STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

gonna do some actual cardio tonight, been in the gym longer since me and my girl kinda split |I

I thought you had a hernia?

its either that for a muscle tear, i ended up not doing cardio because it hurt but it hasnt been bad as of late.

im going to the doctors tomorrow so ill see whats up. i cant stay out the gym especially at night but ive been feeling tons of pain while lifting and moving around but ive done enough damage, i doubt it could have gotten any worse.
quick question

im a beginner and ive been doing 5x5 starting strength.

my past workout, my very last set on my bench, i was unable to to do 5 straight reps. i did 4, took a breather then pushed out the last one. does this mean i should do the same weight on the next go around? or do i still move up in weight next time?
On legs day anyone do weighted step ups? Are they bad?

It is next on my list because i am getting bored of my regular routine : squats, lunges, stiff leg DL, hamstring curls, calves. I want to do maybe box step ups with dumbbells to replace lunges
quick question

im a beginner and ive been doing 5x5 starting strength.

my past workout, my very last set on my bench, i was unable to to do 5 straight reps. i did 4, took a breather then pushed out the last one. does this mean i should do the same weight on the next go around? or do i still move up in weight next time?

From what ive learned you shouldn't go up until you can do 2-3 extra reps on your last set. Moving up now will keep you from finishing your last set
I have to worst trouble falling asleep these days. Idk why. Thought it was the thermogenic but I've taken it before and had no problems and the sleeping troubles started before I started taking it again. Anybody else have problems falling asleep? Any natural solutions some of you might suggest? Might look into some ZMA..

Read a book while in bed. Old school and it works.
I have to worst trouble falling asleep these days. Idk why. Thought it was the thermogenic but I've taken it before and had no problems and the sleeping troubles started before I started taking it again. Anybody else have problems falling asleep? Any natural solutions some of you might suggest? Might look into some ZMA..
Melatonin should work for you. I'm 18 and have an Ambien prescription so that should give you an idea how bad I fall asleep lol.

It was so bad I couldn't remember half of my days last semester.
I have to worst trouble falling asleep these days. Idk why. Thought it was the thermogenic but I've taken it before and had no problems and the sleeping troubles started before I started taking it again. Anybody else have problems falling asleep? Any natural solutions some of you might suggest? Might look into some ZMA..

Read a book while in bed. Old school and it works.

my girlfriend mentioned something to me last night that ive been doing subconsciously. When ever i watch doomsday preppers before bed i knock out. Our tv has a power saver so it turns off after a while so it works for me.
Wait huh?

Bar = 35 pounds
2 45 plates = 90 pounds
2 25 plates = 50 pounds

175 pounds lol

That will be 185. But u not throwing up anything crazy. Usually people warm up with 135. But w/e do u.

what are you guys doing for bi-cep workouts? :nerd:

looking to change up my routine

Seated incline curls are the besttttttttttttt. Love those. I recommend u try it. With dumbells of course. Curl both arms together and go all the way down. Get in 8-12 reps.
On legs day anyone do weighted step ups? Are they bad?

It is next on my list because i am getting bored of my regular routine : squats, lunges, stiff leg DL, hamstring curls, calves. I want to do maybe box step ups with dumbbells to replace lunges

I do them and like the feel. It's a good exercise that uses balance and a lot of core strength too.
Anybody ever use a whey-soy-casein combo for post workout?

I read up a bit about it, and it's supposed to keep the anabolic window open for longer due to the different rates of digestion for the 3 types of protein used.

I ordered like casein, and soy that should be coming in this week.

I'l probably try a 2:1:1 ratio. 1 scoop whey, and half scoop of the other 2.
Haven't been feeling right for the last few days. Haven't been sleeping well and feel exhausted all day. No motivation when I'm lifting, idk what's going on
Haven't been feeling right for the last few days. Haven't been sleeping well and feel exhausted all day. No motivation when I'm lifting, idk what's going on
Lack of sleep brah. I can't tell from your post if the lack of sleep is the problem or if the lack of sleep is related to a bigger problem.

Either way I can speak from experience that a lack of sleep is straight up horrible and makes you feel lethargic all day. Lack of motivation for anything throughout the day etc.
great progress fam....i started off heavy.As time and work passes,transformation gets even better..Patience was my biggest enemy
Today was my first attempt ever at going to the gym early. I expected it to be damn near empty but that wasn't the case when I went. :lol:

I should do more reps to be lean correct?

I don't want size or bulk, just lean and defined

one big misconception that people get is that if they lift, theyll start getting bigger. not necessarily true. muscles grow outside the side gym 

if you wanna be lean, then you gotta diet as well as lift. but yes, lighter weight, more reps will get you more toned 
Ok havent been in here for a minute but I started doing the Starting Strength program about a month ago because I didnt like how weak my core and legs felt after a year or so of a solid gym routine.

I will admit I didnt adhere strictly to the diet recommendations because I work 30+hrs a week and attend class full time. I dont have the luxury of cooking potatoes and chicken every meal and I have a limited budget.

With that said my workouts were centered on only compound lifts- squats, deads, presses, pull ups..ect.

Even with some bad rest days and lack of intake I feel much stronger. After one month my squat weight has gone up from being able to rep 165x5 to 225x5. Deadlifts went from 275x5 to 335x5 (curious to know what my max would be now :nerd: ). My overhead press went from 110x5 to 130x5 (slow progress likely due to crappy diet). Bench went from 170x5 to 205x5.

This program is simple, yet you bust your *** if you do it right. I would walk out of the gym after maybe 50 minutes of work just exhausted. I notice my quads are beginning to tone up and my center of balance is probably the best its ever been. I highly suggest those new to lifting to do this program because it sets the tone for whatever you decide to do next. I wish I did it when I first started but hey, the more ya know.

one big misconception that people get is that if they lift, theyll start getting bigger. not necessarily true. muscles grow outside the side gym 

if you wanna be lean, then you gotta diet as well as lift. but yes, lighter weight, more reps will get you more toned 

Agreed. I think a lot of people think that if you lift moderately heavy weights, youre gonna end up looking like a bodybuilder.

I dont think the average Joe really knows what it takes to pack on a good amount of solid muscle. They think it happens by accident, relatively overnight.
i never have motivation to go early. I have to workout at night. Since my gym close at 10pm i go around 8:30 - 9pm. Empty gym. Best time to go imo.



Flat bench
Incline bench
Dumbell Incline flies
cable flies
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