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Is it just me or does it seem like every meal replacement bar, protein bar, energy bar, what ever u wanna call it just ODs on the sugar?!?!

Never been a big fan of sugary sticky foods... the stuff sticks to my teeth and it hurts. :lol:

Any suggestions on bar thats up there in protein but low on sugar?
copped some Sriracha sauce, gonna use it for my grilled chicken, WHITE RICE, and veggies

been using it on my chicken too

Then I also eat it mixing it with the reduced sugar ketchup. With my scrambled eggs and fat free cheese :smokin
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been using it on my chicken too

Then I also eat it mixing it with the reduced sugar ketchup. With my scrambled eggs and fat free cheese :smokin

I`m gonna grill my chicken, and I can just pour this over the chicken and rice? Is it spicy with a hint of sweetness? I could just go and taste it but I wanna know before I cook
Is it just me or does it seem like every meal replacement bar, protein bar, energy bar, what ever u wanna call it just ODs on the sugar?!?!

Never been a big fan of sugary sticky foods... the stuff sticks to my teeth and it hurts. :lol:

Any suggestions on bar thats up there in protein but low on sugar?
quest bar. banana nut muffin or chocolate chip cookie dough. microwave for 5-10 seconds. super awesome.
I`m gonna grill my chicken, and I can just pour this over the chicken and rice? Is it spicy with a hint of sweetness? I could just go and taste it but I wanna know before I cook

its more half sweet and half spicy imo.

some people pour it on their chicken and rice. I use it as like a dip tho
I'll speak for myself when i say eating right, exercise, lifting weights etc...its not a destination, its a journey. 

Its like this, last summer i was in the best shape of my life. 5'11" 195 pounds sliced & diced, abs, veins in my obliques, cuts in my arms, etc...

Here's the catch tho, i hate my legs. My legs are fat & all my bf is my legs/***/hips. Its beyond annoying. Did cardio every day, sometimes twice a day, lots of squats & lunges. Barely did anything. Diet, supps, training in check. Beyond in check. 

From the waist up my level of fitness was :pimp:

Waist down you would think I never did legs ever & there just fat :smh:  >:  :smh:  :wow:  :frown:

If you look at Charles Poliquin's Biosignature Modulation, that body fat storage pattern would indicate signs of excessive estrogen levels. This is the main body fat storage pattern that most females have. In males this can be due to phthalates in hygiene products, hormones in food, etc. There is supplementation that can counter the effects of high estrogen and help regulate the levels. Supplements such as Calcium D Glucarate and diindolylmethane have been shown to have significant effects on estrogen levels and are even being used in medical practices.
Copped this pre-workout named Hyde at a local Mass Nutrition. Famb at the counter recommended it to me, but told me that I should only take half a scoop until I get used to it. I didn't listen and took a whole scoop. Let me say that I should've followed famb's instructions, **** had my heart beating at an almost scary level. I took before my workout at 11 PM and wasn't able to fall asleep until 5 AM. Nonetheless, my lift and focus was on another level. It's been banned for a couple months now, but if you can get your hands on it and are serious about lifting heavy I would definitely recommend it.


banned? maybe u referring to dmaa which is banned but the actual product isnt banned i just picked up both dr hyde and mr Jekyll abt 2 mnths ago with no issues
Is it just me or does it seem like every meal replacement bar, protein bar, energy bar, what ever u wanna call it just ODs on the sugar?!?!

Never been a big fan of sugary sticky foods... the stuff sticks to my teeth and it hurts. :lol:

Any suggestions on bar thats up there in protein but low on sugar?

how you think its gonna taste good? i love those protein bars but realistically they are trash but i still eat them
banned? maybe u referring to dmaa which is banned but the actual product isnt banned i just picked up both dr hyde and mr Jekyll abt 2 mnths ago with no issues
That's why i got rid of my Jack3d.  I had the old formula, I think it made my heart ache.  I got paranoid and flushed that jawn down the toilet.  I'm on that Craze now.  It don't make my face tingle like Jack3d did, but It works fine.  
If you look at Charles Poliquin's Biosignature Modulation, that body fat storage pattern would indicate signs of excessive estrogen levels. This is the main body fat storage pattern that most females have. In males this can be due to phthalates in hygiene products, hormones in food, etc. There is supplementation that can counter the effects of high estrogen and help regulate the levels. Supplements such as Calcium D Glucarate and diindolylmethane have been shown to have significant effects on estrogen levels and are even being used in medical practices.
Im researching these right now. Thanks brah 
That's why i got rid of my Jack3d.  I had the old formula, I think it made my heart ache.  I got paranoid and flushed that jawn down the toilet.  I'm on that Craze now.  It don't make my face tingle like Jack3d did, but It works fine.  
That face tingle is from that stupid beta alanine. Ive been having that problem with Animal Rage lately. Not sure why.
That's why i got rid of my Jack3d.  I had the old formula, I think it made my heart ache.  I got paranoid and flushed that jawn down the toilet.  I'm on that Craze now.  It don't make my face tingle like Jack3d did, but It works fine.  

i guess im in the minority but i actually like dmaa and if it wasnt for a few people abusing it or taking it with out precautions it wouldnt be banned
When do you guys do your cheat day?

