STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So when someone posts something about a new PR or something they have to give their life history in the gym? FOH stupid *** statement man CT was right about you mother ******* ******** talkin *** 

its hard to sense anger on the internet but u seem to be mad?
Have any of y'all worked out while on a vegan diet? Lately I've been watching a bunch of docs on Netflix and it really opened my eyes to a bunch of things. So I've been searching for a good hemp protein I can potentially use. I was at Trader Joes and realized their protein has more carbs than actual protein.
ducktales no way u getting 225x10 at 150lbs, maybe total but nt in a single set

Single working set yes, but meh, I don't have much to prove here, what is lying on NT gonna do for me?

I just said this is general because I lifted hardcore with supplements/diet/etc. my senior year in high school and made gains for about 2 years straight. But fast forward 6 years later, I'm at the same weight I lifted then because I've been lifting on and off, not as serious, focused on cardio more (ran a couple half marathons, marathons, tough mudders, etc.), but for now, my minds back into lifting seriously not just a random 3 times a week just to go to the gym.

Besides that, I didn't say that to boast, I felt that 225X10 at 150 was not insane or unheard of, but doable for someone who has lifted. Plus I've always wanted that magic 300 # lol.

BTW, worst feeling is when a cheat meal turns into a cheat day, especially when your with the family. Oh well, new day, new week, new month. Let's get it NT.
ducktales no way u getting 225x10 at 150lbs, maybe total but nt in a single set

Single working set yes, but meh, I don't have much to prove here, what is lying on NT gonna do for me?

I just said this is general because I lifted hardcore with supplements/diet/etc. my senior year in high school and made gains for about 2 years straight. But fast forward 6 years later, I'm at the same weight I lifted then because I've been lifting on and off, not as serious, focused on cardio more (ran a couple half marathons, marathons, tough mudders, etc.), but for now, my minds back into lifting seriously not just a random 3 times a week just to go to the gym.

Besides that, I didn't say that to boast, I felt that 225X10 at 150 was not insane or unheard of, but doable for someone who has lifted. Plus I've always wanted that magic 300 # lol.

BTW, worst feeling is when a cheat meal turns into a cheat day, especially when your with the family. Oh well, new day, new week, new month. Let's get it NT.

225x10 puts your 1 rep max near 300. Which means you have a 2x bodyweight. That is freakish strong and very rare.

Do you have short arms by any chance?
Have any of y'all worked out while on a vegan diet? Lately I've been watching a bunch of docs on Netflix and it really opened my eyes to a bunch of things. So I've been searching for a good hemp protein I can potentially use. I was at Trader Joes and realized their protein has more carbs than actual protein.

Been down that road. Not worth it. Most of the arguments for veganism are related to animal rights, but quality, humane sources of animal products are very readily available (grassfed meats, pastured dairy and eggs).

As far as the health aspect, I don't believe there is anything to be gained from veganism. Meat provides many essential nutrients in bioavailable forms (zinc, omega 3s, iron, vit b12, etc.). That doesn't mean that vegans can't be successful, but it isn't a true vegan diet and significant supplementation is needed.

I would argue that you would be better off by trying a paleo diet for 1 month and seeing what results it produces. A paleo-type diet will be more successful in my experience, will facilitate better performance, health, and less stress than a vegan approach. You may want to check out the works of Robb Wolf and Mathieu Lalonde, they are very scientific about their approach to nutrition, with large backgrounds in health sciences. There have been dietary studies performed with a paleolithic approach that have shown significant positive results when compared to various other dietary strategies. Just some food for thought...
So tomorrow/today is April 1. Keeping summer in mind, is it too late to start eating at a surplus? If so, can someone help with caloric intake? 5'10, 181lb


Trutein cinnabun scoop, 6 whites and a whole egg, 2T sweetener and a bit more cinnamon in a shaker cup made 5. 292cal/5 fat 2.5net carb 52pro
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at my strongest, i used to do full sets of 225 weighing at around 160-165. So its believable @150. I weigh 150 now, and i can do maybe like 3-4 reps max smh.
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Alright, im 6'1 but i have really long arms, is there a way to make my bench press any more comfortable

Taking this morning after waking up. Completely relaxed minus the obvious. No BS tricks to make me look better.

Weighed in at 197.4. I'm 6'1. Aiming to cut to 190 over the next five weeks before I run Pittsburgh and head to the beach.

I don't think the pic does my size and definition justice, but there it is. The hair also kills my definition. I'd love everyone to see my calf veins, but the jungle hides them :lol:
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Trutein cinnabun scoop, 6 whites and a whole egg, 2T sweetener and a bit more cinnamon in a shaker cup made 5. 292cal/5 fat 2.5net carb 52pro

No water or milk? I just got the Trutein cinnabun and OMG :smokin Not sure if it was you who recommended it a couple pages back but whoever did, thanks *praise*
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I was talking about it :lol:

No other liquid other than the eggs you're mixing them with, it's that awesome. I just used a Blender Bottle, didn't eem dirty more stuff to prep, that's how awesome and simple the recipe is haha
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