STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Let Steezy cook man! If its working for him then let him be....too much negativity going on in here sometimes.
Bro, 72 kipping pull ups vs 72 actual pull ups.

Which one do you think is more helpful?

They work different muscle groups fam...two different types of pull-ups, just like wide grip, close grip, assisted pull-ups, Kipping pull-up is just another variation.
Don't quote me but we kip in order to be able to mix other exersises in the workout and get as many reps as possible hence the whole concept of an AMRAP. Sometimes our workout requires your traditional dead hang pull-ups, often times we kip, it's just a different motion....there is an array of excersices, some can be harmful some are safer, doesn't mean you can't get results if you learn to do them correctly....if people were snapping their shoulders left as right doing these excersices, people wouldn't do them.
Your still missing the point bro. They are more harmful than helpful. If you want to swing like that and hurt your joints in the long run, go ahead, but its not wise and people here are just trying to help you see that. If you need help, there are tons of folks in the thread who can help you get a proper routine.
They work different muscle groups fam...two different types of pull-ups, just like wide grip, close grip, assisted pull-ups, Kipping pull-up is just another variation.

Bro, ask a chiropractor if swinging like that is a good idea in the long run ,especially if your doing it 72 times rapidly.
Fam don't be so concerned with my well being, I'm good.

I kind of stood behind you in the DB thread when dudes were coming at your neck but I kind of understand your nature now, you are one of those posters who just wants to rustle jimmies
Fam don't be so concerned with my well being, I'm good.

I kind of stood behind you in the DB thread when dudes were coming at your neck but I kind of understand your nature now, you are one of those posters who just wants to rustle jimmies
WITW is rustle Jimmies? I don't care about your well being for the most part, but I know we have posters and lurkers who may read your posts and think doing kip pull ups is a good way to workout when FACTUALLY its not. You can do what you please, but its not ok to promote behavior like that in a thread which has helped so many people.
Your still missing the point bro. They are more harmful than helpful. If you want to swing like that and hurt your joints in the long run, go ahead, but its not wise and people here are just trying to help you see that. If you need help, there are tons of folks in the thread who can help you get a proper routine.
You aren't thrown in right away though. I spent a couple weeks just kipping and gettin that down so i am not all over the place when i pull up. Engaging the core, powering up, controlling the movement down, etc. I'm not saying kipping is better than strict, but they are two different exercises that have different purposes.
You aren't thrown in right away though. I spent a couple weeks just kipping and gettin that down so i am not all over the place when i pull up. Engaging the core, powering up, controlling the movement down, etc. I'm not saying kipping is better than strict, but they are two different exercises that have different purposes.
I'll do 72 kip pull ups tonight and see them vs the normal 80 pull ups per monday I do
WITW is rustle Jimmies? I don't care about your well being for the most part, but I know we have posters and lurkers who may read your posts and think doing kip pull ups is a good way to workout when FACTUALLY its not. You can do what you please, but its not ok to promote behavior like that in a thread which has helped so many people.

Tell that to the whole crossfit community and nationally televised games who do far more promoting than I'm I'm perfectly happy with my routine and didnt ask for your input troll.
Don't quote me but we kip in order to be able to mix other exersises in the workout and get as many reps as possible hence the whole concept of an AMRAP. Sometimes our workout requires your traditional dead hang pull-ups, often times we kip, it's just a different motion....there is an array of excersices, some can be harmful some are safer, doesn't mean you can't get results if you learn to do them correctly....if people were snapping their shoulders left as right doing these excersices, people wouldn't do them.

SLAP tears are actually quite common in Crossfit. They can be prevented, and there are numerous factors that contribute to them. But it's not uncommon to see someone get decommissioned for up to one year by a SLAP tear doing a kipping pull up workout.

Then why bother with "kipping" at all?

What's the benefit over real pull-ups?

In my opinion, for the general public they are a waste of time. They are used in gymnastic training as a tool to load the tissues explosively, but not as an endurance tool. This is more to prepare for the explosive elements done on the high bar event. There are so many other variations of overhead pulling and I am a huge fan of increasing complexity over intensity (or endurance). I would rather see someone work on rope climbing if they wanted to train overhead pulling endurance.