I just started getting back in shape, I started last tues (3/12) at 94.6 kg . Today I am at 92.7 kg, I was thinking of eating a cheat meal today but I'm afraid if it's too early for me to cheat :frown:

My philosophy on cheat days (the proper one as well) is to save them for special occasions. Scheduling a cheat day for an average Sunday is a waste. Save it for a friend or family member's birthday or for a time when you're going out for dinner. People who waste cheat days on Sundays when they have all the time in the world to cook proper food and get their cheat calories from grimey *** fast food annoy the hell out of me. And if I were just beginning a diet, I would be as strict as possible, easier to build momentum and get used to it.

Yeah it is definitely nice. Think I have only seen like 3 other people ever use it. The only thing is it lacks any power racks or barbell bench but I make it work. Has leg press, lat pulldown and rowing machine, machine bench press. Bicep curl/tricep machine. Then dumbells up to 75lbs. I will probably grow out of it with the low dumbbell weights but for now it is working out just fine.
Those are big things to be missing though. I probably wouldn't even bother with a gym that I couldn't do any compounds in. I wouldn't mind if my workplace got a pullup bar or a dip station - I'd take full advantage of that.

one of the best preworkout drinks ive had was vietnamese coffee :lol:

took it to keep me awake while i studied, but that **** had me WIRED. had to go to the gym and burn off all the excess energy :lol:
Only preworkout I need occasionally is coffee - caffeine and placebo.

I'll speak for myself when i say eating right, exercise, lifting weights etc...its not a destination, its a journey. 

Its like this, last summer i was in the best shape of my life. 5'11" 195 pounds sliced & diced, abs, veins in my obliques, cuts in my arms, etc...

Here's the catch tho, i hate my legs. My legs are fat & all my bf is my legs/***/hips. Its beyond annoying. Did cardio every day, sometimes twice a day, lots of squats & lunges. Barely did anything. Diet, supps, training in check. Beyond in check. 

From the waist up my level of fitness was :pimp:

Waist down you would think I never did legs ever & there just fat :smh:  >:  :smh:  :wow:  :frown:
Well you can't spot kill fat, so if you're at your leanest and you think your legs are still too big, you may just need to accept it. Additional leg lifting isn't going to make your legs any smaller.

Is it just me or does it seem like every meal replacement bar, protein bar, energy bar, what ever u wanna call it just ODs on the sugar?!?!

Never been a big fan of sugary sticky foods... the stuff sticks to my teeth and it hurts. :lol:

Any suggestions on bar thats up there in protein but low on sugar?
Never really understood the appeal of protein bars. They never taste very good and are generally full of either sugar or goofy chemicals. If you need a solid snack why not just down some oats or a hard boiled egg or something?
you can still buy it. straight 1,3 tabs too.
quest bars are not loaded with sugar and have good sources of protein.

quest dont taste that great, IMO plus they are expensive as hell.

im sure if you go through a few boxes you will get used to the taste and over time it will be a sweet treat and taste good as hell but the price... :x :x :x :x :x :x
ordered 2 boxes of banana nut muffin after i burned though one box like nothing. trust that i will not tire of those. waiting for the chocolate chip cookie dough to go on sale to buy 2-3 boxes easy.

they are a great, convenient, high protein snack that sits on my desk at work. i also have plain almonds and a steady supply of fresh fruit available for free. i haven't eaten any birthday cake, pastries or other garbage that innundates our office for about 2 months. it has the only profile i'm willing to spend money on for a "bar". $21 for 12 will not put me in the hole lol.
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^yup. i actually didn't know sriracha was supposed to be a sweet & spicy sauce. tasted like all spiciness to me. checked the ingredients list and sugar is the second or third ingredient.

I Didnt OD on it, but the carbs is only 1 and sodium is 100mg so def not nothing crazy
^yup. i actually didn't know sriracha was supposed to be a sweet & spicy sauce. tasted like all spiciness to me. checked the ingredients list and sugar is the second or third ingredient.

Cool. im on an island and everyone here OD's on it. puts gooobs of it on eggs, rice, toast anything. i eat it every now and then. pretty tasty
Whats up guys?

Long time member on here, as well as athlete.

Anyway, I have a few simple questions.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I hit the gym probably 6-7 days a week. I know anybody reading this probably is already thinking I need days to rest, but let me finish.

Anyway, so I usually do 2 miles on the treadmill in 15 mins at a 9 MPH pace on incline, then I head to do 2 miles on the StairMaster for another 15 mins. Usually burn 500-600 calories alone in that first 30 mins.

I then do weights, but my routine is very subpar. But that's another story. Anyway, I want to add maybe 10 pounds of muscle, but I DO NOT want to stop doing cardio. I literally feel like I need and crave that sweat and runners high I get from it.

I'm 5'11 and about 175. I have a decent about of muscle on me, I just dont know what exactly I need to do to tweak my diet or workout in order to gain weight.

I take in about 60g of protein a day, maybe more.

Any help is appreciated.

I just drink coffee before I lift usually because I got mostly around 5 am and I don't wanna crash during the day but I definitely miss the pre workout buzz and focus
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