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Cinco, how do you like the Trutein Cinnbun? :nerd: is it good? ive heard mixed reviews

To be honest,

Best protein line I've had. Cinnabun is one of my favorites, I use it in nearly everything I make with protein, from floats to those crepes, to faux "sweet breads" using that keto recipe I posted some pages back, its awesome, much MUCH better than Gasparis IMO

good to hear, i liked Gaspari's when i had it last year but got sick of it near the end. I might order some and be my last protein for awhile. Im just sick of the regular vanilla and chocolate i have in some brands even though they are good.
Started throwing a scoop of whey in my plain Greek yogurt with a packet of stevia... The truth. Got ON white chocolate comin in tmr so I'm excited to try recipes and shakes with that.
Started throwing a scoop of whey in my plain Greek yogurt with a packet of stevia... The truth. Got ON white chocolate comin in tmr so I'm excited to try recipes and shakes with that.

i hear ON White Chocolate taste like Vanilla. I`m still itching to try the Graham cracker joint when I get extra money
Bought that Phase 8 protein when it was buy one get one free.. Not a fan.. Going back to Syntha 6
I wouldnt classify doing anything 10 times as "strong", but I know what you mean.

2X bodyweight in a bench press is very good. I used to be interested in my bench numbers, but now that im more involved with throwing sports the amount of weight I bench doesnt mean much to me.
2x body weight is great. I always thought if you benched your own body weight, youre good. Not a lot of people can.

On another note. Cellucor Cinnamon Swirl x milk x 2 scoops peanut buter x ice x blender = amazing protein shake. By itself with water, ehh its good but I expected better.
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Lol I bought chocolate on bogo comes in tomorrow. I hear its good but oh we'll ill make that decision.
It all depends on your preference. I use almond milk with my protein shakes, and I personally like how it taste with syntha 6 over phase 8.
Bought that Phase 8 protein when it was buy one get one free.. Not a fan.. Going back to Syntha 6

Lol I bought chocolate on bogo comes in tomorrow. I hear its good but oh we'll ill make that decision.

yea most people dont like phase 8 but theres people out there that dont care for taste, its all about the protein.

syntha 6 is excellent i just dont like all the calories, carb, etc, etc unless im bulking. the chocolate peanut butter syntha 6 is amazing.
Did 315 on the flat bench once, did 110 on incline dumbells 5 times, and felt pretty good. Pretty good for only being 6 foot 190lbs.

Immediately after I went to Old Country buffet breakfast and went H.A.M with no dambz given. 

What are some ab/core workouts that DO NOT strain your neck? Man I hate doing crunches.... preferably things at home, I'm not one to go to the gym.

Right now (and pretty much my whole life) I could always see the outline of a 6 pack, but never an actual pack :lol: I think I finally want to try and make it more defined.

Vegan here. This is what I use with my morning meal every day:

I usually mix it in a bowl with hominy grits, peanut butter, banana slices, a little almond milk, and raisin bran cereal.
Just curious what your motivation for being vegan is. Please share!

To those just posting generic statements about having a workout that day, can you start posting more details at least your lifts from that day. IT doesn't contribute anything to the thread to just post that you did legs today.
zyzz lemme know if you want to try the trutein cinnabun. i can give you a buncha scoops out of my tub. personally i prefer xf up cinnamon roll but i got a good deal on the trutein.
zyzz lemme know if you want to try the trutein cinnabun. i can give you a buncha scoops out of my tub. personally i prefer xf up cinnamon roll but i got a good deal on the trutein.

i actually just ordered it about an hour ago :lol:

yes i heard a lot about XF UP but screw n Misc when it comes to flavors. im just gonna buy what i think will taste good, ive wasted money on stuff people claimed as amazing and it tasted like complete crap
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Did push muscles today. Usually me and my boy do chest in the AM then shoulders/tri in the PM but we coudnt go in the PM so we did it all at once.

Dont like it, takes too much out of you.

