STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So i got word today that the Golds Gym i go to will no longer be called Golds Gym anymore. Now, because of a divorce the wife is keeping the gym & is not renewing the franchise tag "Golds Gym" it cost $25,000 per year just to have the name. 

She is changing the name to "Viva fitness" 

Im like 

Is this seriously the best she could come up with? Sounds like some straight up ***** ishhh but its whatever i guess
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Well guys, decided to back to boxing. Put on 25lbs since my abs pic that everyone seemed to hate, lol. If anyone knows any random "fighting" type workouts I'd appreciate it. Need to keep it fresh and new.

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Is that chipotle? I've never eaten at chipotle before and all this talk of it is making me really want to try it.
Is that chipotle? I've never eaten at chipotle before and all this talk of it is making me really want to try it.

yup, for some reason seeing it online makes it look bigger. When I use to see Ogus with em it looked huge, could be because I didnt do rice, guac, etc etc but I hilled mines in a few min.
Hopped on the 5 minutes in and quit. Decided I'd rather hoop for a couple hours. :pimp:
Is that chipotle? I've never eaten at chipotle before and all this talk of it is making me really want to try it.

yup, for some reason seeing it online makes it look bigger. When I use to see Ogus with em it looked huge, could be because I didnt do rice, guac, etc etc but I hilled mines in a few min.

It's definitely huge, pause.

And AG, just listen to music to distract yourself. I am the same way on my elliptical but I found out about "megamixes" on Youtube and like Cashin Out for example is 20 minutes long so I'll just run through that, then lift or something, come back and do it again and I got my good amount of minutes in. Also if possible, watch tv during.
went to the gym last night, quite possibly the worst workout of my short lifting life.

im doing stronglifts 5x5.

ive been seeing great gains this past month, but last night i went to do squats and my lower back tightend up so bad i could barely move for like 5 minutes. thats never happened to me before, killed my entire workout. do i just need rest, go back down on weight, or is my technique messed up?
happy i finally get to drink coffee tomorrow!!!!!!! too bad i use too much sugar but im so happy
Man I eat a ton of food and I'm hungry in 5 minutes... Just ate :nerd:z of chicken, 450g of sweet potato fries and 1 1/2 cup of broccoli is chugged 4 glasses of water. I use to chew gum to help with my appetite but stopped after it messed up my teeth and the sugar alcohol had me with the runs. Interested to hear what some of u guys do when u get that "starving" feeling after u just ate.
same thing with me, im always eating, mainly healthy stuff though so im not too worried. plus, my metabolism is ridiculous, i cant gain weight to save my life. i usually stick to raw almonds and fruit to cut down my hunger between meals 
What are some ab/core workouts that DO NOT strain your neck? Man I hate doing crunches.... preferably things at home, I'm not one to go to the gym.

Right now (and pretty much my whole life) I could always see the outline of a 6 pack, but never an actual pack
I think I finally want to try and make it more defined.
ditto on the diet thing to get abs, but to answer your question, try leg lifts or scisscor kicks 
whats the deal with that ON natural whey compare to the regular?
is it suppose to be better?....healthier?

No artificial sweeteners

I'm sure everyone will be having cheat meals tomorrow... Enjoy them. I personally can't wait to have some Mac & cheese (whole wheat macaroni so it's somewhat good lol) I will be staying off the deserts tho
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I really need a SOLID Chest routine, for size and strength.

Right now im doing:

Barbell Bench
Barbell Incline
Machine Fly
Cable Fly
Machine Chest Press

Dumbbell Bench
Dumbbell Incline
Dumbbell Fly

I try to get in 4-5 sets with about 7-10 reps per set.
I really need a SOLID Chest routine, for size and strength.

Right now im doing:

Barbell Bench
Barbell Incline
Machine Fly
Cable Fly
Machine Chest Press

Dumbbell Bench
Dumbbell Incline
Dumbbell Fly

I try to get in 4-5 sets with about 7-10 reps per set.
Add dumbbell presses either incline or flat (or both) after your barbell workouts.

Also I would repeat everything on Friday with 80% of your weight that you do Monday. Give you a nice little rest then hit chest hard again Monday.

Thats what I do and I got my bench max to 245 from 185 in only a few weeks. It may be noob gains still, but im pushing 4 nice reps on 245, in a few more weeks im sure I can do 8 clean reps and ill move up in weight again.
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