STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I hate that feeling after a great workout and then playing some basketball 10-15 mins later. My arms are usually just dead
I don't hate crossfit but this gif had me :lol:

Just sat down, and kind of did a rough draft of what my 4 day split will be:

Sunday: Chest

- Bench Press: 3x8

- Hammer Strength Chest Press: 3x8

- Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x8

- Dumbbell Fly: 3x8

- Pushups: 3x15

- Dips: 3xFailure

Monday: Legs/Abs

- Squats: 3x8

- RDL: 5x5

- Lunges: 4x10 - 2 sets per leg

- Leg Press: 3x50

- Standing Calf Press: 5x15

- Hanging Leg Presses: 3xFailure

Tuesday: Back/Biceps

- Bent Over Barbell Row: 3x8

- Seated Rows Wide Grip: 3x8

- Lat Pulldowns: 3x8

- T Bar Rows: 3x8

- Incline Dumbbell Curl: 5xFailure

- Preacher Curls: 5xFailure

- Pullups: 3xFailure

Wednesday: Rest/Cardio

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps/Traps

- Dumbbell Press: 4x8

- Rear Delt Machine: 4x8

- Lateral Raises: 3x8

- Barbell Shrugs: 3x8

- Upright Rows: 3x8

- Tricep Pulldown: 3x8 - 1 drop set till failure

- Reverse Grip Tricep Pulldown: 3x8

- Tricep Dips: 3xFailure

- Calf Machine Shrugs: 3x8

Friday: Rest/Cardio

Saturday: Rest/Cardio

Only thing I see that may be wrong is that I may be overdoing it on certain lifting days. Any tips/critiques?

Not bad but for the failure sets, Try doing a timed set. Like see how many push ups you can do in 1 min without stopping

Hmm, I may try that over a numbered amount of pushups.
-Never use deadlift has an exercise to train your lower back. Yes deadlift smake you back stronger, but you should be training your back to be able to handle the deadlifts. Not relying to them make it stronger. Back extensions and reverse hypers are great choices and make sure your glutes a activated and strong too.
Can you elaborate on this? So I shouldn't be deadlifting or I gotta be doing assistance work with the deadlifts?

-Sorry I didn't mean you shouldn't deadlift, I meant you shouldn't rely on it has a primary exercise to train to lower back.

-Deadlifts are effective and strengthen the entire back, upper and lower. So by all mean use it, I believe all most everyone that can deadlift, should use some form of deadlift.

-What I was trying to say though, that you need to worry more about your back being heavy enough to handle heavy deads, as oppose to worrying about if heavy deads are making your back strong. When the weight gets heavy it is only natural to compromise form to get the bar up, your back need to be ready for when that time comes

-Since the deadlift has a lot more nuances than people realize, unless someone's form is impeccable, their back will be at some risk. And a lot of dudes get hurt lowering the weight as opposed to lifting it because the round their back lowering the weight. Another time when a strong lower back might be the difference between injury or harmless careless mistake

-The assistance work (along with perfecting your form) will protect you from snapping yo **** up when the weight gets big. And since you won't be able to train heay deads frequently you will rely on assistance work more to make progress

-Reverse hypers are idiot proof, back extensions a good because you can progress on them nicely, and Romanian Deads if you can hip hinge correctly
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:lol: this thread man... Can't have it go more than X amount of pages before we get double the amount in pages of back and forth than the last time :smh:

SoleKing- I cut on 1421 calories a day, lost 100+ my first year with cardio and lifting. Still breathing.
Just sat down, and kind of did a rough draft of what my 4 day split will be:

Sunday: Chest
- Bench Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Chest Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x8
- Dumbbell Fly: 3x8
- Pushups: 3x15
- Dips: 3xFailure

Monday: Legs/Abs
- Squats: 3x8
- RDL: 5x5
- Lunges: 4x10 - 2 sets per leg
- Leg Press: 3x50
- Standing Calf Press: 5x15
- Hanging Leg Presses: 3xFailure

Tuesday: Back/Biceps
- Bent Over Barbell Row: 3x8
- Seated Rows Wide Grip: 3x8
- Lat Pulldowns: 3x8
- T Bar Rows: 3x8
- Incline Dumbbell Curl: 5xFailure
- Preacher Curls: 5xFailure
- Pullups: 3xFailure

Wednesday: Rest/Cardio

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps/Traps
- Dumbbell Press: 4x8
- Rear Delt Machine: 4x8
- Lateral Raises: 3x8
- Barbell Shrugs: 3x8
- Upright Rows: 3x8
- Tricep Pulldown: 3x8 - 1 drop set till failure
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pulldown: 3x8
- Tricep Dips: 3xFailure
- Calf Machine Shrugs: 3x8

Friday: Rest/Cardio

Saturday: Rest/Cardio

Only thing I see that may be wrong is that I may be overdoing it on certain lifting days. Any tips/critiques?
On chest days, I do:

Bench: 4-5 working sets

Incline Bench: 3-4 sets

Dumbell Presses(sometimes flat, sometimes incline): 3 sets

Dumbell Flys: 3 Sets

Decline Machine Presses: 3 Sets

Sometimes I do cable flys instead of dumbless flys, or do machine flys. I feel SPENT after bench presses, but just push myself. I feel great after and my recovery is 3 days.

Back days:

Pull ups as warm up.

Barbell Rows: 4-5 working sets

Pulldowns: 3-4 sets

Close grip pulldown: 3-4 sets (usually 3)

T-Bar machine/makeshift t-bar with barbell: 3-4 sets (usually 3)

Chainsaws: 3 Sets

Bicep Curls Superset into another curl (lay on incline bench on stomach and do curls): 3 sets

If im feeling it ill usually do another bicep workout, today we did...dont know what its called actually but instead of spending the energy bringing the ez curl bar up, I took 4-6 seconds to lower it slowly,then had a spot help me bring it up. Repeat. Felt great.


