STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

May try this on next chest day

Looks like a great atmospheric gym to work out in though -Dope mural on the wall  
Dude trying to look hard dislocated his shoulder and dropped the barbell on himself while flat benching at the gym yesterday 

Straight gross. I don't recall the weight but he was trying somewhere around 250lbs without a spotter.

Thankfully he sort of shifted the barbell to his left so it only slightly hit him and the plates fell off on the side of dislocation. Still dropped that barbell right on his dislocated shoulder though.

Never heard someone scream so loud.
Bruh, make sure your deadlift form is good.

Guy at the gym today trying to DL 365 with his back rounder than a half moon...he attempted to lower the weight, then just dropped it. Fell on the floor curled up...I'm certain he snapped his back
. They had to call the ambulance to take him out.

Just the thought of that...ouch.
If I didnt eat breakfast, i'd prolly commit large scale genocide by noon.

1.5 -2 cups of cereal, strawberries, 3 eggs and sometimes a smoothie. :smokin

What type of cereal?

Before I got serious about my diet, I loved the typical sugar cereals and was crushing cocoa krispies, cinnamon toast crunch, and various type for frosted mini wheats on the reg. Now I can't even imagine touching the stuff lol

I've stayed away from the "healthy" cereals, but i'm open to expanding my options depending on the profile.

Typically its a version of Kashi or Fiber One.
I've kind of taken Kashi off of my radar since they were discovered to use Soy Protein and GMOs,   I'm guessing that's not as big an issue anymore with the Non-GMO projectthey have going on?

Im not sure to be honest. Ive never been concerned with things like that. Focusing on the minute things like that detracts from the large, macro perspective.
Its crazy to me how much of a difference the Valsalva maneuver makes when deadlifting. My lifts are so much better when I dont breathe in between reps.
info on this Valsalva Maneuver please ....i've got into a serious car accident last year and been scared to get back into deadlifting since i messed up my back and neck pretty bad last year ...
Back when I was in hs playing varsity fball, the coach wanted me to bench 135...I couldn't bench 120! But he insisted and I wanted to look hard so i tried and that **** literally fell right under my throat. Its funny but also not because a few inches up and my throat would have been done! Like that former USC running back who dropped all that weight on his neck.

Now I do 175 as a warmup. Funny how time changes
Back on the salad life after getting a little food crazy over the weekend

Cardio then arms in the gym later today

15 Uses for Coconut Oil
Deep Hair Conditioner – Although I usually use Olive Oil to “pre-poo”, I have used coconut oil as well with great results

Cooking Oil – I honestly can’t stand the taste of olive oil in my eggs and if I have a cold, I don’t eat dairy, so butter is out. That’s when coconut oil makes a great oil to cook with.

Body Oil – I always make my own body oils, (they’re really cheap and easy so there’s really no excuse). Coconut Oil with a bit of peppermint essential oil feels great and keeps my skin really soft.

Facial Cleanser – I’ve mentioned that I like using the Oil Cleansing Method before, and I’ve used Coconut Oil the same way as a lighter version and the results have been wonderful.

Lip Balm – Since coconut oil solidifies below 70 degrees (F), it was easy to make this DIY Lip Balm this winter.

Substitute for Butter/Oil in Baking – Scones, muffins and cakes come out nice and moist with coconut oil. Just substitute it for vegetable oil in your recipes, and you’ll instantly have a lower cholesterol version of your recipe.

Healing Ointment – Coconut Oil is really good for minor burns and scrapes when applied topically.

Diet Supplement – I haven’t tried this myself, but many people have admitted that 1-2 tablespoons of raw coconut oil per day have helped them lose weight. Especially those with thyroid issues.

Shaving Oil – Dampen the skin and rub on a layer of coconut oil before shaving. Your skin with be nice and smooth when you’re all done.

Makeup Remover – Apply a light coating of coconut oil all over your face and using a warm, damp cloth wipe your makeup off cleanly, and smoothly. Then tone and moisturize as usual. (This stuff works great on waterproof mascara and eyeliner too!)

Heel Softener – At night, after a shower or soaking your feet, add a drop of peppermint oil to a dollop of coconut oil and slather your feet and heels. Wrap in plastic wrap and put a pair of comfy socks on. You’ll have lovely smooth feet by morning!

Body Scrub Base – I sometimes use coconut oil in my Brown Sugar Body Scrub and I’ve even mixed it with a little sugar as a facial scrub.

Pet digestive Aid – Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your pets dry or wet food every couple of days for good digestion and a nice shiny coat

Oil Pulling – I’ve never tried this, but apparently swishing coconut oil around in your mouth like mouthwash helps to detox your system. Read more about it here.

