STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Dude posted was def blated from all the food. I ate pizza, wings, pancakes, cupcakes saturday, woke up sunday very lean still but just a lil bloated.

I still ate only like 2k calories in all. I maintain at about 1500k
Dude posted was def blated from all the food. I ate pizza, wings, pancakes, cupcakes saturday, woke up sunday very lean still but just a lil bloated.

I still ate only like 2k calories in all. I maintain at about 1500k

You MAINTAIN at 1500 while still working out? How much do you weigh?
Dude posted was def blated from all the food. I ate pizza, wings, pancakes, cupcakes saturday, woke up sunday very lean still but just a lil bloated.

I still ate only like 2k calories in all. I maintain at about 1500k

You MAINTAIN at 1500 while still working out? How much do you weigh?

Yeah give or take. I dont count calories but I've been cutting long enough to know how many I take in throughout the day.

I'm 156 right now.

I know the calories sound low but I really dont eat much. Just dont get hungry enough

recent pic:

i just recently quit smoking, weed and cigarettes. any advice on building my endurance back up? 


get a friend who ran track and have them ease you back into it

or football, i know theres a hs near you, go to their field (if its open to the public of course) and start off with just jogging laps

then start running laps after a couple of weeks of jogging

then start doing speed drills after a month or so even if you arent fast, if you can get a friend even better so you can run routes while they through passes and you guys and rotate

the whole time run on the balls of your feet though, not your tippy toes, so you can make it a habit of running properly
Man i basically had a cheat weekend lol. Sometimes i think its necessary. I went to the beach for st. patricks day. I was out of the gym Saturday sunday and monday. I am now super excited to get in today and work and get back to things. I didn't realize how complacent/unmotivated i was until i missed 3 days straight.

Shoulders and traps today.
Back and Bi's tomorrow
Legs on Thursday
Question, nutrition question.

I am starting to question if I am getting enough fat in my diet.

Let me just type out everything I ate today.

English Muffin w/Jelly
Scrambled Eggs
Small pierce of Turkey Kielbasi

3 Graham Crackers


Pinto Beans
Collard Greens

Post Workout: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Bowl of CHicken Noodle Soup (I threw some pinto beans in there)

Banana, Strawberry, Blueberry, Oatmeal shake

Add a half to a whole avocado in there.
I hate when people call out a lean dude by saying anyone can look like that. It might be easier to achieve than becoming Mr. Olympia, but don't knock a dude for being lean. You can tell he lifts and looks way different than your average skinny dude. Many people see that as a very desirable build.

just started taking this; out of all the pre workout supplements i have ever taken, this one comes in clutch
plus taste just like kool aid :pimp:

just started taking this; out of all the pre workout supplements i have ever taken, this one comes in clutch
plus taste just like kool aid :pimp:

Yeah currently running the Green Apple flavor myself at the moment, Much better then it used to be
When do you guys do your cheat day?

I just started getting back in shape, I started last tues (3/12) at 94.6 kg . Today I am at 92.7 kg, I was thinking of eating a cheat meal today but I'm afraid if it's too early for me to cheat :frown:

When do you guys do your cheat day?

I just started getting back in shape, I started last tues (3/12) at 94.6 kg . Today I am at 92.7 kg, I was thinking of eating a cheat meal today but I'm afraid if it's too early for me to cheat

Weekends are the best imo. Honestly, pick one meal with 1 cheat drink and if your willing to workout sunday, one cheat desert or snack.

Chest in the AM. Shoulders Tri in the PM









Liking this routine. 

Taking a 3-4 day rest starting next Thursday. Might switch up my routine after that.
Really had some great workouts this past week, destroyed my chest yesterday which felt nice. First time in almost a year I have been back in the gym consistently. Best part is I use the gym at my work and nobody is ever in there so I just hook up my phone to the bose stereo and go to work.
Really had some great workouts this past week, destroyed my chest yesterday which felt nice. First time in almost a year I have been back in the gym consistently. Best part is I use the gym at my work and nobody is ever in there so I just hook up my phone to the bose stereo and go to work.

bawse :smokin
love my gym also, never packed, always clean, No trainers
having a good relaxed environment to work out in has its perks
Anyone ever use the 15 buck Hamilton beach blender cup thingy from target I assume its a low cost version of a nutribullet. Idk if I'm at the point where I need a nutribullet maybe when I begin to bulk but the 15 dollar Hamilton beach joint looks good
Really had some great workouts this past week, destroyed my chest yesterday which felt nice. First time in almost a year I have been back in the gym consistently. Best part is I use the gym at my work and nobody is ever in there so I just hook up my phone to the bose stereo and go to work.

Would love my work to have a gym - My office too small for that though, The bigger company office in Wales has one, Feels batman

Would love my work to have a gym - My office too small for that though, The bigger company office in Wales has one, Feels batman

Yeah it is definitely nice. Think I have only seen like 3 other people ever use it. The only thing is it lacks any power racks or barbell bench but I make it work. Has leg press, lat pulldown and rowing machine, machine bench press. Bicep curl/tricep machine. Then dumbells up to 75lbs. I will probably grow out of it with the low dumbbell weights but for now it is working out just fine.
Copped this pre-workout named Hyde at a local Mass Nutrition. Famb at the counter recommended it to me, but told me that I should only take half a scoop until I get used to it. I didn't listen and took a whole scoop. Let me say that I should've followed famb's instructions, **** had my heart beating at an almost scary level. I took before my workout at 11 PM and wasn't able to fall asleep until 5 AM. Nonetheless, my lift and focus was on another level. It's been banned for a couple months now, but if you can get your hands on it and are serious about lifting heavy I would definitely recommend it.

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Copped this pre-workout named Hyde at a local Mass Nutrition. Famb at the counter recommended it to me, but told me that I should only take half a scoop until I get used to it. I didn't listen and took a whole scoop. Let me say that I should've followed famb's instructions, **** had my heart beating at an almost scary level. I took before my workout at 11 PM and wasn't able to fall asleep until 5 AM. Nonetheless, my lift and focus was on another level. It's been banned for a couple months now, but if you can get your hands on it and are serious about lifting heavy I would definitely recommend it.


My store sells the Dr.Jekyll version, is that the same?
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