STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

-Dudes that label "all supplements" unnecessary or dangerous don't know that they are talking about. Plus they uses the most extreme cases to argue their points too e.g dudes taking in a lot of protein, and preworkout products
-If you are a active male there is no diet on this earth that will cover every single nutrition bases. Especially if it entire made up of entirely whole foods
-Having a great diet is the most important thing any human could do to improve their health but supplements would be needed to fill in the gaps.

-Crossfit is a sport. Their workout are based around a set of principles dealing with that sport . It is not just a bunch of dudes in a warehouse doing muscle ups and oly lifts with bad form. I personally don't like it because I believe the negatives out weigh the positives with Crossfit. But i don't knock people who do it. Lift heavy in the gym and running miles isn't for everyone.

-Never use deadlift has an exercise to train your lower back. Yes deadlift smake you back stronger, but you should be training your back to be able to handle the deadlifts. Not relying to them make it stronger. Back extensions and reverse hypers are great choices and make sure your glutes a activated and strong too.
dont think most of us were saying supps were bad... we were saying how some OD on them :rolleyes
dude dropped 225 on his chest from a little over half way up. saw that bar bounce! ran over and lifeted it off him. he sat there for a loooong time, drank water and came back and sat on the bench for a looong time texting on his phone. maybe doing a blog entry about the pros and cons of suicide grip

Warm up sets or sets with the bar are the only time I even attempt that.  My training partner (new to lifting) saw me doing it one day and tried to do it with his working sets.  Almost backhanded him, lol.
Thing is who in here is getting 200g of protein from shakes? Cats in here stay throwing subliminal shots on things they know nothing about. I havent seen one person in this thread who wilds out like that. All because dudes in here dont buy supps they feel holier than thou trying to force their regimens on other people who can really care less. It`s one thing if someone is asking for help, but dudes will post their workout or meal then dudes in here give some long drawn book report on how they are wrong even though that person may be getting results. Its to the point where its not even advice anymore.
def not saying someone in this thread is or admiting it BUT plenty of people do

go read body building magazines and see how many shakes they recommend in a DAY.

plus some dude a few pages ago said he goes through 10lb in a month or something like that...
Lol, takes me like 2 months to go through a 5 lb tub, sometimes longer.

There's a lot of sensitivity and chest thumping that goes on in this thread.  I just ignore the drama and add/take from the thread the beneficial stuff applies to me.  Don't really have the time or energy to get caught up in the rest.
-Dudes that label "all supplements" unnecessary or dangerous don't know that they are talking about. Plus they uses the most extreme cases to argue their points too e.g dudes taking in a lot of protein, and preworkout products
-If you are a active male there is no diet on this earth that will cover every single nutrition bases. Especially if it entire made up of entirely whole foods
-Having a great diet is the most important thing any human could do to improve their health but supplements would be needed to fill in the gaps.

-Crossfit is a sport. Their workout are based around a set of principles dealing with that sport . It is not just a bunch of dudes in a warehouse doing muscle ups and oly lifts with bad form. I personally don't like it because I believe the negatives out weigh the positives with Crossfit. But i don't knock people who do it. Lift heavy in the gym and running miles isn't for everyone.

-Never use deadlift has an exercise to train your lower back. Yes deadlift smake you back stronger, but you should be training your back to be able to handle the deadlifts. Not relying to them make it stronger. Back extensions and reverse hypers are great choices and make sure your glutes a activated and strong too.
Bro-science to the nth power.  Thanks tho.
-Dudes that label "all supplements" unnecessary or dangerous don't know that they are talking about. Plus they uses the most extreme cases to argue their points too e.g dudes taking in a lot of protein, and preworkout products

-If you are a active male there is no diet on this earth that will cover every single nutrition bases. Especially if it entire made up of entirely whole foods

-Having a great diet is the most important thing any human could do to improve their health but supplements would be needed to fill in the gaps.

-Crossfit is a sport. Their workout are based around a set of principles dealing with that sport . It is not just a bunch of dudes in a warehouse doing muscle ups and oly lifts with bad form. I personally don't like it because I believe the negatives out weigh the positives with Crossfit. But i don't knock people who do it. Lift heavy in the gym and running miles isn't for everyone.

-Never use deadlift has an exercise to train your lower back. Yes deadlift smake you back stronger, but you should be training your back to be able to handle the deadlifts. Not relying to them make it stronger. Back extensions and reverse hypers are great choices and make sure your glutes a activated and strong too.

Bro-science to the nth power.  Thanks tho.

Exactly want did I way that was bro science?

Nothing I said was on some "try this bro. it awesome, is the the best way to....." type steez
still dont understand the hate for cross fit


me personally, i don't like the emphasis they put on speed when it comes to lifting. that and it's expensive as f.

i dont care what it consists of honestly, like i said before. if it gets people up and off their butt and getting fit or atleast kinda fit. IM ALL FOR IT!

thats like hating/making fun of people who play a sport you hate or dont like :lol:
-Dudes that label "all supplements" unnecessary or dangerous don't know that they are talking about. Plus they uses the most extreme cases to argue their points too e.g dudes taking in a lot of protein, and preworkout products

-If you are a active male there is no diet on this earth that will cover every single nutrition bases. Especially if it entire made up of entirely whole foods

-Having a great diet is the most important thing any human could do to improve their health but supplements would be needed to fill in the gaps.

