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RE: the hospitals

My hosptial cafe is great also alot of choices so u can really get what u are looking for and not have to settle for fast food. And like steezy said it is totally sepetate from patients so u wont have to worry about feeling uncomfortable
The saying "abs are made in the kitchen" is totally true. Obviously, you have to have low enough body fat to have visable abs. However, don't mistake that for not training your core. Having a strong core will aid you in a lot of lifts and will drastically improve functional strength too.

Just a reminder for everyone, and any new lifters who may just so happen to misinterpret that "abs are made in the kitchen".
The saying "abs are made in the kitchen" is totally true. Obviously, you have to have low enough body fat to have visable abs. However, don't mistake that for not training your core. Having a strong core will aid you in a lot of lifts and will drastically improve functional strength too.

Just a reminder for everyone, and any new lifters who may just so happen to misinterpret that "abs are made in the kitchen".

Exactly, even when your diet is right you still have to train the abs...look at people in 3rd world countries that don't have access to food and water like some people. They are not flossing a Dolph Ziggler 6 pack.
Folks definitely neglect core/lower back work. Crazy how many guys I see doing tough leg/upper body work every week and don't do jack for their lower back/abs/core.
Folks definitely neglect core/lower back work. Crazy how many guys I see doing tough leg/upper body work every week and don't do jack for their lower back/abs/core.

What workout do you do for lower back? I been doing Hyperextensions as of late...lower back was really weak before and had to tiger balm the hell out of it lol
What workout do you do for lower back? I been doing Hyperextensions as of late...lower back was really weak before and had to tiger balm the hell out of it lol

Right now I've been doing deadlifts, good mornings and bent over rows to hit my lower back. Would like to get some back extensions in, but the friggin stand gets moved out of nowhere or adjusted or is used when I try to get to it.
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Chennylou - white plains hospital is not half bad...I did clinicals there...have you tried them?...I did my clinicals 9 years ago

The hospital I'm speaking off is Lawrence bro
Chennylou - white plains hospital is not half bad...I did clinicals there...have you tried them?...I did my clinicals 9 years ago

Go figure, I was born in that hospital lol

The hospital I'm speaking off is Lawrence bro
So I'm sure you can consign that this is a community hospital in a community that don't play around :lol:

Small world.
Out of town this weekend so I had to use a guest pass and went to Golds Gym.

Talk about a gym, it was a bad *** atmosphere, plenty of different equipment that my gym lacks. Some big boys there too no romo, had me mirin for a second, pause.

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Folks definitely neglect core/lower back work. Crazy how many guys I see doing tough leg/upper body work every week and don't do jack for their lower back/abs/core.

Lower back is also very import. It can be easily injured too, which just causes nagging pain lol

Movements that strengthen the postier chain, such as good mornings and stuff legged deadlifts help straighten your lower back too. Strong postier chain equals actual functional strength. No weak links.
Best full body work out

100 push ups, 100 dips, 100 crunches, 100 russian twists, 100 hindu squats, 100 burpees, 100 front kicks, 100 leg raises, 100 back bridges, do 100 planks.

Looks insane, but give it a shot
^ Not bad, but I prefer a circuit if I'm targeting full body with bodyweight.

Definitely need to use my foam roller more.  Gotta look at that PDF that was posted here for some tips other than the basic stuff I do.

Plan on buying the Starting strength book as well.
I go to the vitamin shoppe, I don't get ripped off now because all I really get are multis, probiotics, fishoil and the same protein I've been using for about 2 years...

Btw Bros, for the past month and change I've finally got myself used to substituting my diet soda/juices with water during my meals, love the difference I feel and I'm actually seeing more of a change on my stubborn side fat!...crazy!

That crave for something sweet durin a meal is a serious hurdle, but well worth it.
Could occasionally replace it with something sweetened with stevia, but aspartame is just not a good look.  I'm sure you already know that, though.
muscle ups are about explosion.. best to start by jumping above the bar and doing some dips then dropping down and then explode by kicking your legs while getting belly button over the bar.. I say it is like reverse cleaning..

Not true at all about muscle ups. Perhaps for kipping muscle ups(which aren't real muscle ups at all in my opinion). The weakest link for most people is the transition, and training should be programmed accordingly. Endless pull ups and dips will not help, nor will weighted variations.

This is my back currently.
I really want to add more size and tone at the same time (my whole body), is this practical? I'm currently 5'10'' and 174lbs.
I've kinda been doing the same routines/exercises for quite some time now, but fluctuating in weight and repetitions.. anyone recommend any good muscle/strength building programs? :nerd:

Do a specialization routine for 3-6 weeks, focusing on upper body strength. You should change everything up, to continue making progress. A good rule of thumb is to use one routine and change it after doing it 4-8 times. If you've been doing higher reps for 3-6 months(too long IMO), you should switch to lower reps and train for strength for 1 month.

I would encourage you to look into gymnastic strength training, as it will provide a different stimulus from what you are used to. Adding tuck front levers and back levers will help. They stimulate a lot of musculature that insert on the scapula, providing more overall back strength than simple pull ups and rows. Give it a try for 3-6 weeks, aiming for 5x30s holds for each by the end of the program. Continue to do other conditioning, after you've done the lever holds.

For low back and abdominal conditioning, there are MANY variations out there.
Low back: arch body holds, back extensions(flat and incline), reverse hyperextension, rack pulls, deadlifts, good morning(seated and standing), various leg lifts such as in press handstands, etc.
Abdominals: V ups, hollow body holds, hanging leg raises(toes touch the bar), dragonflags, front lever variations, etc.

In my opinion, the abs don't need much training, especially if you are using compound movements for training. For example, if you are doing front levers, there is no point in doing extra ab conditioning unless it is your weakest link and holding you back. Ask anyone that has done a training session with heavy weighted chin ups, the next day their abs are sore. Mel Siff found a study years ago that showed that pullovers activated the rectus abdominis more than sit ups. Now imagine doing that type of movement in a closed kinetic chain version of the pullover, as it happens in front lever training. There is no need for most people to include extra abdominal conditioning.

The lower back is a different story, considering that the posterior chain provides majority of the force in explosive movements like sprinting and jumping. Lower back work should be a part of any good conditioning program, and the movements trained can and should vary regularly.
Disappoints me to see all the fade training in here. Dudes talking about cross fit and all these suppliments.

Look, the old school way STILL works.

Rest good

Excerise properly



Train properly

and again Rest good. No cross training or suppliments needed.
Best full body work out

100 push ups, 100 dips, 100 crunches, 100 russian twists, 100 hindu squats, 100 burpees, 100 front kicks, 100 leg raises, 100 back bridges, do 100 planks.

Looks insane, but give it a shot

what do you mean by 100 planks?
Disappoints me to see all the fade training in here. Dudes talking about cross fit and all these suppliments.

Look, the old school way STILL works.

Rest good

Excerise properly



Train properly

and again Rest good. No cross training or suppliments needed.

Get outta here with this old school crap. Damn
cats kill me with the "old school" stuff. all these "old school" cats were on roids and admit it, its only todays gen where roids are taboo. I feel people need to find what works for them and stick to it.
I'm start eating 4 Big Macs, 4 large fries, 4 apple pies and 4 mcflurries.

The old school way :smokin
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cats kill me with the "old school" stuff. all these "old school" cats were on roids and admit it, its only todays gen where roids are taboo. I feel people need to find what works for them and stick to it.
LOL, the method I listed isn't for body builders. I just want to help people like yourself draining your money on products and products, You have NO IDEA how they are effecting your insides.
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