Flat bench

Incline bench

Military barbellpress

Flat dumbell chest press

Dumbbell shoulder press

Flat dumbell fly superset with lateral raises

Weighted dips

Felt great but tiring as a muuuuh.
Did push muscles today. Usually me and my boy do chest in the AM then shoulders/tri in the PM but we coudnt go in the PM so we did it all at once.

Dont like it, takes too much out of you.

Flat bench
Incline bench
Military barbellpress
Flat dumbell chest press
Dumbbell shoulder press
Flat dumbell fly superset with lateral raises
Weighted dips

Felt great but tiring as a muuuuh.

Pick to do either DB or BB and up dem weightz, its unnecessary to do both in one workout.
So I am a 6 ft 5 tooth pick - roughly around 180 lbs ... I just joined a gym. I do work and school; both full time.

I'd say that I have 4 possible days out the week that I can definitely visit the gym for 30 minutes to an hour. I really want to work on my chest - I swear that is concaved :x:smh::\

Can any of my NT brethrens recommend;

1. A starter work out routine, that can be done within an hour
2. A quality weight gainer protein shake. I'll take quality over taste.
3. Healthy foods with a good amount of calories, so that I can boost my intake, and start adding weight finally

Side bar question ::: Do you guys suggest that I also do a creatine mix as well? And if so, should it be seperate from the Protein shake, or should I purchase a Protein/Creatine combination mix?

Thank you guys so much for any advice. Will mos def rep any one with suggestions.

Appreciate it :smokin
So I am a 6 ft 5 tooth pick - roughly around 180 lbs ... I just joined a gym. I do work and school; both full time.

I'd say that I have 4 possible days out the week that I can definitely visit the gym for 30 minutes to an hour. I really want to work on my chest - I swear that is concaved :x:smh::\

Can any of my NT brethrens recommend;

1. A starter work out routine, that can be done within an hour
2. A quality weight gainer protein shake. I'll take quality over taste.
3. Healthy foods with a good amount of calories, so that I can boost my intake, and start adding weight finally

Side bar question ::: Do you guys suggest that I also do a creatine mix as well? And if so, should it be seperate from the Protein shake, or should I purchase a Protein/Creatine combination mix?

Thank you guys so much for any advice. Will mos def rep any one with suggestions.

Appreciate it :smokin

I'm sure someone will go into more detail with advice but DO NOT take creatine since you're just starting out. Wait till you're at least 6 months to a year in the game. You don't need it yet.
Pick to do either DB or BB and up dem weightz, its unnecessary to do both in one workout.
We like doing them though. We do about 4-5 working sets on the BB and 3 working sets on the DB.

Right now it was:

135 (warmup)






Felt great after that.

DB was:




This has given us results the past 2 months. Might switch it up within a couple months and go heavier on the DB then do BB.
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So I am a 6 ft 5 tooth pick - roughly around 180 lbs ... I just joined a gym. I do work and school; both full time.

I'd say that I have 4 possible days out the week that I can definitely visit the gym for 30 minutes to an hour. I really want to work on my chest - I swear that is concaved :x:smh::\

Can any of my NT brethrens recommend;

1. A starter work out routine, that can be done within an hour
2. A quality weight gainer protein shake. I'll take quality over taste.
3. Healthy foods with a good amount of calories, so that I can boost my intake, and start adding weight finally

Side bar question ::: Do you guys suggest that I also do a creatine mix as well? And if so, should it be seperate from the Protein shake, or should I purchase a Protein/Creatine combination mix?

Thank you guys so much for any advice. Will mos def rep any one with suggestions.