Squats: 4-5 Sets

Leg Press: 4-5 Sets

Lunges: 3 sets, 20 steps

Shoulders/Tri (usually a 2 day combined with chest):

Shoulder press (barbell): 4-5 sets

Dumbell press: 3-4 sets

Flys: 3 sets

Front flys: 3 sets

Rope pulldowns: 3 sets

Kickbacks: 3 sets

Everything is usually 6-10 reps. Never go for 4 except the military presses and bench press. Its working for me and my friend, have seen gains and not overly tired. We rest 3 days a muscle group and were up and at it again.

Is overworking relative to the person?


Copped the Cellucor Super HD and CLK. Heard great things about this product. Cant wait to try it out. Dont know if I should cut the creatine out now though...
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this thread man... Can't have it go more than X amount of pages before we get double the amount in pages of back and forth than the last time

SoleKing- I cut on 1421 calories a day, lost 100+ my first year with cardio and lifting. Still breathing.
:lol: this thread man... Can't have it go more than X amount of pages before we get double the amount in pages of back and forth than the last time :smh:

SoleKing- I cut on 1421 calories a day, lost 100+ my first year with cardio and lifting. Still breathing.

i think the thing about not going on a super low calorie diet applies more to non-fatties as to reduce muscle catabolism and still burn fat
I don't hate crossfit but this gif had me :lol:



Just sat down, and kind of did a rough draft of what my 4 day split will be:

Sunday: Chest
- Bench Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Chest Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x8
- Dumbbell Fly: 3x8
- Pushups: 3x15
- Dips: 3xFailure

Monday: Legs/Abs
- Squats: 3x8
- RDL: 5x5
- Lunges: 4x10 - 2 sets per leg
- Leg Press: 3x50
- Standing Calf Press: 5x15
- Hanging Leg Presses: 3xFailure

Tuesday: Back/Biceps
- Bent Over Barbell Row: 3x8
- Seated Rows Wide Grip: 3x8
- Lat Pulldowns: 3x8
- T Bar Rows: 3x8
- Incline Dumbbell Curl: 5xFailure
- Preacher Curls: 5xFailure
- Pullups: 3xFailure

Wednesday: Rest/Cardio

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps/Traps
- Dumbbell Press: 4x8
- Rear Delt Machine: 4x8
- Lateral Raises: 3x8
- Barbell Shrugs: 3x8
- Upright Rows: 3x8
- Tricep Pulldown: 3x8 - 1 drop set till failure
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pulldown: 3x8
- Tricep Dips: 3xFailure
- Calf Machine Shrugs: 3x8

Friday: Rest/Cardio

Saturday: Rest/Cardio

Only thing I see that may be wrong is that I may be overdoing it on certain lifting days. Any tips/critiques?

thanks for posting this.. Ive wanted to revamp my routine for a while now and also get some new exercises in.. ill try some out
:lol: this thread man... Can't have it go more than X amount of pages before we get double the amount in pages of back and forth than the last time :smh:

SoleKing- I cut on 1421 calories a day, lost 100+ my first year with cardio and lifting. Still breathing.

did you post pics?

losing weight too fast though can have an effect on your heart/organs

did you post pics?

losing weight too fast though can have an effect on your heart/organs

Oct 15, 2011

Began a month later at 288

January 2012, 252

Nov 23, 2012 @ 177

Friday, didn't weigh in but did last week at 181
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lol i've never even tried. maybe when i drop a little more tonnage and up my pull-ups i'll start trying to give it a shot. at this point i'd probably hurt something. battling a strain in my elbow right now. sharp pain when i do certain presses like flat barbell bench. the onset came one day when i was doing dips :smh:

i know that feel...
my weakness is right shoulder, it really limits me...but im getting my pullups up there :pimp:

i was talkin bout the video iLLest promised us of him bussin out 5 muscleups or something like that...lulz

making it look easyyy....:pimp:

maybe because theyre cheating????

theyre swinging like crazy and using their momentum

its still not easy, but once you start using momentum, all exercises become easier than just isolated use of whatever muscle
Good **** man. How long will it take for the skin to go back to normal? I know when you lose a lot of weight quickly, the stretched out skin is :smh:
Good **** man. How long will it take for the skin to go back to normal? I know when you lose a lot of weight quickly, the stretched out skin is :smh:

Thanks man, always appreciated. No clue how long it would take, but I'm hoping a good amount of time with this Keto will help. I want visible abs. Crazy how goals and (relatively) small battles change/ evolve over time :smokin
Good **** man. How long will it take for the skin to go back to normal? I know when you lose a lot of weight quickly, the stretched out skin is :smh:

Thanks man, always appreciated. No clue how long it would take, but I'm hoping a good amount of time with this Keto will help. I want visible abs. Crazy how goals and (relatively) small battles change/ evolve over time :smokin

I know that feel. :pimp:

Just curious, but how tall are you? No hate or anything, genuinely curious.
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would a week or low/no carb even do anything?


I can only speak from my own experience, but I did notice a good amount of bloat disappear after week one. Friday began week 4, and I do notice a substantial improvement of alertness, and overall feeling refreshed throughout the day.

I know that feel. :pimp:

Just curious, but how tall are you? No hate or anything, genuinely curious.

I'm 5'10"

did you post pics?

losing weight too fast though can have an effect on your heart/organs

Oct 15, 2011

Began a month later at 288

January 2012, 252

Nov 23, 2012 @ 177

Friday, didn't weigh in but did last week at 181

I know you know your transformation is amazing, but it really is, more than you think. Great job bruh, if this doesn't inspire some these other cats I dunno what will. How bad do you want it?
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