-Crossfit is a sport. Their workout are based around a set of principles dealing with that sport . It is not just a bunch of dudes in a warehouse doing muscle ups and oly lifts with bad form. I personally don't like it because I believe the negatives out weigh the positives with Crossfit. But i don't knock people who do it. Lift heavy in the gym and running miles isn't for everyone.

-Never use deadlift has an exercise to train your lower back. Yes deadlift smake you back stronger, but you should be training your back to be able to handle the deadlifts. Not relying to them make it stronger. Back extensions and reverse hypers are great choices and make sure your glutes a activated and strong too.

Bro-science to the nth power.  Thanks tho.
Exactly want did I way that was bro science?

Nothing I said was on some "try this bro. it awesome, is the the best way to....." type steez
See points 2, 3, and your last point.  Any facts to back those up at all?  Not saying you're wrong, but there's a lot of people who pop into this thread and make blanket statements like those with no factual evidence or actual science to support any of it.  Big reason why some of these arguments wind up happening that eat up pages. Cycle back a few pages to get an idea of what I mean.
Can we please stop with the whole crossfit debate in this thread?

It's annoying as hell to read. I feel like its two extreme religionists arguing over which type if worship is better. People are gonna argue back and fourth, and no one is gonna have their mind changed. Just a bunch of jimmies shall be rustled lol
still dont understand the hate for cross fit


me personally, i don't like the emphasis they put on speed when it comes to lifting. that and it's expensive as f.

Like I said Crossfit is a sport, and they have some metrics they use to monitor people's progress in their programs and I think (not sure) they emphasize high rep explosive exercise because they help what every those metrics go up. Or at least how it was explained to me a couple times

Oly lifting and Power lifting are also sports, and they but emphasis on speed when it comes to lifting. But they use much, much heavier weights and train with a much smaller rep range. Also some of the exercise that are popular is crossfit can't be completed without using speed and momentum, especially for the high reps they use.

i can feel you on the price. But if you find a good Crossfit gym then I think they price is kinda worth it to a lot of people. At a good Crossfit gym you will have a lot of resources you can't find a your regular commercial gym (strongman equipment, good prehab instructors, lots of racks, oly lifting instruction). Plus people make friends with other gym goers.

Some people just ain't built with the lonely gym grind. They rather be outside doing high rep snatches with a couple of the homies. One thing about Crossfit is that the are really support of their members. People rather pay 150 a month to feel welcomed, than pay 30 a month to feel that they are getting judged.
-Never use deadlift has an exercise to train your lower back. Yes deadlift smake you back stronger, but you should be training your back to be able to handle the deadlifts. Not relying to them make it stronger. Back extensions and reverse hypers are great choices and make sure your glutes a activated and strong too.
Can you elaborate on this? So I shouldn't be deadlifting or I gotta be doing assistance work with the deadlifts?
See points 2, 3, and your last point.  Any facts to back those up at all?  Not saying you're wrong, but there's a lot of people who pop into this thread and make blanket statements like those with no factual evidence or actual science to support any of it.  Big reason why some of these arguments wind up happening that eat up pages. Cycle back a few pages to get an idea of what I mean.

I don't see anything wrong with points 2 and 3. If you look at modern agricultural practices, there are many problems. For example, plants require many nutrients to grow optimally. Most modern fertilizers use 3 minerals exclusively, which results in produce with significantly lower micronutrient density. The lack of crop rotation, large amounts of herbicides/pesticides/insecticides/fungicides used, and various other issues don't help either. Soils are becoming increasingly poor in minerals, which makes its way to the consumer. As a result, supplementation is warranted sometimes, but the only way to know for sure is via blood testing to see your levels of various nutrients.

A similar story exists for animal products. Unless you are eating pasture raised, grass-fed meats, eggs, milk, and other animal products, they are not as rich in nutrients as they should be. Omega 3 fatty acids, CLA, various minerals, and other factors are significantly higher in pasture raised animal products. This has been confirmed by scientific research and I urge you to look into the effects of these decreases in nutrients.

There is also the issue that the FDA and other testing institutions don't scrutinize the supplement industry for falsifying information on their labels. The lack of quality control, no verification on product identity, purity, etc. are not being identified by consumers. People buy supplements and don't know if they are getting what they paid for. There are brands out there that use stringent third party testing and are high quality. A tell-tale sign is that stores like GNC don't sell them and you have to get them from health care practitioners. These products are never marked down because the cost to produce them is higher, but again, the quality is guaranteed. Cheap supplements can actually be quite bad, from oxidized polyunsaturated fats to heavy metals and more.