Appreciate it :smokin

1. 4 days a week is more than enough. I'm assuming your school has a school gym - shouldn't be that hard to make time before/after/during class to get your work in. I'd suggest Starting Strength or Greyskull LP - both are solid beginner plans based on barbell lifts. In terms of putting on size, your diet is much more important.
2. I don't think you need a specific weight gainer powder - but I am a proponent of drinking calories if you're trying to put on size. If you want a good quality, good tasting shake - I suggest whole milk, a chocolate protein powder, scoop of almond/peanut butter, maybe some cinnamon, some frozen fruit (bananners, mangos, berries, use your imagination). If you care about quality, do this, not some weight gainer powder filled with extra carbs.
3. Foods - see above shake. Solid foods - I'm a big proponent of grassfed beef - Whole Foods round my area will usually sell it for around $6 a pound, so it's not cost prohibitive. Chicken's fine too, but less calorie-dense. My main carb sources are brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oats - all of which can be eaten in large quantities if prepared right. Try cinnamon on your sweet potatoes. I personally refrain from going super gluten heavy when bulking because I'm pretty sensitive to it. Don't be afraid of using butter, olive oil, and coconut oil in your recipes. I'd avoid cooking sprays and veggie oils.
Peanut and almond butters are very solid ways of getting in your cals also.
Also dark chocolate for dessert is a nice way of ending the day.

I've always found bulking quite easy if you aren't stupid pressed for time for food prep and shopping, and you're fully committed. It does get expensive though, so you may want to quit spending money on frivolous **** like beers and sneakers while you're at it.

Also - Legendary Stinson - can you explain why he shouldn't be taking creatine as a beginner?
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So I am a 6 ft 5 tooth pick - roughly around 180 lbs ... I just joined a gym. I do work and school; both full time.

I'd say that I have 4 possible days out the week that I can definitely visit the gym for 30 minutes to an hour. I really want to work on my chest - I swear that is concaved

Can any of my NT brethrens recommend;

1. A starter work out routine, that can be done within an hour
2. A quality weight gainer protein shake. I'll take quality over taste.
3. Healthy foods with a good amount of calories, so that I can boost my intake, and start adding weight finally

Side bar question ::: Do you guys suggest that I also do a creatine mix as well? And if so, should it be seperate from the Protein shake, or should I purchase a Protein/Creatine combination mix?

Thank you guys so much for any advice. Will mos def rep any one with suggestions.

Appreciate it
if youre pressed for time but still wanna work the chest and get a workout in, just start doing pushups. best place to start is with the basics. i remember when i started lifting i would run for 5 min on the tread, then do 20 pushups, alternating back and fourth for about 30 min. this is a very basic idea of HIIT 
1. 4 days a week is more than enough. I'm assuming your school has a school gym - shouldn't be that hard to make time before/after/during class to get your work in. I'd suggest Starting Strength or Greyskull LP - both are solid beginner plans based on barbell lifts. In terms of putting on size, your diet is much more important.
2. I don't think you need a specific weight gainer powder - but I am a proponent of drinking calories if you're trying to put on size. If you want a good quality, good tasting shake - I suggest whole milk, a chocolate protein powder, scoop of almond/peanut butter, maybe some cinnamon, some frozen fruit (bananners, mangos, berries, use your imagination). If you care about quality, do this, not some weight gainer powder filled with extra carbs.
3. Foods - see above shake. Solid foods - I'm a big proponent of grassfed beef - Whole Foods round my area will usually sell it for around $6 a pound, so it's not cost prohibitive. Chicken's fine too, but less calorie-dense. My main carb sources are brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oats - all of which can be eaten in large quantities if prepared right. Try cinnamon on your sweet potatoes. I personally refrain from going super gluten heavy when bulking because I'm pretty sensitive to it. Don't be afraid of using butter, olive oil, and coconut oil in your recipes. I'd avoid cooking sprays and veggie oils.
Peanut and almond butters are very solid ways of getting in your cals also.
Also dark chocolate for dessert is a nice way of ending the day.

I've always found bulking quite easy if you aren't stupid pressed for time for food prep and shopping, and you're fully committed. It does get expensive though, so you may want to quit spending money on frivolous **** like beers and sneakers while you're at it.

Also - Legendary Stinson - can you explain why he shouldn't be taking creatine as a beginner?
good info here. 
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