STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Whats up guys?

Long time member on here, as well as athlete.

Anyway, I have a few simple questions.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I hit the gym probably 6-7 days a week. I know anybody reading this probably is already thinking I need days to rest, but let me finish.

Anyway, so I usually do 2 miles on the treadmill in 15 mins at a 9 MPH pace on incline, then I head to do 2 miles on the StairMaster for another 15 mins. Usually burn 500-600 calories alone in that first 30 mins.

I then do weights, but my routine is very subpar. But that's another story. Anyway, I want to add maybe 10 pounds of muscle, but I DO NOT want to stop doing cardio. I literally feel like I need and crave that sweat and runners high I get from it.

I'm 5'11 and about 175. I have a decent about of muscle on me, I just dont know what exactly I need to do to tweak my diet or workout in order to gain weight.

I take in about 60g of protein a day, maybe more.

Any help is appreciated.


- stop doing all that cardio right before weightlifting. Using a bunch of energy that couldve been used to lift to some heavy *** weights
- would be better to do cardio some other part of the day. If you lift weights in the morning do the cardio later. If lift weights at night do cardio in the morning
- get on beginner/novice routine like Starting Strength using barbell compound movements. I'm doing this routine:

-your protein is real low. It should be 1g to 1.5g of protein per pound of lean body mass. Probably like 150g+ for you
-need to find your maintenance calories and at a small surplus of calories like around 300-500 calories above maintenance
Here's a online calculator that'll give you a guestimate :
-Use a website like[/URL] or to track your food intake
-get a food scale to weigh and measure food to know your getting the right amount of calories. Preferably digital food scale
-aim to gain around 2-3lbs a month to avoid a lot of fat gain...
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Whats up guys?

Long time member on here, as well as athlete.

Anyway, I have a few simple questions.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I hit the gym probably 6-7 days a week. I know anybody reading this probably is already thinking I need days to rest, but let me finish.

Anyway, so I usually do 2 miles on the treadmill in 15 mins at a 9 MPH pace on incline, then I head to do 2 miles on the StairMaster for another 15 mins. Usually burn 500-600 calories alone in that first 30 mins.

I then do weights, but my routine is very subpar. But that's another story. Anyway, I want to add maybe 10 pounds of muscle, but I DO NOT want to stop doing cardio. I literally feel like I need and crave that sweat and runners high I get from it.

I'm 5'11 and about 175. I have a decent about of muscle on me, I just dont know what exactly I need to do to tweak my diet or workout in order to gain weight.

I take in about 60g of protein a day, maybe more.

Any help is appreciated.


first off, cardio AFTER your workout

do less cardio, dont eliminate it

eat a lot, CLEAN BULK! since you are burning a lot of calories, lifting isnt gonna do anything. In order to add mass/muscle you need to eat and gain weight.

you are burning a lot of calories but you really need to lean bulk and take it easy on the cardio.
im the opposite of the guy
i need to loose weight (beer belly :lol: )but want to bulk up?
any way i can use my current weight and gain that into muscle while loosing body fat or am i being an oxymoron
what do some of you guys do to hit tri-ceps HARD? :nerd:

lately i been doing tricep dips with plates. get two benches and put them about your leg length apart. palms on one, feet on other, and have someone put however much weight you feel comfortable on you.

Grilled chicken on wheat bun with avocado, pickles, lettuce, buffalo sauce:

-340 cal per sandwich
-33g protein per sandwich

I know what I'm getting for lunch tomorrow. :pimp:
“The weights are just a means to an end; how well you contract the muscles is what training is all about.”


My personal philosophy that ive slowly learned is, if you can't feel it, don't do it. There are certain exercises that for some reason when i do....they just don't hit the muscle right and i can't get that squeeze that i really want. So I just don't do them. If i can't really squeeze a muscle I will lower the weight until i can and just do more reps.
banned? maybe u referring to dmaa which is banned but the actual product isnt banned i just picked up both dr hyde and mr Jekyll abt 2 mnths ago with no issues

Dr. Hyde/Mr. Jekyll are different than just the HYDE he posted. His product, which I used for about two weeks (need to re-up when the time is right), has the banned stimulants in it, as far as I'm concerned.

It really is the truth, best pre-workout I've messed with.
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Clean bulks are the best IMO. Don't change the amount of cardio you're doing. Just up the calories.

I only know what works for me, but I've essentially been in a clean bulk for the past year. I've lost less than five pounds, but added a great deal of muscle mass. I currently average 30+ miles running a week, and have been since early summer 2012. Best shape of my life.
fellas im doin straight cardio with the intention of losing weight obviously, but I also feel like i had to come up with some type of goal for myself. So other then my goal of trying to get down to 225 lbs, I also want to be able to dunk. I've never been able to dunk before even when i was skinny. So id like to get my vertical jump higher. Any tips/workouts on how to improve my vertical leap??

