STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Dat form tho
 and I know your supposed to arch and all I do it myself. But not THAT much tf
Well after my fun of trying to see what my 1 rep max squatting was i decided to try to keep it around 90% of that for my max sets. Finally starting to feel stronger though. I maxed at 355lbs and yesterday i did two sets of 3 reps at 315lbs. I want to get to the point where i can get a solid 6 reps in with 315. Then i will start shooting for a new max.

But my glutes today hurt so bad.....allll karamo. Might take a rest day today might do some cardio to try to loosen up my legs.
Thats not really IF'ing then. Either move your eating window after your workout or workout earlier. The thing with intermittent fasting is, after your workout your natural HGH levels go up dramatically & taking in any sort of calories directly after disrupts all of that. 

Your natural HGH will be more than enough for muscle recovery. Your body is smarter than you think & knows what your trying to do. Just let it happen naturally. 

Besides if you really want to have those 2 scoops of hydrowhey, use it to break your fast at 8am. Thats what I usually do.
Ok I will give it a shot. Thanks for the input because I was worried about it.
Question. When you know you are about to eat some garbage, do you eat before hand?

I know I am going to a NCAA get together at Buffalo WIld Wings, and there is no telling what I am eating today. Do I still go through my normal morning routine (breakfast wise) or do I try and "save up" for later?
Question. When you know you are about to eat some garbage, do you eat before hand?

I know I am going to a NCAA get together at Buffalo WIld Wings, and there is no telling what I am eating today. Do I still go through my normal morning routine (breakfast wise) or do I try and "save up" for later?
It's like a two headed monster in a way cause if you eat before plus the garbage then thats a lot of calories but if you try to save up for it and go in there hungry as hell you could do just as bad by binge eating till your full. Its all about how much control you have.
Decided to do a little social experiment this week and went 5 straight days, Monday- Friday, to the gym.

I went each day at 5am, and let's just say I don't think I like the way my workouts come out. Toward the end of the week, yesterday and Today, I just felt like my workouts were not as strong as the rest of the days. Maybe I needed to change the things I ate or increased more of something to add that extra energy that I was missing. 

I didn't lift everyday, I just worked on upper and lower each 2x this week and cardio every day. I can truly say that now I understand the power of rest, because usually I work out Mon/Tues. Thurs/Fri, with the optional Saturday and I have no issues with maintaining momentum or actually wanting to go. This week I just felt 

Not sure if I  want to try to continue this routine as a way of shocking my body into something new, or to just go back to the 4day split, optional 5 days. 

What do you guys think?

Do anybody else go straight through week racking on 4-7 straight days no rest?

Thanks in advance.
Me and my boy go 5 days out of the week. Thursday and Sunday are our rest days. Mon/Fri chest then 2 a days with shoulders and tri later, Tues/Sat back. Legs one a week Wednesdays.

We feel good, getting a lot of nice strength gains. In another week or two were gonna take 3-4 days off, I feel good since im getting a lot of sleep but my body's gonna need that few days rest soon.
It's like a two headed monster in a way cause if you eat before plus the garbage then thats a lot of calories but if you try to save up for it and go in there hungry as hell you could do just as bad by binge eating till your full. Its all about how much control you have.
I will probably just get some wings and fries. I will be there for a while though. I ate breakfast.
Eggs/Turkey Sausage + Oatmeal
I am going to make a shake and eat a sandwich as I am leaving home.

I know what you mean, 2 headed issue.
Last week, first time in ever attempting squats, felt pretty good after. A lot was left on the table, but I was going very cautious since I never feel comfortable with how the bar sat on my shoulders...

Just now was this weeks leg day, 35 on each side 1X10
Second time, 45 1X10
Third set, 55 1X10
Last set, 70 1X4

That last set though, I was starting to lose my balance after my third rep. Was able to do my fourth, still felt strong, but didn't feel "locked in" mentally after my almost stumble. :smh: :smh:

STILL! Was able to squat more (185) than my bodyweight (181), which in itself is an accomplishment for myself. That desire for progress is full-speed ahead :smokin

Happy Friday folks!
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Last week, first time in ever attempting squats, felt pretty good after. A lot was left on the table, but I was going very cautious since I never feel comfortable with how the bar sat on my shoulders...

Just now was this weeks leg day, 35 on each side 1X10
Second time, 45 1X10
Third set, 55 1X10
Last set, 70 1X4

That last set though, I was starting to lose my balance after my third rep. Was able to do my fourth, still felt strong, but didn't feel "locked in" mentally after my almost stumble. :smh: :smh:

STILL! Was able to squat more (185) than my bodyweight (181), which in itself is an accomplishment for myself. That desire for progress is full-speed ahead :smokin

Happy Friday folks!

I hate when i loose my balance i can never finish my set cause i loose my groove.

Usually i either lock my eyes forward at the mirror or at my shoes. I look at my shoes cause i know my form is good if i keep my knees before behind my toes. But if i change during the set im done its time to rack the weight
Last week, first time in ever attempting squats, felt pretty good after. A lot was left on the table, but I was going very cautious since I never feel comfortable with how the bar sat on my shoulders...

Just now was this weeks leg day, 35 on each side 1X10
Second time, 45 1X10
Third set, 55 1X10
Last set, 70 1X4

That last set though, I was starting to lose my balance after my third rep. Was able to do my fourth, still felt strong, but didn't feel "locked in" mentally after my almost stumble. :smh: :smh:

STILL! Was able to squat more (185) than my bodyweight (181), which in itself is an accomplishment for myself. That desire for progress is full-speed ahead :smokin

Happy Friday folks!

Keep the weight on your heels. Depending on what kind of shoes you're wearing, it becomes a lot easier. I used to squat in a pair of New Balances, and I would lose balance from time to time. Ever since I switched to Chuck Taylors, it's alot easier to get that stability.
Older gentlemen came up to me yesterday and said I had the best physique he's seen in the gym. Said I was really put together better than anybody else there. Made me feel good...though on the inside..all I'm thinking is.."fam I know that already".. In reality I'm farrrrrr more advanced, body wise, than anybody there now. Well except for this one guy, dude has the illest body to me, pause. He's literally built like a super hero, like 6'3, and diesel but super aesthetic shape. But he's rarely there. So far as I'm concerned, I'm the best there lol.

I'm far from satisfied, that's what keeps me hungry, but I'm definitely pleased with the progress I've made throughout my lifting history. I love the body I've built. Can only get better.
Did pure cardio Insanity workout this AM... feeling really good.

Will hit the gym after work for arm day

All while struggling w/ eating right... my biggest battle :smh:
Recently was put on by this dude at the gym (Very aesthetic build) , that he eats sweet potato fries (Baked of course) on his cuts with fish/chicken. Had me mind = blown that I didnt think of it earlier.

Mad good :smokin Been cooking them up for after workouts. Not everyday ofcourse but in moderation ofcourse.
scored 142 on my 13.3 today :x :smh:

150 wall balls
90 double unders
30 muscleups

AMRAP for 12 minutes

thought id at least get to my double unders....lulz

wall balls are hell bruhs
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im starting to really hate protein :x tastes so gross no matter the top brand you buy.
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