STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I have a cheat day every Saturday and always try to hit my maintenance level.

Grubbed a patty melt from Whataburger after playing in a softball tourny all day long. Then I washed that down with a little desert I've cooked up.

Skinny cow chocolate fudge brownie ice cream + 2 servings of chocolate PB2 + a few crushed up animal crackers = under 300 calories of awesomeness.
I guess everybody cheated this weekend...

After doing keto for a few weeks... I had some beers and jäger bombs last night. Didnt realize your tolerance goes WAY down while in ketosis. I was wasted. Followed that up with pasta and some ginger ale today.

Back on keto tomorrow...
Food Made Today

Turkey Wings: Seasoned with black pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, oregano, little salt
Pinto Beans
Collard Greens

Should last me until Wednesday.

Yall need to stop sleeping on making a big batch of beans on Sundays. Easy lean protein/carb source. Can eat it in the AM with eggs instead of oatmeal if you chose.

Stop sleepin man

DC you live alone?


:stoneface: Gym closed because St Patricks parade...
Chest day..
aww well.

Guess i'll hit it tommorrow. Last time i hit chest was last sunday. I guess it wont be bad.

Im gonna have to go get a workout session with my cousin cuz he working out with a friend that be lifting for 3hrs long :stoneface: he said anywhere from 2-3hrs they lit for. No deadlifts or squats.. mater fact no legs at all and they bench just about everyday.

Dude is lanky as hell. My frame would be more comparable to a football players being that was the sport I focused on more, Westbrook has zero legs.

No legs??

I guess everybody cheated this weekend...

After doing keto for a few weeks... I had some beers and jäger bombs last night. Didnt realize your tolerance goes WAY down while in ketosis. I was wasted. Followed that up with pasta and some ginger ale today.

Back on keto tomorrow...

LMAO man keto brings your tolerance down to what's probably equivalent to a 5th grader's. I had 4 mixed drinks and threw up for what felt like hours.
hannibal put those fake crossfit muscle ups to shame.
my dude Spong :smokin

Actually, if you ask anyone that's strict on form and understands gymnastic strength training, the hierarchy goes like this:
Gymnasts > Hannibal and other "Bar Groups" > Crossfitters
Of course, there are some outliers in there. This is based on attention to form and actual strength development due to bodyweight training. For example, you gain no strength or proficiency at muscle ups by doing 50 kipping muscle ups for time.

The "planche pushups" you see by the various bar groups are not really such. Excessively arched backs, bouncing out of the bottom, not locking out, improper scapular positioning, etc. are just gimmicks to make people believe that they are stronger than they are. A true planche pushup is very difficult and a rare sight to see. I've only seen a few straddle planche pushups on youtube with proper form, forget about the full lay variation.

Take a look at the various "one arm chin up" videos out there. Compare these 2:

If you look closely, you'll notice in the first clip, he doesn't start from full extension or reach full flexion. The negative isn't controlled, despite the grip is at the most advantageous position(you are strongest at neutral in overhead pulling). The second clip shows 4 people(non-gymnasts) doing full OACs under control from full extension (dead hang) at the bottom to full flexion at the top(fingers touch neck). No squirming, just the essential movements to counter the rotational forces during the movement.

Don't get me wrong, gymnasts aren't perfect by any means. For example, Crossfitters train their legs harder than gymnasts do and probably have better vertical jumps than gymnasts. This is to prove a point that gymnastics strength training is very attainable by anyone interested in "fitness", strength training, or athletic performance. The stability, proprioception, joint integrity, mobility, movement complexity, and other traits developed by it are impossible to achieve with an open kinetic chain dominant training style. Of course, this isn't everyone's cup of tea, so the choice is yours.
Cheated yesterday with spaghetti and a ton of meatballs. Had a few beers and irish carbombs. I thought I'd be flat or a little over this morning but I'm a half pound lighter. Calibrated my scale a few times to make sure lol. Ah well. Good times but now its back to work. Push day today.

Stay fit NT.
You guys drink your protein straight up or do you add anything in it??
MF: What about supplements?

RO: I learned a lot from [former WWE champion] Chris Benoit. He doesn't like shaker cups because they get dirty and stink so quickly. So he'll take two scoops of protein powder and put it in his mouth dry, then put a little water in and shake his head around. I used to look at him and think, "Damn, that's hardcore!" Then one day I was like, "**** this shaker," and I started doing it the Benoit way.
I don't think anyone should aspire to be like Chris Benoit.  Just sayin'...
Eating dry protein powder? :x I'm good

Those shaker cups do get annoying as hell though, especially when you're making multiple shakes a day. I buy solo cups for my shakes...
I've lost several shaker cups over the years. I now just use a vitamin water bottle to mix my protein. If I lose it, it only costs $1 to replace it
Cheated yesterday with spaghetti and a ton of meatballs. Had a few beers and irish carbombs. I thought I'd be flat or a little over this morning but I'm a half pound lighter. Calibrated my scale a few times to make sure lol. Ah well. Good times but now its back to work. Push day today.

Stay fit NT.

This happens to me all the time when I'm eating a bit more than what I'm supposed to eat. lol
86 Hang squat cleans (2 20lbs dumbells)
72 pull ups
40 power cleans
40 push-ups

30 minutes

Got my arms feeling like jello....literally
Get a damb NutriBullet, takes me 1 minute to prep a bomb *** shake and 10 seconds to clean blade and
Cheated/binged yesterday too. Ate around 5k calories, maintenance is around 3k. Last time I binged was Feb 16 or 17 so its been about a month since I went over maintenance on this cut. Not too worried though just gotta get back at it again
Cheated/binged yesterday too. Ate around 5k calories, maintenance is around 3k. Last time I binged was Feb 16 or 17 so its been about a month since I went over maintenance on this cut. Not too worried though just gotta get back at it again

5000 cals....damnnnnn
Hit back & shoulders hard today & did a half hour of cardio

Took a pre workout dump 

Took a post workout dump 

Feelin good mang 
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