Im 24 and im 5'11'' if that matters
Ive been meaning to ask everyone here because when you go to the gym everyone has goals but is anyone happy with their size?

When i was in hs and playing football i always wanted to be 190-200 but with the muscle and tone i had then. Fast forward 5-6 years and i am 195ish but no where near the shape i was then. Im getting back into workout mode and i cant wait till it gets warmer so i can do some sprints and diff plyometrics but i really dont see myself bulking or cutting because i like the general size i am. I just would like to tone up my weak muscles and get stronger.

So my question to everyone is are you guys pleased with your level of fitness or shape and if not do you feel you ever will be?
I'll speak for myself when i say eating right, exercise, lifting weights etc...its not a destination, its a journey. 

Its like this, last summer i was in the best shape of my life. 5'11" 195 pounds sliced & diced, abs, veins in my obliques, cuts in my arms, etc...

Here's the catch tho, i hate my legs. My legs are fat & all my bf is my legs/***/hips. Its beyond annoying. Did cardio every day, sometimes twice a day, lots of squats & lunges. Barely did anything. Diet, supps, training in check. Beyond in check. 

From the waist up my level of fitness was 

Waist down you would think I never did legs ever & there just fat 
Yep, like timbo said, you may have to accept that you have big legs.

My lower body is massive.  Day after leg day my quads hug my damn dress slacks, lol.  At least I've never had to worry about being top heavy.

I too am trying to get myself back to where I was last summer.

I put on about 6 lbs over the winter by design, but it's tough to bulk in a way that doesn't add some bodyfat, even if your diet is as clean as possible.  I definitely upped my strength though and my frame has filled out to where I want it.  Now I want to not only get back to where I was last summer, but try and surpass that.  I allowed myself to cheat a lil more than I usually do, but now my focus is razor sharp.  I won't "cheat" anytime soon, probably when the lil one's bday party rolls around in a month.  Making small changes like walking more during lunch now that it's warming up.  More HIIT.  Buyng a bike.

I'm pretty much where I want to be, but I want to incinerate the stubborn BF and get back to the point where I was last year.  I'm the type of person who does this for more than the aesthetics, but I've never had more random people staring and stopping me to ask me for advice.  Biggest change I'm trying to make is to sleep more.  We really underrate how much good we do ourselves when we rest.
ordered 2 boxes of banana nut muffin after i burned though one box like nothing. trust that i will not tire of those. waiting for the chocolate chip cookie dough to go on sale to buy 2-3 boxes easy.

they are a great, convenient, high protein snack that sits on my desk at work. i also have plain almonds and a steady supply of fresh fruit available for free. i haven't eaten any birthday cake, pastries or other garbage that innundates our office for about 2 months. it has the only profile i'm willing to spend money on for a "bar". $21 for 12 will not put me in the hole lol.
Pretty much the only bar I'll buy now on the rare occasions that I do buy bars.  Definitely thankful that you put me onto those.
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fellas im doin straight cardio with the intention of losing weight obviously, but I also feel like i had to come up with some type of goal for myself. So other then my goal of trying to get down to 225 lbs, I also want to be able to dunk. I've never been able to dunk before even when i was skinny. So id like to get my vertical jump higher. Any tips/workouts on how to improve my vertical leap??

Im 24 and im 5'11'' if that matters

To maybe build on this, try doing different types of squats. Front squats, 1/4 squats, jump squats, speed squats, etc. not just back squats. All of these work you in different ways and different muscle groups are emphasized more. Box jumps help some people too.
To maybe build on this, try doing different types of squats. Front squats, 1/4 squats, jump squats, speed squats, etc. not just back squats. All of these work you in different ways and different muscle groups are emphasized more. Box jumps help some people too.

ok thanks guys
- stop doing all that cardio right before weightlifting. Using a bunch of energy that couldve been used to lift to some heavy *** weights
- would be better to do cardio some other part of the day. If you lift weights in the morning do the cardio later. If lift weights at night do cardio in the morning
- get on beginner/novice routine like Starting Strength using barbell compound movements. I'm doing this routine: -your protein is real low. It should be 1g to 1.5g of protein per pound of lean body mass. Probably like 150g+ for you
-need to find your maintenance calories and at a small surplus of calories like around 300-500 calories above maintenance
Here's a online calculator that'll give you a guestimate :
-Use a website like[/URL] or to track your food intake
-get a food scale to weigh and measure food to know your getting the right amount of calories. Preferably digital food scale
-aim to gain around 2-3lbs a month to avoid a lot of fat gain...
Thanks for the replies fellas......Appreciated
Don't forget deadlifts...

A stronger core/lower back aids in pretty much everything

That's the main reason I've incorporated that lift the past few months
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