Toothpaste – Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of peppermint extract to make a really healthy toothpaste.
Back on the salad life after getting a little food crazy over the weekend

Cardio then arms in the gym later today
I was always taught to do cardio last. It is easier to push yourself through cardio than it is when lifting. That way you are lifting with your fatigue levels not drained. Meaning you can give it your all.
Saw the masked executioner at the gym today

Yes dude was doing exercises like this for a workout, does anyone know what this is I'm speechless lol


That's the weirdest/cheapest way to avoid buying/making a neck harness that I've ever seen. Especially considering that most people keep their armpits on those ab slings.

info on this Valsalva Maneuver please ....i've got into a serious car accident last year and been scared to get back into deadlifting since i messed up my back and neck pretty bad last year ...

The valsalva maneuver is basically taking a deep breath, holding it for the first 1/2 to 3/4 of a lift, and exhaling as you finish the rep. The pressure buildup in your torso helps you stabilize and exert more force. It is useful when doing heavy training, but is not very useful when doing higher reps, long negatives, or isometric holds.
I was always taught to do cardio last. It is easier to push yourself through cardio than it is when lifting. That way you are lifting with your fatigue levels not drained. Meaning you can give it your all.

I like that!

Thank you for the pointer.

I will implement that today.

gonna do some actual cardio tonight, been in the gym longer since me and my girl kinda split |I
This thread is GREAT!!Props to all of you beasts and those who are keeping it going and not giving up!!! Props to those with the beast benching.My bench is TURRIBLE!!!

15 Uses for Coconut Oil
Deep Hair Conditioner – Although I usually use Olive Oil to “pre-poo”, I have used coconut oil as well with great results

Cooking Oil – I honestly can’t stand the taste of olive oil in my eggs and if I have a cold, I don’t eat dairy, so butter is out. That’s when coconut oil makes a great oil to cook with.

Body Oil – I always make my own body oils, (they’re really cheap and easy so there’s really no excuse). Coconut Oil with a bit of peppermint essential oil feels great and keeps my skin really soft.

Facial Cleanser – I’ve mentioned that I like using the Oil Cleansing Method before, and I’ve used Coconut Oil the same way as a lighter version and the results have been wonderful.

Lip Balm – Since coconut oil solidifies below 70 degrees (F), it was easy to make this DIY Lip Balm this winter.

Substitute for Butter/Oil in Baking – Scones, muffins and cakes come out nice and moist with coconut oil. Just substitute it for vegetable oil in your recipes, and you’ll instantly have a lower cholesterol version of your recipe.

Healing Ointment – Coconut Oil is really good for minor burns and scrapes when applied topically.

Diet Supplement – I haven’t tried this myself, but many people have admitted that 1-2 tablespoons of raw coconut oil per day have helped them lose weight. Especially those with thyroid issues.

Shaving Oil – Dampen the skin and rub on a layer of coconut oil before shaving. Your skin with be nice and smooth when you’re all done.

Makeup Remover – Apply a light coating of coconut oil all over your face and using a warm, damp cloth wipe your makeup off cleanly, and smoothly. Then tone and moisturize as usual. (This stuff works great on waterproof mascara and eyeliner too!)

Heel Softener – At night, after a shower or soaking your feet, add a drop of peppermint oil to a dollop of coconut oil and slather your feet and heels. Wrap in plastic wrap and put a pair of comfy socks on. You’ll have lovely smooth feet by morning!

Body Scrub Base – I sometimes use coconut oil in my Brown Sugar Body Scrub and I’ve even mixed it with a little sugar as a facial scrub.

Pet digestive Aid – Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your pets dry or wet food every couple of days for good digestion and a nice shiny coat

Oil Pulling – I’ve never tried this, but apparently swishing coconut oil around in your mouth like mouthwash helps to detox your system. Read more about it here.

Toothpaste – Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of peppermint extract to make a really healthy toothpaste.

been wanting to get coconut oil for the last year or more but scared of the flavor. been thinking of just getting it and throwing it in a shake post workout.

does it have flavor?
I use it on my tea but didn't really notice much flavor. It's a good way to get my calories in.
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gonna do some actual cardio tonight, been in the gym longer since me and my girl kinda split |I

I know that feel bro. Just go hard, and make even more progress, once you do you will feel INCREDIBLE

Happened to me a few years ago. Started lifting a LOT right after the break up and made a lot of progress and it felt amazing.
Honestly, I struggle with the flavor. Which is why I haven't really been ingesting it. I might do the tablespoon of it and see how that helps. But I feel I have good digestions already.

I have a question, is this too stressful on me knees?

I had two 30lb dumbbells on both sides (hanging) and I was doing box jumps with them.
3 sets of 12.

Oh yea, I KILLED my legs today. :smokin

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