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I was asking cuz my main is having the same issue, I sent him just some different articles about how to combat that--- they say the key is to "tone" while you drop weight? Like do toning exercises that target that area.

I also wanted to know if other people in the thread could offer some insight?
I was asking cuz my main is having the same issue, I sent him just some different articles about how to combat that--- they say the key is to "tone" while you drop weight? Like do toning exercises that target that area.

I also wanted to know if other people in the thread could offer some insight?

Can't really spot reduce if that's what you mean. Key to not having loose skin from what I've seen is high protein, a lot of water, and loosing weight slow and steady
No easy way patty, drop calories, clean diet, leafy greens, omega 3s, lift with more reps as heavy as you can, and a **** ton more cardio than you ever wanted to do. He should add more squats/dead lifts to help develop that V, bigger muscles around that area you can feel might serve as a distraction for you till the fat is off. And time, won't happen overnight, dudes in here at it for years still complain about that region.
Can't really spot reduce if that's what you mean. Key to not having loose skin from what I've seen is high protein, a lot of water, and loosing weight slow and steady

no... I don't mean "spot reduce".... just from what I read is that while you are overall losing weight there are certain exercises that will limit loose skin. Not like where you ONLY want to loose weight around your waistline. In the article I did see where they mentioned eating lots of protein.

And now I can't find the article :smh:
Oh loose skin? Thought you just meant the stubborn fat. Yeah, protein, build muscle it will tighten over time. All else fails... Surgery
Just out of curiosity, what is it about him or his words that make you take his advice?

My take away is to just not overthink and just do. You can get caught up in the minutia when the bigger picture is just being active, consistent and engaged.

Just out of curiosity, what is it about him or his words that make you take his advice?

His advice isnt very like..I dont know how to say this but it isnt more advice-like, its more motivational-esque.

His basic thing is move that weight, go do SOMETHING. Just ****ing do it. I like that type of attitude. 75lb dumbell press is too hard for you? **** it and give it a try. Thats how I see it.

I can get down with that.
To all my brahs going glove less, and are worried about calluses ripping, peep this vid. Oly lifters now that they're talking about when it comes to hand care (dude in the video is one of USA's top weightlifters). First 6 mins talks about hand care, then he moves on to what to do it a calluses tears during a workout

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Gonna be up in the gym with crutches. I don't give a F

My ankle is pretty bad :smh:
Been Watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix during Cardio makes it go by so fast.

Side notes on Season 1 Tim Riggins at the Roast was straight IDC IDC IDC FOR DA LULZ HA HA HA.
FNL is legit! Riggins is my dude. When I was on the elliptical for an hour I would watch Netflix and time would fly!
Dat feel when your slim pants turn into skinny.

Brb, leg day.
I know the feel well.  Went to a client meeting on thursday, and had to stay seated the entire time.  Making some solid gains in hammys and quads.  Calves coming along too.
If something like your grip is keeping you from getting up more weight, use chalk, straps, or gloves...i mean, at the end of the day it is weightlifting, yanno? Like others have said, it's all about personal preference.

I'm actually going out today to buy some straps for my deadlift days.

A weak grip will prevent you from lifting maximal weights, as will any other weak link. If you can't grip on the bar tightly, your nervous system will not be activated to a large extent. Using straps on deadlifts to compensate for weak grip will lead to overreliance on straps in the future. Your grip will not be developed from deadlifts using straps and will continue to be the weak link in your deadlifting.

Most bodybuilders complain about small forearms, but aren't willing to do anything except wrist curls. If you look anatomically, the wrists and hands have many functions: pronation, supination, extension, flexion, radial flexion, ulnar flexion, finger flexion, finger extension, support, pinch grip, etc. If you only train one or two of these numerous functions, and use straps for the rest, it's no surprise many bodybuilders have forearms that resemble those of stamp collectors'.
Man I eat a ton of food and I'm hungry in 5 minutes... Just ate :nerd:z of chicken, 450g of sweet potato fries and 1 1/2 cup of broccoli is chugged 4 glasses of water. I use to chew gum to help with my appetite but stopped after it messed up my teeth and the sugar alcohol had me with the runs. Interested to hear what some of u guys do when u get that "starving" feeling after u just ate.
Man I eat a ton of food and I'm hungry in 5 minutes... Just ate :nerd:z of chicken, 450g of sweet potato fries and 1 1/2 cup of broccoli is chugged 4 glasses of water. I use to chew gum to help with my appetite but stopped after it messed up my teeth and the sugar alcohol had me with the runs. Interested to hear what some of u guys do when u get that "starving" feeling after u just ate.
Look in the mirror 
The crazy thing about the human body I weight less but feel "bigger" and I strongly doubt some of my mass was hiding under fat.

I'm looking to start cutting on Monday, but I'm in need of a proper routine and diet to follow. Anyone willing to share some routines/diet plans here (or via PM). Greatly appreciated (will rep you cause I know that's everything on NT :lol: ) .

Current height: 5'11"
Current weight: 175LBS.

Thanks to anyone who helps.
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What are some ab/core workouts that DO NOT strain your neck? Man I hate doing crunches.... preferably things at home, I'm not one to go to the gym.

Right now (and pretty much my whole life) I could always see the outline of a 6 pack, but never an actual pack :lol: I think I finally want to try and make it more defined.
What are some ab/core workouts that DO NOT strain your neck? Man I hate doing crunches.... preferably things at home, I'm not one to go to the gym.

Right now (and pretty much my whole life) I could always see the outline of a 6 pack, but never an actual pack :lol: I think I finally want to try and make it more defined.

Abs are made in the kitchen. Core workouts will make them bigger if you wanna say that but lowering your BF is what brings them out.
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