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what are the benefits of taking fish oil pills?

Fish Oil. Omega 3 fats have been a hot supplements for several years now. Tons of food come with the label “contains omega 3″. Benefits of omega 3 consumption include:

Reduced Inflammation. Less acne, tendinitis, etc.
Decreased Body Fat. Fish oil helps burning fat.
Less Soreness. Reduced soreness from strength training.
Lowers Cholesterol. Prevents heart disease, cancer, depression.
You should eat fatty fish several times a week to get your required amounts of omega 3. Time consuming & expensive.

Fish oil is easy. Caps or liquid form. I prefer liquid form with lemon flavor to avoid the fishy after-taste. Watch the EPA/DHA content. Some brands have low amounts of EPA/DHA. I use Pfo Pure Fish Oil. 1 tsp. contains:

Fish Oil: 4360mg
Omega-3 EPA: 715mg
Omega-3 DHA: 470mg
How much fish oil do you need? The bottle says 1 tsp. a day. Charles Poliquin says 30-45g daily. Andrew Gaeddaert recommends 30g fish oil daily to heal skin disorders. Dr. Di Pasquale, author Anabolic Diet, says 2000mg EPA daily. Start with 1 tsp. a day & experiment from there.

On the 3rd day of KG's 4 week and not liking it so far. Anyways, what multivitamins and fish oils do you guys recomend?
it sounds like you're rounding your back out. keep your chest up, find power through your heels, and open up your hips.

some things to help strengthen my back were back extensions and planking for core.

hope this helps and hopefully someone else with more knowledge than me can give you more/better advice.
You should start back from square one and focus on form. Look up vids on YouTube.
i dont feel pain or anything and im not overly sore. its just that my lower back muscles are the first to go when doing dl 

but idk maybe you guys are right. i think im gonna try to work in light lower back exercises on leg day and see how that goes 
i dont feel pain or anything and im not overly sore. its just that my lower back muscles are the first to go when doing dl 

but idk maybe you guys are right. i think im gonna try to work in light lower back exercises on leg day and see how that goes 

again, im not an expert at all but try watching some videos on youtube. there are a lot of small things that could be affecting your lift.


been a minute fellas. chest day so don't mind the traps'


Good to see you back Brother,

When you getting another Video up?
my lower back really stunts my deadlift. for the most part, i have pretty strong legs and a solid core, but whenever i do DL or specifically work the lower back, it tightens up really quick and im pretty sore for a day or two after, even if i just do light weight. 

ive been thinking about going back to sqaure one when it comes to the lower back and core, but i dont want my squats and dl to suffer. any suggestions?

it sounds like you're rounding your back out. keep your chest up, find power through your heels, and open up your hips.

some things to help strengthen my back were back extensions and planking for core.

hope this helps and hopefully someone else with more knowledge than me can give you more/better advice.

And FOAM ROLLER. I can't stress this enough. I roll my back out before squats and deadlifts and it makes a world of difference. Really loosens it up
Any suggestions on good preworkout creatine or pre work drink period to use?

I've currently been using Fast Twitch Power Workout Drink Mix! It gives me a energetic feeling to my workout after I start lifting. So, I can say it works but I'm checking to see if there's something out there that can pump me up more.

The company states it uses a chemical compound Kre-Alkalyn which is naturally suppose to bring out more creatine then your natural body makes. Plus all its other claims, anyone ever try this stuff? I'm just looking for some better stuff, because I get this from my academy for like 28 dollars...


I'm 6' 1.5'

weight: 232

BMI: 29

I have a muscular build, but I feel I have to much weight around the mid section.

I hit up the gym four times a week..

Off the top of my head regular workout:

dips 6 sets of 15 reps, no assistance

pull ups 3 sets of 10 reps like 30 pounds assistance, but can do a constant 8 for two reps without assistance, working on it

dumbbell press 4 sets 10 reps 75lbs good form

curl bar 4 sets 10 reps 60lb bar/ dumbbell curls 4set 10 reps 35lbs

sit-up on exercise ball 3 set of 25reps/ 2 sets of 10 ball roll planking

I do squats about every two workouts 4 sets 10 reps 275lbs

Cardio is every other day about 20 mins, I need to fix my cardio situation

But all in all, that pretty much the workout with different variations and some things i left out..

