STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Bro, people go through dozens of routines until they find one that works and some NEVER find one that works. If what you are doing gets you results then why **** with it? I can understand if you've been doing your routine for a while and you aren't seeing gainz but as long as you are seeing gainz then don't change it. Keep doing it until you hit that plateau unless you think you are already there.
You just basically contradicted yourself bruh.
Bro, people go through dozens of routines until they find one that works and some NEVER find one that works. If what you are doing gets you results then why **** with it? I can understand if you've been doing your routine for a while and you aren't seeing gainz but as long as you are seeing gainz then don't change it. Keep doing it until you hit that plateau unless you think you are already there.

yeah as long as your getting stronger with your current routine I wouldn't bother changing it. Look how far you got with your current routine. Also your cutting you can only get so strong on a cut.
Ok havent been in here for a minute but I started doing the Starting Strength program about a month ago because I didnt like how weak my core and legs felt after a year or so of a solid gym routine.

I will admit I didnt adhere strictly to the diet recommendations because I work 30+hrs a week and attend class full time. I dont have the luxury of cooking potatoes and chicken every meal and I have a limited budget.

With that said my workouts were centered on only compound lifts- squats, deads, presses, pull ups..ect.

Even with some bad rest days and lack of intake I feel much stronger. After one month my squat weight has gone up from being able to rep 165x5 to 225x5. Deadlifts went from 275x5 to 335x5 (curious to know what my max would be now
). My overhead press went from 110x5 to 130x5 (slow progress likely due to crappy diet). Bench went from 170x5 to 205x5.

This program is simple, yet you bust your *** if you do it right. I would walk out of the gym after maybe 50 minutes of work just exhausted. I notice my quads are beginning to tone up and my center of balance is probably the best its ever been. I highly suggest those new to lifting to do this program because it sets the tone for whatever you decide to do next. I wish I did it when I first started but hey, the more ya know.
Ill cosign this entire post. Great program to start with. 
yeah as long as your getting stronger with your current routine I wouldn't bother changing it. Look how far you got with your current routine. Also your cutting you can only get so strong on a cut.
THIS. Cutting fat is your main goal, not making gains. Your good  I would only switch it up if you stop loosing weight.
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Man my routine is different daily lol. I'm one of those guys who focuses on a certain body part everyday but everyday is a different routine.

Chest day 2-3 xs a week but Its never the same in order. Somedays I started with bench..or dips...or flys. Switch it up
Been off preworkouts for about 3 weeks and my workouts feel so much more productive. I guess cuz I'm not so wired. Also been starting off with incline dumbbell press and my upper chest isn't lagging anymore :smokin
suppose to be cutting on sunday. but i might extend it an extra week.

Where do yall do your cardio @? i dont like running on machines and jogging outside.

I want to sprint. Idk i got a bball court around here. Maybe run on the court out there. But im look weird as hell.

Anyone run on beaches in sand?

Where do you live ? I live in west roxbury theres a bunch of parks and tracks.. go to a football field or something

If you live near JP you could go to the arboretum or run around the jamaica pond .. i know a good amount of places in west roxbury/JP if you want any..

ive never run any but i plan on it :wow: :lol:
Here's a 3 day routine I found on a while ago that might interest anyone looking for a new routine. I've been doing it with a few tweaks here and there:

Mutaff's 3- Day Split

Monday: Pulling (Back/Biceps/Deadlift)
- Deadlifts (3 sets)
- Chins (3 sets)
- One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (2 sets) (replaced with barbell rows)
- Close Grip Pulldowns (2 sets)
- Barbell Curls (2 sets)
- Hammer Curls (1 set)

Wednesday: Pushing (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets)
- Incline Barbell Bench Press (2 sets)
- Dips (2 sets)
- Seated Dumbbell Military Press (3 sets)
- Overhead Dumbbell Extension (2 sets) (replaced with skull crushers)
- Side Laterals (2 sets)
- Pushdowns (2 sets)
- Cable Crossover / Pec Deck (1 set)

Friday: Lower Body (Legs)
- Squats (4 sets)
- Strait Leg Deadlifts (2 sets)
- Walking Lunges (2 sets) - (replaced with front squats)
- Leg Curl / Feet High Leg Press Superset (2 sets) (I don't do this)
- Calf Raises (3 sets)

First compound movement 3-5 rep
Next compound movement 5-8 rep
Here's a 3 day routine I found on a while ago that might interest anyone looking for a new routine. I've been doing it with a few tweaks here and there:

Mutaff's 3- Day Split

Monday: Pulling (Back/Biceps/Deadlift)
- Deadlifts (3 sets)
- Chins (3 sets)
- One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (2 sets) (replaced with barbell rows)
- Close Grip Pulldowns (2 sets)
- Barbell Curls (2 sets)
- Hammer Curls (1 set)

Wednesday: Pushing (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets)
- Incline Barbell Bench Press (2 sets)
- Dips (2 sets)
- Seated Dumbbell Military Press (3 sets)
- Overhead Dumbbell Extension (2 sets) (replaced with skull crushers)
- Side Laterals (2 sets)
- Pushdowns (2 sets)
- Cable Crossover / Pec Deck (1 set)

Friday: Lower Body (Legs)
- Squats (4 sets)
- Strait Leg Deadlifts (2 sets)
- Walking Lunges (2 sets) - (replaced with front squats)
- Leg Curl / Feet High Leg Press Superset (2 sets) (I don't do this)
- Calf Raises (3 sets)

First compound movement 3-5 rep
Next compound movement 5-8 rep

Think I'm gonna give this a try.

Something new
high school kid 700lb bench press

godly bench press is godly.

impressive as ****, regardless if hes using a bench shirt and/or if hes on dat dere gear

Surprised his arms are that strong to hold 700lbs and not snap or somethin
Man hurt my knee at soccer last was supposed to be legs day....guess it just turned into chest day and hopefully i can get legs in Saturday or sunday instead.
Where do you live ? I live in west roxbury theres a bunch of parks and tracks.. go to a football field or something

If you live near JP you could go to the arboretum or run around the jamaica pond .. i know a good amount of places in west roxbury/JP if you want any..

ive never run any but i plan on it :wow: :lol:

Summertime I recommend hitting up Harvard football stadium and running the stairs. There is also a track/field there as well.
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