my exercises like that?

Pick one main movement for pressing and one for pulling. Start the session with that movement, and it should be heavier. I would suggest starting with 3x5-6 in the beginning, trying to add weight each session. Once it stops working, build up to 5x5 and try to add weight after doing 5x5 with a given weight. Once that stops working, I would suggest going for a higher volume approach. Something like 7-10 sets of 5-6 reps will work well. There are many approaches to high volume training such as escalating density training, german volume training, etc.

After the main movement, you can do supplemental exercises. 2-3 should be plenty for pressing and pulling each. These can be done for higher reps, and with lighter loads (7-12 reps).
so peep this bros, my box set up this damb challenge for the month of April, the challenge is in addition to our WOD and must be done everyday of the month...

first day which was today we start off with 800m or .5 miles everyday we go up by .5 miles, towards the last week we should be running 10+ miles capping off at 15 miles on the last day....I really doubt i can do it, im already defeated mentally....any foods you guys would recommend to be able to pull this off?
This would be hard for someone to do who is an experienced runner. So the last couple of days would be 14, 14.5 and 15 miles? Thats like training for a marathon minus the rest days lol

It can be done but aint no way your gonna be running the whole time. And your body is gonna hate you after about a week or 2 tops. Are you sure this is correct?
This would be hard for someone to do who is an experienced runner. So the last couple of days would be 14, 14.5 and 15 miles? Thats like training for a marathon minus the rest days lol

It can be done but aint no way your gonna be running the whole time. And your body is gonna hate you after about a week or 2 tops. Are you sure this is correct?

yea man...something sounds off. Whoever came up with that workout needs to be punched.

yeah we all thought it was an April fools joke, i guess the challenge is more so to challenge us mentally?....idk man...

we start off at .5 miles and build on that each day by another .5 is not till after 20 days of running that we hit 10 mile runs...

Don't participate. I predict a lot of the people in your gym that try to follow through will get injures such as stress fractures in your feet. Running that much in that short span of time with no previous distance training is a recipe for disaster, and you should really question the people running your crossfit program and put them on the spot about the risks.

Sounds like an April fools joke to me though, but if not :rolleyes
so peep this bros, my box set up this damb challenge for the month of April, the challenge is in addition to our WOD and must be done everyday of the month...

first day which was today we start off with 800m or .5 miles everyday we go up by .5 miles, towards the last week we should be running 10+ miles capping off at 15 miles on the last day....I really doubt i can do it, im already defeated mentally....any foods you guys would recommend to be able to pull this off?

Just because someone challenges you, doesn't mean that you have to do it. Unless your goals involve long distance running, I would stay away from that. In addition to crossfit workouts, that sounds like a bad idea. If you do it, I wouldn't be surprised if you ran into joint pain. Omega 3s and refilling glycogen would be top priorities.
Is not for time so we don't have to sprint, we just have to cover the distance, it's still ridiculous to me even if I jog it....I've always ran on my own, but never more than 4 miles at a time.
Is not for time so we don't have to sprint, we just have to cover the distance, it's still ridiculous to me even if I jog it....I've always ran on my own, but never more than 4 miles at a time.
Yeah bro lets say you do try 15 miles the last day. Lets say you somehow can do 10 minute miles, which would be dumb good for someone who isnt an experienced runner, thats 150 minutes of running. Thats 2 and a half HOURS OF RUNNING....thats a long time lol Not to mention if its on concrete, if you don't have joint pain will after. 
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Sprint or a slow jog, it is all the same, it is ridiculous. At the end of the challenge you would be running 100+ miles for the final week. That is close to what elite marathon runners do. Rule of thumb for distance training is to increase your distance by about 10% per week. Adding half a mile each day, as I said before, is a injury waiting to happen. As someone who has done distance running, and dealt with a stress fracture in their foot that took about 4 months to fully heal, I say this is a pile of malarkey. No way they could make that challenge seriously.
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And you can make your own Cinnabon shake by literally taking 2 scoops of vanilla whey 4 oz water and a bunch a ground cinnamon.
Tomorrow ends almost 6 weeks of Keto. Not tired of it...just want to get big

Ivesaid it a few times throughout the thread but what scares the **** out of me is getting "fat"

Maybe a mini bulk for starters? Just this month and take it from there ? Anybody have macros I should follow at 5'10" 181lb trying to gain 1-2lb a week?

Also, anybody have a tried and true pushpull routine to recommend? Sick and tired of blaming the inability to press more than 65lb on the wrists :smh:
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I've always been a person who tries to eat the right things. We all have our addictions, and mine is coffee. I probably drink 2 cups every morning. I can drink it black, I recently started using stevia as my sweetener. But it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as creamer does. It wasn't until maybe just a couple weeks ago that a friend told me most of these commercial creamers have trans fat in them in the form of hydrogenated oils (even though companies use a loophole that allows them to list 0 grams on the label) Can anyone recommend a creamer that is free of transfat (International Delight Fat Free is the only one I could find online) I'm wondering about Coffeemate Natural Bliss (only has nonfat milk, heavy cream, sugar and natural flavors as its ingredients) Does heavy cream contain transfats?
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