I do push up throughout my day, try to complete about 150 when I'm at home...

To add this: I start working out constantly about two years ago, and my weight was 246 I think, I got my weight down to 214, then I started to build muslce mass with a little fat I need to get rid of, which leaves me in the 230's, I still want to build muscle, and lose fat...
Any suggestions on good preworkout creatine or pre work drink period to use?

I've currently been using Fast Twitch Power Workout Drink Mix! It gives me a energetic feeling to my workout after I start lifting. So, I can say it works but I'm checking to see if there's something out there that can pump me up more.

The company states it uses a chemical compound Kre-Alkalyn which is naturally suppose to bring out more creatine then your natural body makes. Plus all its other claims, anyone ever try this stuff? I'm just looking for some better stuff, because I get this from my academy for like 28 dollars...
Allmax Creapure Creatine Mono from only 20 bux and pure mono..stuff is
Cardio is every other day about 20 mins, I need to fix my cardio situation

To add this: I start working out constantly about two years ago, and my weight was 246 I think, I got my weight down to 214, then I started to build muslce mass with a little fat I need to get rid of, which leaves me in the 230's, I still want to build muscle, and lose fat...
You already know the answer. That cardio needs to be upped significantly. I will be saying this until I die, but you can still build lean mass while doing hours of cardio a week.
Allmax Creapure Creatine Mono from only 20 bux and pure mono..stuff is
Good look, I'm going to read up on it... .
[h1]BSN: Hyper FX[/h1][h3]Energy & Power Amplifier![/h3]
[h1]MusclePharm: Assault[/h1][h3]Preworkout Matrix![/h3]
Supercharged Endurance And Training Intensity
[h1]Cellucor: C4 Extreme[/h1][h3]Pre-Workout With NO3![/h3]
Explosive Workouts!
[h1]Optimum: Essential AmiN.O. Energy[/h1][h3]Essential Amino Acids Including BCAAs![/h3]
Supports Nitric Oxide Synthesis With Natural Energizers!*

Any opinion on these from exp? I'm totally out of my zone when it comes to picking what to use...
You already know the answer. That cardio needs to be upped significantly. I will be saying this until I die, but you can still build lean mass while doing hours of cardio a week.
Give me an idea of how much cardio you get.. And what type of movements you do to get it? You just a runner? you like combining things like p90x, or do you play ball? I hate running, but I love to swim, and my gym doesnt have a pool...smh So im always thinking of news ways to get cardio? but like solar and wind, its intermittent... I play paintball, but here and there, I bike but not as much as I like, my school is about 5 miles away from my place, so I'm thinking of just biking to school every once in a while.
All cardio yesterday.  Lil calisthenics tossed in.  Nice to throw that cardio day in mid week.  Work on getting my mile down to a good # as it warms up.  Shoulders today.
idk why anyone would waste 200+ calories on a protein bar that only has the amount of protein of 1 scoop of whey and twice the calories
Better use of money than a vast majority of the junk supps that people seem to enjoy loading up on.  Everyone has their own definition of what is/isn't a waste of money, though.
I know the arched back toes dug in is power benching form and all....and she can bench more then i can....but i swear the bar moves 3inches :lol: not hate...just observation....and it looks painful/goofy to lay like that.

I kind of expected it to be more climactic....but props to her i am still hoping for 225lbs
I might start doing incline bench over flat bench. I have shoulder problems, and it gets agitated every time I flat bench. Anybody else do that?
SMH. That isn't a bench press. The bar moved like 3 inches. Impressive that she can even stabilize that weight though.
I might start doing incline bench over flat bench. I have shoulder problems, and it gets agitated every time I flat bench. Anybody else do that?

My shoulders hurt more on incline then flat. I have a bad right shoulder...separated it a couple times as a kid falling on it playing soccer. When i do flat bench i keep my elbows in and the wieghts close to my body i hit my chest with dumbells

When i do incline i feel like its more strenuous on my shoulder so i usually go lighter and just up reps on incline. I go heavy on flat
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