STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

And don't forget water. Water is steroids too cause the body is already primarily water. By adding more water you're adding more body and that's cheating.
It's going to be very difficult for you to succeed accepting reps as a payment option. It doesn't matter anyway since you don't have a plan to give me. Listen bro I'll trade you 6 unicorns for your imaginary diet and training program
I got the master plan.

I got it bro.

It's all right here.

The blueprints.

Do you want to succeed? Ask yourself that question.
Today I lifted a bottle of laundry detergent with my right hand. That's a pr for the past week and a half.
Accidentally walked Up the stairs to the 8th floor today not the 7th , accidental PR. #alternativefacts
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Seen these 3 bros at the gym earlier. They were doing barbell rows cept one of em looked absolutely ******ed. Like a combination of shoulder shrugs and having a seizure. Neither of his boys said anything or helped him out.

Just shook my head and continue doing my ****
Accidentally started a cut when I forgot to eat during lunch break. Got abs for a few hours before I started my bulk around 5pm. Back on the cut though. Grinding man.
is this the same kief that would come in and argue with BOSS back in the day 

Went to a new gym today and saw this, i fell in love with this machine quickly, gona use it to help with PRs.
Was thinking of doing reg. Bench press one week and this guy the following week.

I been drinking hella milk I hit my previous 1rm (275) for one rep after a ton of volume on the bench. I'm sure my max went up I might test it out next week. Gonna channel my inner locked up Kobe

Hit a 285 for a 10 lb PR on bench yesterday. And I was out in the field at work for a 10 hr day before hitting the gym. Feel like my max can be higher on a better day. Might **** around and try 295 next week. Thank you Kobe
I been drinking hella milk I hit my previous 1rm (275) for one rep after a ton of volume on the bench. I'm sure my max went up I might test it out next week. Gonna channel my inner locked up Kobe

Hit a 285 for a 10 lb PR on bench yesterday. And I was out in the field at work for a 10 hr day before hitting the gym. Feel like my max can be higher on a better day. Might **** around and try 295 next week. Thank you Kobe
How long did it take you to find that post? Lol.

Good ish tho. Soon you'll be doing sets with 275. I had sets of 285x5x3 last week after that 315x2. It whooped my asterisk the last 2 sets lmao I only did 2. It was heavy. I was scared bruh.
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Accidentally walked Up the stairs to the 8th floor today not the 7th , accidental PR. #alternativefacts
lmaooooo this is still funny. Hahaha I'm rolling. Reminds me of Tiger Ty in grindtime battle rap against one dude "If you beat me, it would be on accident"

How long did it take you to find that post? Lol.

Good ish tho. Soon you'll be doing sets with 275. I had sets of 285x5x3 last week after that 315x2. It whooped my asterisk the last 2 sets lmao I only did 2. It was heavy. I was scared bruh.

I'm just trying to be skrong like you brah. Once I hit 3 wheels once I'll feel like the man

God damn this kind of stuff pisses me the hell off. People getting in good shape, start making youtube vids, then start promoting GARBAGE products and making GARBAGE claims. This dude has NO idea what his talking about. Straight up, made up bro-science. he is suggesting that burning muscle glycogen interferes with burning fat. So if you take in pyruvate you will not burn glycogen you will burn fat? He is suggesting that this product has the power to change metabolic pathways and the bodies system for using fuel...

1. It's physiologically impossible to stay in Anaerobic Glycolysis for 20 minutes.
2. Anaerobic glycolysis as a primary energy system during activity is limited to 2 minutes or less.
3. You cannot change the fuel type that is needed for a specific intensity of exercise. What this means is, if you are working hard enough to be using muscle glycogen at a high rate-- you cannot switch to buring fat period because fat cannot be burned anaerobically. Fat burning will increase as exercise continues, but it must be at a lower intensity because we have to have oxygen in order to burn fat.
He said it's pyruvate right? We don't absorb pyruvate. Pyruvate is ONLY a metabolic intermediate in glycolysis. It is not a food component.
We cannot abosurb pyruvate... we make pyruvate.

Then I reviewed the product nutrition facts label... And it only gets worse. (insert irritated voice over)
-pyruvate has no energy value in the context of this food. It's a moot point
-1000 mg = 1 g that can never add up to more than 4 kcal per gram... IF you could absorb it and make it into energy which, you cannot do with "pyruvate"
-notice there is NO list of main ingredients.
-none of the label claims fit the listed ingredients. Why because there is NO energy in this product :smile:. Notice they did their math wrong for the 1-gram of carb
-way way... way too much potassium
-Oh look! They made up their own name for an ingredient....
-No info on who makes this stuff and there is NO info on the Global Formulas website about the location or contents of this product
Isomaltulose is a fancy name for SUCROSE. But at 1000 mg, there's your 1 gram of carb

I think that's enough... what a waste of $42.45 THAT IS INSANE. DONT BUY THIS...
This is simply an endorsement deal for the guy in the video. Shame on Him.


Okay end of rant. Seriously most people in here don't need to be taking pre-workout or fat burners, 90% of the time they are a complete sham. If you MUST waste your money, at least do a little research first. is a great website for checking products.
-make sure the product has an NSF certified seal
-make sure the product has a USF certified seal
-Or just ask me to take a look into your product
Good info bro ^.

Nothing new. Someone always trying to push bs products. Basically $42 for hella potassium and 2GRAMS of citrulline. Lmao. A joke
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