Kipping muscle ups are even worse in my opinion and serve absolutely no purpose. In fact, the only thing they do is give people the wrong idea about how to perform and train for a muscle up.

They work different muscle groups fam...two different types of pull-ups, just like wide grip, close grip, assisted pull-ups, Kipping pull-up is just another variation.

I just can't see any reason with all the variations of overhead pulling, why anyone would want to do them. As you said, there are many pull up variations and you can vary the grip thickness, implement used, scapular positioning, degree of torso lean, and many other factors. Why do them at all? Even for endurance, these do nothing for strict pull up endurance(they don't transfer).

Plus, most people tend to do them with bad movement patterns(scapular protraction, flailing arms, craning neck, flopping legs) which is ingrained into the stricter variations. Doing thousands and thousands of reps of a bad movement pattern will lead to damage. There can be a better way to do them by focusing on positioning, but again, they are useless for most people in my opinion.
SLAP tears are actually quite common in Crossfit. They can be prevented, and there are numerous factors that contribute to them. But it's not uncommon to see someone get decommissioned for up to one year by a SLAP tear doing a kipping pull up workout.
In my opinion, for the general public they are a waste of time. They are used in gymnastic training as a tool to load the tissues explosively, but not as an endurance tool. This is more to prepare for the explosive elements done on the high bar event. There are so many other variations of overhead pulling and I am a huge fan of increasing complexity over intensity (or endurance). I would rather see someone work on rope climbing if they wanted to train overhead pulling endurance.

Kipping muscle ups are even worse in my opinion and serve absolutely no purpose. In fact, the only thing they do is give people the wrong idea about how to perform and train for a muscle up.
I just can't see any reason with all the variations of overhead pulling, why anyone would want to do them. As you said, there are many pull up variations and you can vary the grip thickness, implement used, scapular positioning, degree of torso lean, and many other factors. Why do them at all? Even for endurance, these do nothing for strict pull up endurance(they don't transfer).

Plus, most people tend to do them with bad movement patterns(scapular protraction, flailing arms, craning neck, flopping legs) which is ingrained into the stricter variations. Doing thousands and thousands of reps of a bad movement pattern will lead to damage. There can be a better way to do them by focusing on positioning, but again, they are useless for most people in my opinion.
Thats all I said, and dude flipped out and pull the "T" card.
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Yea when I went to crossfit, I saw folks doing those kipping pullups, I was like, "They are cheating." I was doing real pullups

Still punished those dudes times :lol:
If you did 72 kipping pull-ups, say you did 72 kipping pull-ups.

Kipping pull-up =/= pull-up

I'm not saying doing a bunch of kipping pull-ups isn't hard, just saying it's not a pull-up in the traditional sense. It just really rustles my jimmy when people don't specify lol
If you did 72 kipping pull-ups, say you did 72 kipping pull-ups.

Kipping pull-up =/= pull-up

I'm not saying doing a bunch of kipping pull-ups isn't hard, just saying it's not a pull-up in the traditional sense. It just really rustles my jimmy when people don't specify lol
He didn't say it  AT FIRST because he knew somebody would ask about it, but people who workout know the know.
I wasn't trying to trick ya into believing I did 72 hang pull-ups, which I can do if that's what the workout demanded, probably not in 30 minutes....lets cut down on the sensitivity, didnt know this thread was a competition....geezus
One day of cheating isnt gonna hurt. Enjoy yourself and get back to your routine tomorrowor the next day.

I hear you. I walked 30 minutes on the treadmill today in addition to my regular routine. Back on track.
I wasn't trying to trick ya into believing I did 72 hang pull-ups, which I can do if that's what the workout demanded, probably not in 30 minutes....lets cut down on the sensitivity, didnt know this thread was a competition....geezus
People just trying to educate you bro. No hate or helm here. Just work hard and educate yourself
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