STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

H: 6' 3"
W: 192 lbs

I'm aware of the litany of shortfalls with modern day produce, but this was definitely a great read and thanks for bringing some real knowledge to the table.  I didn't mean to come off as dismissive of Rusty's points, it's just that we have a lot of people who randomly pop into this thread, give us their quick hit "expert knowledge" and don't really back it up with anything of substance.

As stated, I don't necessarily disagree with what he said.  I take a multivitamin.  One of the few supps I still bother to take.  I used to take fish oil in capsule form, but I don't even bother with that anymore.  How much crap is in your common over the counter supplement?  I bolded the paragraph above as you explained my main counter point better than I could've.  How much of these supplements are even safe for human consumption?  How much nutritional value are we actually gaining from over the counter products?  How much of those products are actually absorbed and used by our bodies as opposed to being pissed out?  As you stated, the only way to know for sure is via blood testing to figure out what our nutrient deficiencies are, and on the same token, test to see if these "supplements" even make any real difference.  I'm the type of person who would gladly pay more for better products.  It's unfortunate that it has to come down to that, but for me it's about way more than the aesthetics.

Thanks again for that post, we need more like that IMO.

Oh and Hannibal is not mortal.  The ish that dude does.
There are quality supplements out there. Even when it comes to multi vitamins, there is a large range from harmful to worthless to very useful. Look for bioavailable forms (not oxides or citrates) with proper ratios of various nutrients. Also, don't take tablets, instead go for capsules. They digest much better and absorb more. Look for brands like metagenics, xymogen, etc.

This is exactly why we need healthcare professionals and supplement companies that rely on research to formulate products than vice versa. For example, there is a huge market for nutraceuticals in the prevention and reversal of many diseases. Anti-aging medicine, neurology, and many other fields rely heavily on these types of products. There is definitely merit to using such products, but you need to know how, when, and what to use. That is where reading scientific research with a critical and open mind is essential.
I'm in agreement with this.  Especially your capsules vs. tablets point.  A few years back, I had food poisoning.  I was vomiting left and right.  It wasn't until I looked down and saw vitamins coming back up whole (mind you, ones that I took the day before) that I really began to question and research supplement quality before actually making a purchase.

This is a big reason why I don't rely upon random people with good physiques for nutritional/supplement advice.  A lot of cats see someone with their ideal physique and they have tunnel vision.  "I need to emulate everything he does in order to get the body of my dreams, health be damned."  If you're all about the aesthetics and only that, more power to you.  I don't challenge or try and change anyone in this thread's mind who feels that way.  Not up to me to force any man to think the way that I think.  I want to maintain a healthy physique and even improve upon my physique, but not if it means having to deal with a crap load of health issues as a result.
You guys drink your protein straight up or do you add anything in it??

depends what you're doing really. Bulk= granola, oats, peanut butter, cinnamon, some fruit, whey. ITS OVER 1000!!111

cut=almond milk/flaxseed milk/soy milk, whey.

mix it stuff if you want to.
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You guys drink your protein straight up or do you add anything in it??

MF: What about supplements?

RO: I learned a lot from [former WWE champion] Chris Benoit. He doesn't like shaker cups because they get dirty and stink so quickly. So he'll take two scoops of protein powder and put it in his mouth dry, then put a little water in and shake his head around. I used to look at him and think, "Damn, that's hardcore!" Then one day I was like, "**** this shaker," and I started doing it the Benoit way.
Went out for St. Patricks day tonight.. had a Irish car bomb and a Guinness. Pretty light but the thing I HATE about drinking is that is stimulates my appetite.

Sitting here wondering what to eat that is somewhat acceptable.
Went out for St. Patricks day tonight.. had a Irish car bomb and a Guinness. Pretty light but the thing I HATE about drinking is that is stimulates my appetite.

Sitting here wondering what to eat that is somewhat acceptable.

One day of cheating isnt gonna hurt. Enjoy yourself and get back to your routine tomorrowor the next day.
I cheated today too. I had a bit of cake, corn bread, and ice cream. Sometimes, you have to enjoy eating food that isn't necessarily good for you.
I cheated today too. I had a bit of cake, corn bread, and ice cream. Sometimes, you have to enjoy eating food that isn't necessarily good for you.

So you ate more calories than you should have or just foods you've tried to avoid?

I'm just trying to gauge whether the definition of cheating is eating more cals than planned or foods people tend to avoid.
So you ate more calories than you should have or just foods you've tried to avoid?

I'm just trying to gauge whether the definition of cheating is eating more cals than planned or foods people tend to avoid.
cheat away, but count your cheat calories and if you can, try to burn them off that day(If I eat 200 calories worth of candy, I will be at least 45 minutes of cardio)
So you ate more calories than you should have or just foods you've tried to avoid?

I'm just trying to gauge whether the definition of cheating is eating more cals than planned or foods people tend to avoid.
I think cheating is just not caring (to an extent) what you eat that day. Enjoy yourself, you have to consistently workout to get results, likewise you have to consistently eat bad (cheat) to get outta shape.

To an extent. 
I cheated today too. I had a bit of cake, corn bread, and ice cream. Sometimes, you have to enjoy eating food that isn't necessarily good for you.

So you ate more calories than you should have or just foods you've tried to avoid?

I'm just trying to gauge whether the definition of cheating is eating more cals than planned or foods people tend to avoid.

Today was both. Usually, I count my calories for my cheat meals.
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