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I have a diet question when it comes to protein as well. I've heard stuff like the protein peanut butter, beans, and such can't be used to build muscle.

I take in over 200g protein per day.

40-50g from shakes
50g from tuna at lunch
60-70g from whatever I have for dinner whether it be fish, chicken , or turkey

Apart from that, I take another 70g or so protein from sweet potatoes, beans, peanuts, peanut butter, bread, etc. What I was told are incomplete protein sources.

Could I drop the tuna from lunch, and still build muscle based on how my diet looks, or would I need around 1g/pound lean body mass in complete protein sources?
I have a diet question when it comes to protein as well. I've heard stuff like the protein peanut butter, beans, and such can't be used to build muscle.

I take in over 200g protein per day.

40-50g from shakes
50g from tuna at lunch
60-70g from whatever I have for dinner whether it be fish, chicken , or turkey

Apart from that, I take another 70g or so protein from sweet potatoes, beans, peanuts, peanut butter, bread, etc. What I was told are incomplete protein sources.

Could I drop the tuna from lunch, and still build muscle based on how my diet looks, or would I need around 1g/pound lean body mass in complete protein sources?
If I only get about 4-5 hours of sleep after a workout, will a nap of 2-3 hours help my muscles grow? 

Or did I just waste a workout by sleeping only 4-5 hours?
If I only get about 4-5 hours of sleep after a workout, will a nap of 2-3 hours help my muscles grow? 

Or did I just waste a workout by sleeping only 4-5 hours?

Im not sure exactly but the more rest the better. It will eventually catch up to you and you will have no choice but to nap. I was doing that for the longest.
If I only get about 4-5 hours of sleep after a workout, will a nap of 2-3 hours help my muscles grow? 

Or did I just waste a workout by sleeping only 4-5 hours?

you didnt waste a workout but its good to get a good amount of sleep.

as long as your diet is good i wouldnt worry too much honestly.

Will be making this this weekend hopefully :smokin

My keto brethren,

Decided I'm making this tomorrow... Substituting chicken thighs, Colby/pepperjack cheese, and real ham. Curious how this "breading" will turn out.

I'll let you know how it goes
She actually has a decently normal body for someone who can do that. Most girls who can bench that much look like men.

She has a normal looking body because the bar moved 3 inches lol

She's just flexible enough to drastically shrink the ROM and look how wide her grip is.

As I said earlier though, still impressive that she can even stabilize that much weight, but c'mon man...
props to 13 y/o girl holding 225lbs above her chest and going down few inches. But that range of motion is like few inches

was expecting her ROM to be like this
props to 13 y/o girl holding 225lbs above her chest and going down few inches. But that range of motion is like few inches

was expecting her ROM to be like this
i give more props to this girl over the 13yr old. not taking anything away from her, but this ^^ seems like a more legit bench press to me 
I know how it happened... I had a shoulder injury that I thought I fully recovered from. It doesn't hurt when I do dumbbell shoulder presses. Flat bench is the only lift I know of that agitates it.

Regardless of how it happened, doing nothing will not help you and may even make things worse if you keep putting it off.

Do any of y'all avoid fruits because of the sugar?

The problem with fruits isn't so much the amount of sugar, but the kind of sugar. The fructose in fruit(and other foods) is handled differently than glucose and is preferentially used to fill liver glycogen. If liver glycogen is full, the fructose is converted and stored as bodyfat. This is why high fructose corn sugar is so bad at 55% fructose. But most people don't realize that it is only mildly worse than sucrose (table sugar) which is 50% fructose .

Fruit isn't so bad though, but there is such a thing as overeating fruit. If you eat 1-2 pieces per day, preferably post workout, I see no problems with that. More than that can be tolerated by some carb tolerant people, but I think starch is a better carb source for most people.
You swear by everything he says, huh? He's the only guy ive ever seen you mention.

My experience with Poliquin's work has been positive. I don't wholeheartedly believe everything he says, but in general, he is one of the best sources for modern trends in the industry. Very heavily based on research, very methodical, many years of experience, a large number of successful professional athletes, and many students practicing his methods leads to credibility. If people began to train more intelligently instead of focusing exclusively on the lifts that work the "mirror muscles", there would be more progress made and fewer injuries. This is why I mentioned structural balance. There are other methods and training ideas I could present, but don't because most people don't care for them or wouldn't understand them.

If it works, I embrace the system, and from my experience structural balance is very effective for people seeking athletic performance There are plenty of great trainers and teachers out there that I have mentioned in the past. Charles Staley, Mel Siff, Ido Portal, Steve Atlas, Christopher Sommer, and others.
I know how it happened... I had a shoulder injury that I thought I fully recovered from. It doesn't hurt when I do dumbbell shoulder presses. Flat bench is the only lift I know of that agitates it.

Regardless of how it happened, doing nothing will not help you and may even make things worse if you keep putting it off.

Do any of y'all avoid fruits because of the sugar?

The problem with fruits isn't so much the amount of sugar, but the kind of sugar. The fructose in fruit(and other foods) is handled differently than glucose and is preferentially used to fill liver glycogen. If liver glycogen is full, the fructose is converted and stored as bodyfat. This is why high fructose corn sugar is so bad at 55% fructose. But most people don't realize that it is only mildly worse than sucrose (table sugar) which is 50% fructose .

Fruit isn't so bad though, but there is such a thing as overeating fruit. If you eat 1-2 pieces per day, preferably post workout, I see no problems with that. More than that can be tolerated by some carb tolerant people, but I think starch is a better carb source for most people.

Hmmm, I'll look more into it this weekend. Would pushups, and dips have to held off as well? I can stop benching if it means I'll recover, but I still need to work chest.
I think eating fruit before a workout would be better imo. The carbs help fuel your energy right?

I myself don't eat so much fruit. Stick to maybe one apple a day
can anybody recommend me a new protein brand? want to try something new

Edit: Something Vanilla/Chocolate
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