STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Usually if something in your mind is off balance then something important in your life is off balance. Brawds'll do it to you jobs'll do it to you. You much better off in my opinion trying to sort that before looking for drugs. Only you know how well you're functioning and what's going on in your life.
You hit the nail right on da head man. 
Man people exaggerate. I've been taking kpins for a few years now. My therapist was the co-director of the center for anxiety disorders at one of the most notable medical schools and we talked extensively about all of this. My main concern was it affecting my lifting. If you use it daily, in high doses, in increasing doses, etc.. you're asking for trouble. Just like any other substance on this planet it's about moderation. I'm prescribed as needed and take a super low dose a few times a week. I've hit PRs the same day. It bothers me when they're demonized because I've been through a laundry list of other meds and it's legitimately the only thing that works for me.

You can definitely be prescribed anti anxiety meds and still make gains in the gym. Its all about the dose and when you take them, of course they will throw off your workout if you take a bar 30 minutes before you hit the gym lol

My anxiety is just a part of my life, my job is a big source of it but lifting helps a lot. I'm here to talk if you need IG, I know what its like to feel like your losing it.
No i have my g43 all the time in my bugout/gym bag and i carry my bag everywhere i go i never place my bag in lockers

My gym is huge...with a lot of weirdos i always think worst case scenarios

They had a shooting across the street from my gym in a movie theater... About a year ago actually
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Word if u end up going the medication route just plan when u take em accordingly. At night before bed or first thing in the morning. Itll take some time to figure out what when works best for u. Also, a big misconception and mistake i had was that the meds would be a quick/instant fix. For me it took some time for the meds to actually have an effect and not every med will work for every person, so just be patient. Good luck bro
I was prescribed seroquel before. No way I could lift on that. I'm not down with them. I feel the same as keif.
Anti anxiety medications. Yea you can still work out. Antipsychotics? You're kinda fighting an uphill battle there.

I work in forensic psychiatry with the criminally insane. They come in skinny or muscular and wanting to fight everyone. After a while on psych meds they will always get fat. Antipsychotics not only get you docile but weight gain is a huge side effect.

Its a running joke that we know that the medications are starting to work when we see the patient start to gain weight.

The short of it:

They come in quick, skinny and feisty

They get discharged slow, fat and very docile

It's pretty rare for me to see a long term, stabilized patient who managed to keep his weight down. He would have to be on a very low dose of Antipsychotics.
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Clozaril is usually a miracle worker when it comes to correcting patient behavior. But it's such a slippery slope when you're on it. Dangerous drug.
I'm in the psych field. I won't get started about how specific diagnosis are pushed on minorities just to medicate them
i just get nervous man. but I've been super anxious since december and it hasn't gone away 
I have the same problem. I have the tendency to be nervous and it always manifests as anxiety. I had been taking .25mg of Klonipin for a few months but decided to stop. It helps with anxiety but it makes me really tired and almost withdrawn.

The main symptom that bothers me is muscle tension. I feel like my neck, traps and pecs are ALWAYS tense/contracted. It has made lifting more difficult. I've tried so many different things. Ortho, neuro, spine specialist, PT, chiro, massage. Not sure if the tension causes anxiety or vice versa.
I have the same problem. I have the tendency to be nervous and it always manifests as anxiety. I had been taking .25mg of Klonipin for a few months but decided to stop. It helps with anxiety but it makes me really tired and almost withdrawn.

The main symptom that bothers me is muscle tension. I feel like my neck, traps and pecs are ALWAYS tense/contracted. It has made lifting more difficult. I've tried so many different things. Ortho, neuro, spine specialist, PT, chiro, massage. Not sure if the tension causes anxiety or vice versa.

The running joke with girls when they touch me is that I'm so tense and uptight. Idk why but I'm always on guard. Maybe I should seek a chiro and massage first.
This is hilarious to me

The running joke with girls when they touch me is that I'm so tense and uptight. Idk why but I'm always on guard. Maybe I should seek a chiro and massage first.
I have the same curse my dude. Always on edge/on guard.

Try Formula 303 before you go the benzo route. Formula 303 is natural (valerian and magneisum) and well reviewed on Amazon.
I'll check that out tonight man thanks!

I'm on a no cop 6 month challenge but I'll make an exception for this
How yall feel about not using headphones at the gym. I see guys blasting music from their phone speakers or their Bluetooth headphones.

It's kinda annoying for me
Blasting music from a phone would be annoying. I use regular earbuds. I got some Bose Bluetooth earbuds that are awesome. I couldn't do without headphones unless it's loud speakers blasting
How yall feel about not using headphones at the gym. I see guys blasting music from their phone speakers or their Bluetooth headphones.

It's kinda annoying for me

What gym would actually allow this?
mine. Some lady does it in the cardiovascular room.

There is an open aerobics room at LA fitness. Like if a class isn't goin on you can go in and there are heavy bags to hit. My girl will go and do yoga and there is always some one in there with their music on a speaker as they do some circuit training thing. I am always like just use headphones man
Seen this girl doing kneeling barbell squats at the squat rack. Is that a crossfit exercise? Never seen it before. Me likey :evil:
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