STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I see you one of those that keeps going until you fail :lol:

Good stuff tho.
Nah fam I don't do this on the regular. I usually do 70-80% of my max for high reps. I was just feeling great that day :lol:
after my 435x2 my gym friend was like "too easy, go for 445" I said Nahhhhhh. Not about to set me up for failure. I like to move at my own pace lol.

It's funny cause reps be looking easy from the outside in when they really be tough af lol
^word it feels like the pull takes a lifetime but then someone tells u that was easy money lol
"You had at least two more in you"

Meanwhile your back almost gave out on the last rep, your nose bleeding, and your arm popped up like Buzz lightyears lol...and you got a daughter.
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Anybody have the Bose quite comfort 35s? The nice ones not meant for the gym?

Anyone work out in them? I'm too scared to sweat in them, but if anyone has found that it's doable then **** it.

These are my main headphones for the gym. Been using them 6-7 months now and they've held up pretty well.

Had beats by dre studio headphone prior and they broke within the first few months.
Overseas status report. I think the lack of protein effected some of my strength. The 400lb deadlift I attempted. The 315 squat for reps. The 225 bench which 3 weeks ago was good. Have been a grind.
My first week here I was lucky if I got 60grams of protein. 2nd week I may have managed 100. Now I think I'm up to about 150 finally getting protein powder this weekend though. So that should help. They had a bird flu thing out here so eggs are 5 bucks a dozen right now. I'm eating chicken and pork mainly. I want to start getting fish it's cheap out here but I don't have an oven yet. And I don't really like skillet my fish.

I'm moving apartments in late feb. and I may be moving in the same building as my gym or right across the street from it.
I'm not military. (Too old :nerd:)
I live and work in South Korea.
How are the yams out there? [emoji]128064[/emoji]. I knew a Korean girl in HS who had a fatty.

I also heard that over there they love black guys. Like it gets thrown at ya left and right. Like I said that's what I heard lol
Send some HiChew

Do you mean the candy ? My chew? They love that stuff here it's good

What brought you over there??
I'm contemplating a move myself.....
I'm a teacher. I lived here for 3 1/2 years before. But I'm working on my masters and learning more of the language so when I come back. I can use it for another job I was applying for.

As far as the yambs. The Asian and black guy thing is sort of a myth. There are certain sections where that does happen. But at least here in SK. They are more European influenced so they love white boys.
But the sections with military. Those usually attract the chicks who love black dudes.
Koreans are pretty people but skinny. Nice legs because all the chicks do are walk. In heels lol
So no fattys. They're just pretty face slim bodies mainly

I did however run into my first lifter chick yesterday. All other chicks on the treadmill had skinny legs. Then I saw one with some thighs. Next thing I know she gets off to workout and I saw the booty. Instant love. It was like finding Waldo.

Japan however. Now that's where they lhave more appreciation for black dudes and have better bodies. (But not as good faces)
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Squatted again and started my 5x5 today.

Hit 180x3 OHP...New PR. Max looking about 190. 3 PRS this week. I'm satisfied a little.

I think I wanna cut to 8% tho. Think I'll do a mini cut after this month bulk.
Do you mean the candy ? My chew? They love that stuff here it's good
I'm a teacher. I lived here for 3 1/2 years before. But I'm working on my masters and learning more of the language so when I come back. I can use it for another job I was applying for.

As far as the yambs. The Asian and black guy thing is sort of a myth. There are certain sections where that does happen. But at least here in SK. They are more European influenced so they love white boys.
But the sections with military. Those usually attract the chicks who love black dudes.
Koreans are pretty people but skinny. Nice legs because all the chicks do are walk. In heels lol
So no fattys. They're just pretty face slim bodies mainly

I did however run into my first lifter chick yesterday. All other chicks on the treadmill had skinny legs. Then I saw one with some thighs. Next thing I know she gets off to workout and I saw the booty. Instant love. It was like finding Waldo.

Japan however. Now that's where they lhave more appreciation for black dudes and have better bodies. (But not as good faces)

HiChew...i dunno do they call it My Chew out there?


Stuff is good. I asked my korean dude at the store in my hood to get some and he was so happy i knew what it was lol
Yea out here it's called mychew. My students are addicted. I compare it to a bubblicous/starburst.

I'll be sending a big package home soon. Lmk. It may be out there at H marts. Though
I work with a lot of the players in Eugene... the workouts weren't as brutal as the media is making it. A lot of these dudes are severely dehydrated and out of shape coming into spring workouts and some are coming off gear (reason for the kidney problems).

*fake news... sad* Trump voice

I don't think the media is making too big a deal about this. Players staying 4-5 nights in the hospital due to a workout is no joke, no matter how out of shape they were coming into the workouts, it's the job of your coach to look after your health at all costs. Interesting look into that strength training coach kinda paints him as not qualified to actually have the position that he has.

"His degrees are in recreation administration and sports management, not sports medicine or kinesiology. He’s not certified by the CSCCA or the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and Oregon didn’t provide additional certification information when asked Tuesday."
not sure why, but yesterdays shoulder/bicep dumbbell workout really helped my jump shot today... best I have stroked the ball in weeks 8)

chest/tri post shooting turns me into Bill Cartwright doe
DL volume/leg day. Felt terribly tight and bloated so today was just buns.

Pause reps of 135x10
And thanks for verifying tdogg. Yea the dude I heard this from was a friend years ago while he was deployed in Seoul.(military so confirms what you said)

I what they think about 6ft Mexicans [emoji]129300[/emoji]
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