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i did something like this awhile back. juts make sure you drop enough weight to do all three sets

back when i tried it, i didnt drop down enough weight so i didnt finish all my reps, which kinda defeated the whole purpose. for instance, i usually warm up with 135 on bench, easily getting 20 reps. but since i didnt wanna feel like i was taking a step back, i never dropped below 135, so by the third set, i only got about 7-10 
Yea I was doing 95 on bench today :lol:

I've spent this week figuring out what weights I should be doing, plan on doing ~3-4 weeks of it then going back to heavy.

Been leaving the gym with a crazy pump :lol:
CT Fletcher is wild :lol:

If he was in my gym while I was lifting I think I'd get annoyed though, he makes so much noise :lol:
CT Fletcher is that dude. Been looking at his videos and I like his attitude when it comes to lifting. Just ****ing do it.

"**** your ROM".

:lol:  Dude is gully.
No F's given son. His outlook on lifting is rare these days. One of my favorite quotes of his is "F*** you overtraining ************* i already told you, ain't no such thing as overtraining".

Which im really starting to think is true, back in the day bodybuilders would do chest or legs or arms etc... 3 times a week just because they can. For example, there's this dude i used to work with a few years ago. An absolute beast, he would do 500 pushups, 1500 pullups (he could do sets of 50, seriously)  & 30 minutes on the treadmill every morning, then at night after work, he would hit the weights & do another 30 minutes on the treadmill. His caloric intake was off the hook though, i would walk into the break room & he'd have the biggest chicken salad ever, a banana, an apple, a protein shake, granola bar, cup cakes, chips & a v8. Just unreal. 

I listen & take advice from my dude from work, CT Fletcher & people of their likeness, not what flex magazine & supplement companies want us to believe. 

Just out of curiosity, what is it about him or his words that make you take his advice?
I believe that is the standard price for 5lbs. ^^^^

I've been reading that Houston Texans manual and following their workouts along with my own lifting. Its been very helpful. Thanks to whoever posted it
It was me... just saying lol
just looked at the socialblade #s for fouseytube and fouseyfitness. i have to say i'm super impressed at the income that generates. i think your vids suck but obviously many people don't. you have found a great niche to market yourself in. kudos to you sir and have fun in san diego.
Kale is considered bitter by most. It is in a smoothie so I don't really taste it. I use a lot of celery in the green shake anyways.
Can someone explain BCAA to me? When it would be used also. I currently take a Amyno post workout which contains BCAA's. What would the difference be in taking BCAA pills instead of my post workout drink.
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Can someone explain BCAA to me? When it would be used also. I currently take a Amyno post workout which contains BCAA's. What would the difference be in taking BCAA pills instead of my post workout drink.

There are 9 essential Amino Acids (the building blocks of proteins). Of those, there are 3 that have a specific, branched structure: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAA supplements include those 3 amino acids, but many supplements use different ratios of the 3. Leucine is the main effector and stimulates most of the gains, which is why many supplements have 4 to 8 times as much leucine as isoleucine and valine. Some also include Glutamine, which has been shown to be conditionally essential.

If you wanted to use BCAAs, you would need to dose fairly high: 20-50g per workout. They are helpful for recovery, especially in hard training phases or when trying to gain muscle or lose body fat.

Whey protein and the other various protein powders usually include all 20 amino acids. If you took 20g of BCAAs, you are getting 20g of BCAAs. If you took 20g of whey, you get 5g of BCAAs, which isn't necessarily bad. The other amino acids are also important for protein synthesis and recovery.
Anybody here smokes a bowl before and after workout? My pre workout supplement is a cup of coffee and a bowl, i love working out high. then my post workout supp is a scoop of protein shake and another bowl to relax my muscles lol
Ate 4 sour patch kids last night after a glass of crown royal lol felt guilty after each one i ate

Don't know how anyone can not do least squats....its fun :lol: maybe im crazy. We've gotten a bunch of gym allstars at my gym the past couple of days. This dude was doing DB seated shoulder press with 110lb dbs...pumping through sets of 8 it was casual....there aren't that many huge dudes at my gym....i was next to him doing db bench with 70s lol 0 dambz.
You know's what better than eating sweets? Buying a sweet and then making it inedible. Douse that piece of apple pie from the market with french onion dressing and salsa, mash it all up and then throw it away. It feels great. Try it.
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