STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

suppose to be cutting on sunday. but i might extend it an extra week.

Where do yall do your cardio @? i dont like running on machines and jogging outside.

I want to sprint. Idk i got a bball court around here. Maybe run on the court out there. But im look weird as hell.

Anyone run on beaches in sand?
suppose to be cutting on sunday. but i might extend it an extra week.

Where do yall do your cardio @? i dont like running on machines and jogging outside.

I want to sprint. Idk i got a bball court around here. Maybe run on the court out there. But im look weird as hell.

Anyone run on beaches in sand?

I do the eliptical but swimming and hooping are good
17 pounds to go before I hit 100 lbs lost!
Keep it up bruh, you'll get there in no time.

If your gym has it, take a spin class. I did a 45 min class today and felt great. 
 Try Super HD and CLK by Cellucor if you think you might need assitance. Im taking it right now and its helping.
I've always thought high reps lower weight when bulking for hypertrophy. Low reps higher weight for cutting.

Anyone mind giving us a typical routine they do while cutting an one for bulking?
On legs day anyone do weighted step ups? Are they bad?

It is next on my list because i am getting bored of my regular routine : squats, lunges, stiff leg DL, hamstring curls, calves. I want to do maybe box step ups with dumbbells to replace lunges

Step ups are a good lower body movement to help balance the leg musculature. Split squats, lunges, and step ups can all be used with good success. There are many variations of the step up (front, side, barbell, dumbbell, peterson, etc.). You should also make sure that your lunge and split squat form is correct: your knees should go past your toes. Most people don't take a far enough stance on lunges and split squats

quick question

im a beginner and ive been doing 5x5 starting strength.

my past workout, my very last set on my bench, i was unable to to do 5 straight reps. i did 4, took a breather then pushed out the last one. does this mean i should do the same weight on the next go around? or do i still move up in weight next time?

Increase the weight in the next session. You were fatigued in the last set, and that might be fixed by resting slightly longer before your last set.

Melatonin should work for you. I'm 18 and have an Ambien prescription so that should give you an idea how bad I fall asleep lol.
It was so bad I couldn't remember half of my days last semester.

Melatonin shouldn't be used regularly. It's great when travelling across many time zones or for people with unregulated sleep schedules, but dependence on it is not good. The body should be able to produce the proper amount of melatonin, and supplementing for a few days will help coordinate when to secrete it.

Also, avoid screens (tvs, computers, phones, etc.) for an hour before bed. The light produced stimulates the brain similar to sunlight and makes it difficult to fall asleep. If you absolutely have to use the computer, download the program called F.lux. it changes the screen lighting according to your local sun schedule.

There are other things that can be used such as magnesium, meal composition before sleeping, etc. but these are the most important tips.

You dont breathe at all during the valsalva.
You're right. Not sure why I mixed them up in my previous post. Valsalva is forceful exhalation against a closed glottis. I used to use it, but stopped. I find that it's not very useful with training with certain tempos and durations.
I have. Easy way to get injured. It's extremely difficult finding sand that is the appropriate density. Not dense enough and you have no stability. Too dense and shin splints will catch you quickly.

Actually, running in sand is supposed to be unstable and that improves your ligament strength, and stabilizers in your body. We always ran in a sand pit at my college, and it helps prevent/rehab injuries.
Keep it up bruh, you'll get there in no time.

If your gym has it, take a spin class. I did a 45 min class today and felt great. 

 Try Super HD and CLK by Cellucor if you think you might need assitance. Im taking it right now and its helping.

They do have spin classes ill look into it.
Agreed. I think a lot of people think that if you lift moderately heavy weights, youre gonna end up looking like a bodybuilder.

I dont think the average Joe really knows what it takes to pack on a good amount of solid muscle. They think it happens by accident, relatively overnight.

This. I hate hearing people tell say "Oh I'd go to the gym but I don't want to get huge so I'm just gonna do 100 push ups and 100 pull ups a day." Or "I don't wanna get big so I'm just gonna bench press with these 30s for a year and get 'toned'." Pretty sure they're not tracking their calories let alone eat 3000+ a day plus to gain weight.
I always see girls asking questions about that on tumblr. They think if they lift 5 lb dumbbells a few times a week they're going to get jacked and get bulky.
Second week of Stew Smiths Navy Seal Fitness to get ready for the academy started today.

70 pullups

200+ pushups

400+ core movements

1.5 mile run in 10:05, then a 3.5 mile hill jog in 33:39.

Tomorrow is squats, cleans and sprints 
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Box Jumps holding dbs?!?

Why would you do that?
I used to hold a db in each hand (60lbs) and just sit on a seat and stand up. Any negatives to that? 

As long as youre controlling the movement on the way down, no negative to it at all. Just like box squats, just make sure you sit down softly on the seat.

On legs day anyone do weighted step ups? Are they bad?

It is next on my list because i am getting bored of my regular routine : squats, lunges, stiff leg DL, hamstring curls, calves. I want to do maybe box step ups with dumbbells to replace lunges

Weighted step ups are great. Just like nealraj said, you can vary the type of step ups being used. The one variation he didnt mentioned wwere crossover step ups. Theyre great for any sports involving lateral movements.

On legs day anyone do weighted step ups? Are they bad?

It is next on my list because i am getting bored of my regular routine : squats, lunges, stiff leg DL, hamstring curls, calves. I want to do maybe box step ups with dumbbells to replace lunges

Step ups are a good lower body movement to help balance the leg musculature. Split squats, lunges, and step ups can all be used with good success. There are many variations of the step up (front, side, barbell, dumbbell, peterson, etc.). You should also make sure that your lunge and split squat form is correct: your knees should go past your toes. Most people don't take a far enough stance on lunges and split squats

Wait, knees go past toes?

You dont breathe at all during the valsalva.
You're right. Not sure why I mixed them up in my previous post. Valsalva is forceful exhalation against a closed glottis. I used to use it, but stopped. I find that it's not very useful with training with certain tempos and durations.

Oh, no doubt. It works really well with some movements, but its not something that can be done across the board. If im deadlifting reps of 6, around rep 4 using the valsalva maneuver I find it incredibly difficult to maintain.
So i'm about 4 months deep in lifting again. This past week or so, my arms ache (not a beginners sore). Not to the point like its injured or anything, just after i work out i get a little pain like a bad sore. Is this from the muscle growing or what?
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