STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


ON is generally pretty good tasting, and I just mix with water. The cappuccino or frappuccino flavor was amazing. Which it was more common.
i did 100 pull ups today more close grip than wide. i hope they help getting cuts in my arms. most i've ever did in one day in my life i did have a redbull today maybe that helped

I command you to grow !! 22" arms.
damn my homie used to have a hookup for $30 for a 10lb bag of ON. :frown: miss those days.

but recently i've been taking BSN syntha 6. caught a deal on slick deals, a 2.81lb tub for ~$21 shipped. bought two. tastes good, IMO.
Here's a 3 day routine I found on a while ago that might interest anyone looking for a new routine. I've been doing it with a few tweaks here and there:

Mutaff's 3- Day Split

Monday: Pulling (Back/Biceps/Deadlift)
- Deadlifts (3 sets)
- Chins (3 sets)
- One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (2 sets) (replaced with barbell rows)
- Close Grip Pulldowns (2 sets)
- Barbell Curls (2 sets)
- Hammer Curls (1 set)

Wednesday: Pushing (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets)
- Incline Barbell Bench Press (2 sets)
- Dips (2 sets)
- Seated Dumbbell Military Press (3 sets)
- Overhead Dumbbell Extension (2 sets) (replaced with skull crushers)
- Side Laterals (2 sets)
- Pushdowns (2 sets)
- Cable Crossover / Pec Deck (1 set)

Friday: Lower Body (Legs)
- Squats (4 sets)
- Strait Leg Deadlifts (2 sets)
- Walking Lunges (2 sets) - (replaced with front squats)
- Leg Curl / Feet High Leg Press Superset (2 sets) (I don't do this)
- Calf Raises (3 sets)

First compound movement 3-5 rep
Next compound movement 5-8 rep[

hmm might start doing this

could you explain what i bolded
Compound movements are can make a living on squats, deads, bench, and rows...I bet you will see muscle and strength gains from those four lifts alone
Idk how people do chest once a week, or any body part once a week. Convenience?

I felt like I progressed very slowly, or had no progress at all doing a body part once a week. Then again what works for me wont work for everyone else...

If you're very advanced and are training with high loads, lower frequency can be used. For example, if you're deadlifting 500+ lbs for reps, it can be very stressful to train more than once per week. If you're only deadlifting 150 lbs, the amount of stress is significantly less. That doesn't mean that an advanced deadlifter can't do other posterior chain training at other times in the week, but the rate of recovery (of the nervous system primarily) is quite slow for these maximal weights. It is dependent on the loading, but also the movement, muscles recruited, rep range, total volume of the session, and recovery techniques used.

Of course there are people at both ends of the spectrum. John Broz's athletes are training 13 times per week with high loads in squats and olympic lifts. Athletes in gymnastics, olympic weightlifting, martial arts, etc. train frequently for years with progress. It requires adaptation and you will "overtrain" but have to work through it and you will eventually adapt. I have used up to 6 days per week (of low volume) of certain movement patterns with success. You don't have to build up to 13 times per week, but you may want to experiment with various frequencies and see what works best for you.

There are people that train certain movements literally, once every 2 weeks. In my opinion these are useless for the majority of people.
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CT Fletcher is that dude. Been looking at his videos and I like his attitude when it comes to lifting. Just ****ing do it.

"**** your ROM".

 Dude is gully.
First compound movement 3-5 rep
Next compound movement 5-8 rep

hmm might start doing this

could you explain what i bolded

For example for back day, there's 2 compounds movements, deadlift and barbell row/DB row. With the deadlift being the first movement and more taxing you'd do 3-5 reps. Then on the BB/DB rows you'd do 5-8.

It was included in the original routine, I personally just aim for either 3-5 or 4-6 reps, depending on the exercise, for my first exercise. Then 6-8 for the rest of my workout.
CT Fletcher is that dude. Been looking at his videos and I like his attitude when it comes to lifting. Just ****ing do it.

"**** your ROM".

 Dude is gully.
No F's given son. His outlook on lifting is rare these days. One of my favorite quotes of his is "F*** you overtraining ************* i already told you, ain't no such thing as overtraining".

Which im really starting to think is true, back in the day bodybuilders would do chest or legs or arms etc... 3 times a week just because they can. For example, there's this dude i used to work with a few years ago. An absolute beast, he would do 500 pushups, 1500 pullups (he could do sets of 50, seriously)  & 30 minutes on the treadmill every morning, then at night after work, he would hit the weights & do another 30 minutes on the treadmill. His caloric intake was off the hook though, i would walk into the break room & he'd have the biggest chicken salad ever, a banana, an apple, a protein shake, granola bar, cup cakes, chips & a v8. Just unreal. 

I listen & take advice from my dude from work, CT Fletcher & people of their likeness, not what flex magazine & supplement companies want us to believe. 
CT Fletcher is that dude. Been looking at his videos and I like his attitude when it comes to lifting. Just ****ing do it.

"**** your ROM".

:lol:  Dude is gully.
No F's given son. His outlook on lifting is rare these days. One of my favorite quotes of his is "F*** you overtraining ************* i already told you, ain't no such thing as overtraining".

Which im really starting to think is true, back in the day bodybuilders would do chest or legs or arms etc... 3 times a week just because they can. For example, there's this dude i used to work with a few years ago. An absolute beast, he would do 500 pushups, 1500 pullups (he could do sets of 50, seriously)  & 30 minutes on the treadmill every morning, then at night after work, he would hit the weights & do another 30 minutes on the treadmill. His caloric intake was off the hook though, i would walk into the break room & he'd have the biggest chicken salad ever, a banana, an apple, a protein shake, granola bar, cup cakes, chips & a v8. Just unreal. 

I listen & take advice from my dude from work, CT Fletcher & people of their likeness, not what flex magazine & supplement companies want us to believe. 

Earlier in this thraed I said "theres no such thing as overtraining only under eating" and I got flamed and stone faced to hell :lol:

OBVIOUSLY to a certain extent but for the most part i believe its true
You got some smoothie recipes you can share?
1. My post-workout shake
Almond Milk
Frozen Bananas
Peanut Butter
Old Fashioned Oats

2. Green Smoothie
Frozen Bananas
Fresh Ginger

3. Fake Sorbet
Almond Milk (not a lot)
Frozen Bananas
Fresh Ginger

***I do not use unfrozen fruit in smoothies. This way I don't have to use flavorless ice cubes to thicken/chill my smoothies. I allow my bananas to get a little ripe (black spots) and then I cut each banana into 3 pieces and place them all into a gallon zip lock bag and place into the freezer.***

My freezer is stocked with strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, kale.

I do not use these as meal replacements. I usually drink one in the AM with my breakfast (oatmeal + eggs of some sort).

And I drink one later on in the day,.
Just switched my routine from med/heavy weight, 6-10 reps x 3 sets to lightweight 20-25 reps x 3 sets. Thoughts?
Just switched my routine from med/heavy weight, 6-10 reps x 3 sets to lightweight 20-25 reps x 3 sets. Thoughts?
i did something like this awhile back. juts make sure you drop enough weight to do all three sets

back when i tried it, i didnt drop down enough weight so i didnt finish all my reps, which kinda defeated the whole purpose. for instance, i usually warm up with 135 on bench, easily getting 20 reps. but since i didnt wanna feel like i was taking a step back, i never dropped below 135, so by the third set, i only got about 7-10 
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