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Steezy, file your calluses down. If you pop or blister them, it hurts way more than normal skin.
My wrists are just under 6 inches... Gloves help a ton in easing the pressure on my wrists.
Those 50lb+ dumbbells are no joke with tiny wrists.

You need to strengthen your forearms and grip. The only thing gloves might do would be to increase your ability to hold onto a weight, which could be better accomplished with chalk (there are also liquid chalks available for those of you whose gyms don't allow the powder).

Gloves are for dorks, they don't allow for the grip to be fully trained. If you have calluses so bad that they tear, you need to learn to take care of your hands and file your calluses.
wear them like a badge of honor


i fear the day....
wear them like a badge of honor


i fear the day....

if there's one thing i truly dislike about crossfit (outside of racing through reps with heavy weights), it's subjecting people to a million kipping pull ups and unnecessarily tearing up people's hands.
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Chipotle - chicken burrito bowl, brown rice, no sour cream, no cheese, all the veggies. I also split it up into two meals.

Not sure I follow but what is the issue with wearing gloves?
Grip strength, from my experiences. With gloves, the bar slips from my hands when i go heavy on deadlifts. With bare hands, I have no problem.
Its personal preference whether you like to use gloves or not. I just dont cause I like to feel the bar. I feel like I cant get a good grip on any type of bar if I wear gloves. They need to make SUPER thin gloves. Even the branded thin gloves still have a lot of padding.
If something like your grip is keeping you from getting up more weight, use chalk, straps, or gloves...i mean, at the end of the day it is weightlifting, yanno? Like others have said, it's all about personal preference.

I'm actually going out today to buy some straps for my deadlift days.
I just started getting into the gym to lift in the past month of so, I was never really a lifter, but I have been squating and now that I am getting to heavier weight (considering my lack of lifting experience), my knees are starting to hurt. only when I squat though, actually couldnt finish my squat set yesterday because of it. not so much that the weight was too heavy but my knees just didnt seem like they could take it so I stopped before something bad happened... crazy thing is when I went on to deadlifts (with heavier weight) My knees didnt hurt at all.... just when I get to about that 90 degree angle, I feel a weird sensation. Am I doing it wrong or is it just that my knees are really weak and need time to catch up to the rest of my body?
I just started getting into the gym to lift in the past month of so, I was never really a lifter, but I have been squating and now that I am getting to heavier weight (considering my lack of lifting experience), my knees are starting to hurt. only when I squat though, actually couldnt finish my squat set yesterday because of it. not so much that the weight was too heavy but my knees just didnt seem like they could take it so I stopped before something bad happened... crazy thing is when I went on to deadlifts (with heavier weight) My knees didnt hurt at all.... just when I get to about that 90 degree angle, I feel a weird sensation. Am I doing it wrong or is it just that my knees are really weak and need time to catch up to the rest of my body?

Sounds like it probably is your technique. When squatting you should be able to see your feet if you were to look down during the squat. If you can't see them it proabably means you are hyperextending the knee. My suggestion is to lower the weight a little more and be sure to get the technique right. Technique>>>>>Weight Amount. Not worth having knee issues when you're older
good **** Luck!

Aye, what are they advising you to do to burn the "handles" on the side? So your skin is tight around your abdomen/waist ?

I drink a gal of water a day or at least on days I walk into a gym I was obese so I was/ I am losing like 2-3 lbs a week and I've taken a week every so often where I eat at maintinace multiple days and don't lose weight but where I'm getting at is don't loose weight too fast where your body can't adjust. My love handles are soft because its fat but my love handles and moobs are flapped and saggy like I've seen others and I pray it doesn't happen to me. I'm cutting at 1750 cals right now but when I get to 220 I think my cals would be at like 1500 to lose 2lbs so I might up my cals ain't aim for 1lb a week. I'll see when I get there.
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