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high school kid 700lb bench press

godly bench press is godly.

impressive as ****, regardless if hes using a bench shirt and/or if hes on dat dere gear

Surprised his arms are that strong to hold 700lbs and not snap or somethin
That is impressive. I heard those shirts won't even let you lift anything under like 400lbs.
Jared Veldheer. Real life Hulk.


dat wrist game meeeean
diuretic that people take before competitions. basically removes all excess water under the skin to get you to look vascular. now if you have a lot of body fat it's obviously not going to do what you think but if you're pretty much there and need to remove excess water to get best results it works. pissed a whole lot today but also took in 2+ gallons. will take until saturday.
Don't forget to rub preparation H on the abs before the comp Fam!! Gluck!!

Hit 245 on the bench, 4 good reps, 5 and 6 were eh.

Did 225 after a warm up of 135, then a 185 working set. 225, 8 reps, tough reps. 245 was the 6 reps, then did 245 again at 5 reps. Went for 225 again and did 6 GREAT reps.

Getting there folks. Working chest twice a week has been doing wonders for me. 
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I mean I cant think of any other exercises to do beside some wild gimmicky stuff or 1 hand alternatives of what I currently do.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Most people don't take advantage of all the variables involved in training. Tempo, sets, reps, time under tension, altering the strength curve(bands, chains), implement used (DB, BB), various joint positions, degree of incline, etc. Ideally you should be using a routine for 1-2 months at most. If you have been bench pressing for the past 6 months as your main pressing movement, I suggest you begin to focus on overhead pressing. Your bench press won't get weaker and you will continue to make progress. Focus on weak points, whether it is a muscle group, plane of movement, etc.

If you've focused on high reps for the last 1-2 months, begin to focus on strength for a mesocycle. Incorporate new stimuli such as grip, rotator cuff, or neck training. These new stimuli will improve your overall strength. There is ALOT of variation that can be had, you have to be creative and methodical. You can't just walk into a gym and make up a new routine every time, that will not cause any lasting adaptations. But you should be changing your routine regularly (every 3-8 sessions of the same kind).
Man why is it so hard to cook brown rice..?

My ex girl used to make it with chicken broth..

Every time I try its a fail.. Rice still be hard and ish 

I know one of you guys got that brown rice recipe 
With all this talk of switching up routines I've decided to switch it up next week

I've been doing the standard
M chest tri
T legs
W back/bi
R legs
F shoulders abs

I think I'm going to do a full body, primarily compound lifts MWF with cardio in between. I'm gonna do this for 4-6 weeks and see how I feel. After my Achilles rupture I haven't felt up for cardio but I'm starting to trust my leg again so here we go...
Man why is it so hard to cook brown rice..?
My ex girl used to make it with chicken broth..
Every time I try its a fail.. Rice still be hard and ish 

I know one of you guys got that brown rice recipe 

A lil bit more water and a tbl spoon of olive oil should do the trick
Idk how people do chest once a week, or any body part once a week. Convenience?

I felt like I progressed very slowly, or had no progress at all doing a body part once a week. Then again what works for me wont work for everyone else...
Idk how people do chest once a week, or any body part once a week. Convenience?

I felt like I progressed very slowly, or had no progress at all doing a body part once a week. Then again what works for me wont work for everyone else...

I feel you.depends on how fast your body heals though.I never like giving pointers when someone ask me a question about what I do or my form in the gym because everyone's body is different.I don't wanna be responsible if anyone gets hurt cause of a pointer I shared
Idk how people do chest once a week, or any body part once a week. Convenience?

I felt like I progressed very slowly, or had no progress at all doing a body part once a week. Then again what works for me wont work for everyone else...
I do each body part about 2x week. Low weight, medium range reps, super set everything, little rest between sets. Best routine I've ever come up with by far. Everything in comparison has been a total waste of time.
Legs its the only body part I do once a week, and deadlifts. Although I did just start doing them again...might bump up the deadlifts to twice a week within a few more weeks.
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