I disagree with the last point. The stabilization and isometric contraction required by the erector spinae during various deadlifts is very beneficial for lower back strength. Also, I use straight leg deadlifting (locked knee position) for prehab and mobility development. Yes there is inherent danger, as there is in many other beneficial movement patterns. But if approached from a progressive and not too aggressive protocol, it can yield great results and prepare your low back for real world situations. This movement has been practiced in olympic weightlifting and gymnastic circles for decades and is oftentimes known as the Jefferson Curl.
Can you elaborate on this? So I shouldn't be deadlifting or I gotta be doing assistance work with the deadlifts?

He's basically saying that dead lift will work your back but since deadlift focuses on more than your back that if you wanted to strengthen your back there are lifts that isolate the back more. Personally, I do the big 3 lifts for powerlifting and do assistance workor lifts in addition to those 3 to increase strength. I actually trained with one of the best powerlifters for a couple years and learned a lot.
If any of you have been to a third world country where they don't have money for the steroids and crap we pump our food and plants with, you can taste purse organic food and the body shapes of the people show.
He's basically saying that dead lift will work your back but since deadlift focuses on more than your back that if you wanted to strengthen your back there are lifts that isolate the back more. Personally, I do the big 3 lifts for powerlifting and do assistance workor lifts in addition to those 3 to increase strength. I actually trained with one of the best powerlifters for a couple years and learned a lot.

He's saying you need other assistance work.
Either way - the way he phrased it was difficult to understand - plus it's a blanket statement with no supporting evidence. This thread would benefit if we tried to cut down on those sorts of posts.
Just sat down, and kind of did a rough draft of what my 4 day split will be:

Sunday: Chest
- Bench Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Chest Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x8
- Dumbbell Fly: 3x8
- Pushups: 3x15
- Dips: 3xFailure

Monday: Legs/Abs
- Squats: 3x8
- RDL: 5x5
- Lunges: 4x10 - 2 sets per leg
- Leg Press: 3x50
- Standing Calf Press: 5x15
- Hanging Leg Presses: 3xFailure

Tuesday: Back/Biceps
- Bent Over Barbell Row: 3x8
- Seated Rows Wide Grip: 3x8
- Lat Pulldowns: 3x8
- T Bar Rows: 3x8
- Incline Dumbbell Curl: 5xFailure
- Preacher Curls: 5xFailure
- Pullups: 3xFailure

Wednesday: Rest/Cardio

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps/Traps
- Dumbbell Press: 4x8
- Rear Delt Machine: 4x8
- Lateral Raises: 3x8
- Barbell Shrugs: 3x8
- Upright Rows: 3x8
- Tricep Pulldown: 3x8 - 1 drop set till failure
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pulldown: 3x8
- Tricep Dips: 3xFailure
- Calf Machine Shrugs: 3x8

Friday: Rest/Cardio

Saturday: Rest/Cardio

Only thing I see that may be wrong is that I may be overdoing it on certain lifting days. Any tips/critiques?
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Completely and utterly destroyed biceps today....oh man I'm sore.
Just sat down, and kind of did a rough draft of what my 4 day split will be:

Sunday: Chest
- Bench Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Chest Press: 3x8
- Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x8
- Dumbbell Fly: 3x8
- Pushups: 3x15
- Dips: 3xFailure

Monday: Legs/Abs
- Squats: 3x8
- RDL: 5x5
- Lunges: 4x10 - 2 sets per leg
- Leg Press: 3x50
- Standing Calf Press: 5x15
- Hanging Leg Presses: 3xFailure

Tuesday: Back/Biceps
- Bent Over Barbell Row: 3x8
- Seated Rows Wide Grip: 3x8
- Lat Pulldowns: 3x8
- T Bar Rows: 3x8
- Incline Dumbbell Curl: 5xFailure
- Preacher Curls: 5xFailure
- Pullups: 3xFailure

Wednesday: Rest/Cardio

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps/Traps
- Dumbbell Press: 4x8
- Rear Delt Machine: 4x8
- Lateral Raises: 3x8
- Barbell Shrugs: 3x8
- Upright Rows: 3x8
- Tricep Pulldown: 3x8 - 1 drop set till failure
- Reverse Grip Tricep Pulldown: 3x8
- Tricep Dips: 3xFailure
- Calf Machine Shrugs: 3x8

Friday: Rest/Cardio

Saturday: Rest/Cardio

Only thing I see that may be wrong is that I may be overdoing it on certain lifting days. Any tips/critiques?
Not bad but for the failure sets, Try doing a timed set. Like see how many push ups you can do in 1 min without stopping
If any of you have been to a third world country where they don't have money for the steroids and crap we pump our food and plants with, you can taste purse organic food and the body shapes of the people show.

Actually, that's not true either. In most third world countries, there is no regulation on the chemicals used in agriculture. They use things that have been banned in the USA and other countries, because it's cheap, available, and effective. They don't tend to use any scientific approach on applications and oftentimes think that more = better. This is based on first hand experience and is a generalized statement, so take it for what its worth.

Don't get me wrong, there are places that grow without any chemicals, but many third world countries are not as "innocent" as you would expect.
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