STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


Squats, Leg press, Calf raises. Short. Simple. Sweet.


Gonna be sore tomorrow

found my protein bottle I left at school for spring break on accident :x :x :x

Destroyed legs today also, feelsgoodman.jpg
cant believe how easier pullups are getting, i mean they are still hard as hell but i dont struggle half as much as i did the 1st day of the year...also my squat form is pretty damb good, my *** is nearly on the floor :pimp: and today while knocking out my push ups i found my self pushing off the ground with both hands easily....feels amazing to see the increase in strength bros
86 Hang squat cleans (2 20lbs dumbells)
72 pull ups
40 power cleans
40 push-ups

30 minutes

Got my arms feeling like jello....literally
Either your very strong or your CHEATING with BAD FORM that will hurts the value of the exercise.

Your not doing 72 pull ups along with the rest of those in 30 minutes,
What? so?

They are Kipping pull-ups.

Didn't cheat at all.
Like I said, bad form and not good for you.  Your gonna hurt yourself man. Rotator cuff problems for the rest of your life. Your literally JERKING your body in a way its not supposed to be.
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lol i had never seen a crossfit "pull up" until a couple weeks ago on espn. i was like ***** those aint pull ups....:x
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I thought it went without saying that in crossfit when you do high rep pull-ups mostly everyone's a different motion than a hang pull up, but it's still a pull-up and we have to go through the whole motion, all the way down and chest to bar...a Kipping pull-up requires less strength than a hang pull-up since you use momentum, but I don't know who told ya it's easy.
I thought it went without saying that in crossfit when you do high rep pull-ups mostly everyone's a different motion than a hang pull up, but it's still a pull-up and we have to go through the whole motion, all the way down and chest to bar...a Kipping pull-up requires less strength than a hang pull-up since you use momentum, but I don't know who told ya it's easy.
Nobody said it was easy, but its more hurtful than it is useful.

And exercises like that is what disappoints me with cross fit. Its not as intense as other workouts. EXTREME FATIGUE workouts  like that are not good imo. Your bound to hurt yourself, especially doing foolish moves like that. Its more upsetting when you have folks DEFENDING their cheating and self destructive workout.

But do what you please.
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Lettuce be cereal you can hurt yourself doing a order for us to learn how to kip one must know and be able to do hang pull-ups.
had to look up this "kipping" pull up y'all are talking about on youtube.

:x hurts my shoulders just watching them do it. Had to watch vid on regular pull ups just to remind me again. Can only do regular 8 pull ups atm
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Lettuce be cereal you can hurt yourself doing a order for us to learn how to kip one must know and be able to do hang pull-ups.
Bro, don't compare ACTUAL workouts with those terrible workouts. Its like the dudes who try to use the heaviest weights and have the worst form and end up not even getting proper gains or progress. How much stronger do you think swinging from your kip pulls would do vs doing ACTUAL PULL UPS WITH FORM?

The lack of experience shows when you try to defend kip pulls vs actual push ups.
There's a very big difference between 'cheating' and 'modified'. Performing pushups from the knees isn't cheating. Kipping pullups aren't cheating. They're modified versions of other maneuvers.

I'm not a crossfit fan by any stretch of the imagination but to immediately dismiss it because it's 'different' is a great example of being narrow minded.

There needs to be more open mindedness in this thread.
There's a very big difference between 'cheating' and 'modified'. Performing pushups from the knees isn't cheating. Kipping pullups aren't cheating. They're modified versions of other maneuvers.

I'm not a crossfit fan by any stretch of the imagination but to immediately dismiss it because it's 'different' is a great example of being narrow minded.

There needs to be more open mindedness in this thread.
Bro, 72 kipping pull ups vs 72 actual pull ups.

Which one do you think is more helpful?
There's a very big difference between 'cheating' and 'modified'. Performing pushups from the knees isn't cheating. Kipping pullups aren't cheating. They're modified versions of other maneuvers.

I'm not a crossfit fan by any stretch of the imagination but to immediately dismiss it because it's 'different' is a great example of being narrow minded.

There needs to be more open mindedness in this thread.
Bro, 72 kipping pull ups vs 72 actual pull ups.

Which one do you think is more helpful?

Why are you framing it around being 'helpful' though? Why is the debate between the two centered around what's the most 'helpful'?

No one is disputing what's more difficult to do.
Don't quote me but we kip in order to be able to mix other exersises in the workout and get as many reps as possible hence the whole concept of an AMRAP. Sometimes our workout requires your traditional dead hang pull-ups, often times we kip, it's just a different motion....there is an array of excersices, some can be harmful some are safer, doesn't mean you can't get results if you learn to do them correctly....if people were snapping their shoulders left as right doing these excersices, people wouldn't do them.
Why are you framing it around being 'helpful' though? Why is the debate between the two centered around what's the most 'helpful'?

No one is disputing what's more difficult to do.
ok i'll rephrase it

Do you think kipping pull ups are helpful?
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