STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Horrible angle you cant see ****. There is another video where one of those guys tries to hit Rich while they are talking and misses. 

Thats one of the huge reasons why I will never go to any Expo, **** I don't even like being in places where there are a lot of bros who lift or go watch MMA at bars, too many douches like this. 
All those dudes look soft. If two grown ups want to fight that's on them. No need to keep yelling stop let, the douches fight.

:lol: I'd love to see some of these dudes fighting with how ridiculous they look. Like can they even throw a punch?
Damn I missed it.. :rofl:



Saw a different angle.. Alex got jumped..
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Volume squat and shoulder morning. :x :smh:

Feel like I'm about to throw up, but glad it's over.

Shouts to all the resolutioners using all the cardio machines and leaving the free weight area spacious.

If only they knew that resistance training + caloric deficit would give them basically double the results

I agree where ur coming from, but not everyones body is the same. Calorie deficit is awesome like u said but not everyone can handle it. Heck, i couldnt until i got used to it.

I just dont agree how ur knocking down cardio. I do cardio to get rid of my extra skin that i have from when i dropped down weight. So im doing it wrong?
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I've never heard of cardio getting rid of excess skin.

Because it doesn't. :lol:

The only way to lose weight is by caloric deficit, either by diet or activity, there's no way to spot reduce.

Cardio is not helping you lose excess skin, it may be giving you a slightly larger deficit to burn more fat but that could also be achieved solely through diet.
I was hoping maybe I just haven't heard of it but I'm almost positive you have to see a surgeon to take care of that.
I think skin will stretch back a little. Its kinda elastic. The older you get it won't as much, but I mean, obviously you can't go from 400 to 185 and have no excess skin.
I have friends that got crazy lean but their lower abdominal region still looks like a crinkled up piece of paper. It is what it is until you get it taken care of. Theres no legit DIY methods unless someone can put me on.
What's your guys best lat lift? That's where I'm lacking.

I got about 1.5 weeks then I can start getting back in the gym 5x probably gonna do two back days. One dl and strength and one just for looks.

I just started pull ups again. Maybe add some weighted static holds or something or would it be best just to crank out 150 pull ups and call it a day? I'm a big fan of keeping it simple.
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What's your guys best lat lift? That's where I'm lacking.

I got about 1.5 weeks then I can start getting back in the gym 5x probably gonna do two back days. One dl and strength and one just for looks.

I just started pull ups again. Maybe add some weighted static holds or something or would it be best just to crank out 150 pull ups and call it a day? I'm a big fan of keeping it simple.
I see how you heavier guys be struggling with pull-ups lol. Sitting at 200 and I'm struggling to get 10 vs 15 I used to hit x2

Gonna do them volume sets with bands like I did before to get them up
What's your guys best lat lift? That's where I'm lacking.

I got about 1.5 weeks then I can start getting back in the gym 5x probably gonna do two back days. One dl and strength and one just for looks.

I just started pull ups again. Maybe add some weighted static holds or something or would it be best just to crank out 150 pull ups and call it a day? I'm a big fan of keeping it simple.

Never tried those. I'll do them tonight.
I see how you heavier guys be struggling with pull-ups lol. Sitting at 200 and I'm struggling to get 10 vs 15 I used to hit x2

Gonna do them volume sets with bands like I did before to get them up

just keep at them, i'm 242 and I do 4 x fail whenever I do pull ups and I can usually get about 35-37 (total). I'm built like a 3rd string fullback at a D2 school tho :lol:
I mustve forgotten everybody knows everything in here :lol:

That's just common knowledge and science my man, don't get defensive because it's different from your viewpoint.

This thread should be about learning the most optimal way to reach your goals, that's all I was ever talking about.
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