STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

DL singles today.


Felt good and like I had 15/20 pounds more, will go back to volume work and check again in a week and a half.

600 coming #soon

Copied Boss chest day but a lot less heavy obviously. :lol:

Worked up to 90lbs for 3 sets of 10 on incline DB, excited to test my bench soon been doing a lot of accessory and volume work.

Finished with a circuit of front raises, lat pulldown, incline DB chest fly, dips.

So I came across that guy through the latest Alan Thrall video. ()

Beast. Incredible strength and agility. Very impressed.

In the video, he says he aims to train people to achieve the strength standards of a man 20# heavier and the quickness of a man 20# lighter.

Been following this guy for a while, absolute savage.

Very strong but also has crazy cardio/explosive athleticism for a guy who's so big and about to be 40 years old.

Not really into all that tactical **** but I respect his skillset in that arena as well.

Type of stuff he's doing is something I'm excited to get into after I hit my strength goals for now.
bruh that dude is wild impressive.

Those jumps and athletic ability at that size....following now
Well the major thing is that it eliminates any leg drive you get from having them on the ground, forces you to use all core and chest strength. I have actually always done it though for show and mainly cause I have short *** legs and most benches are high so my feet slip :lol:  

Ima try this today when i hit chest. Might alternate each chest day just to mix it up
Not eem supposed to do chest today but I gotta finally try out that bench we got at work. Been off for 2 weeks so it'll be my first time checking it's sturdiness

If I don't post back tonight how it went.... remember me NT Fitness fam
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I'm hyped to start this challenge and get the ball rolling. I'm doing that 12 week lean body program. Good for dropping pounds? I already know going to have to increase the recommended cardio in the app. They suggest 20 minutes.
Why is that?  I don't want to spend the money I was spending at 24.

Lose fat/gain muscle.  Don't want to lean out, but turn my already big frame into a healthier one.

If that makes sense.

I see. I think most people have the issue with Planet Fitness because it's like a "posers" gym. They have a "lunk alarm" and no "gymtimidation". I mean, I've never been to one, but if you are looking to workout and just become overall healthier and have any big power movements or intention of tearing the place down, it's not a bad option. Its cheap and open all the time.

Just don't fall for "Pizza Monday" and "Bagel Wednesday" man.......and please for everything that is holy don't and up on the videos on YouTube roasting people for doing some of the dumbest stuff ever. Please.....
If you are just starting off my best advice is to seek out the biggest person at the gym and go talk to them. They are ALWAYS more than happy to talk about how they got so swole. The most intimidating people are often the nicest and it will save you a ton of time doing things that aren't helping you towards your goals.
:pimp: new job for new gains. 8-5 now. No more graveyard crap where my body didn't know wtf was going on. TBH I usually come in like 5 hours late but that's not the point. :lol:
People make excuses for anything [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Especially when it comes to working out

ahat ahat yeah it's nice when you have the space to just set it all up by a rack.

soundview soundview
What are you at now? I'm down to race.
Same as you bro. 435. I had to pull 425x2 yesterday. Headphones fell down second rep and I wasted time throwing them off and failed. But I'm at 435. I pulled 425x2 3 weeks ago.

I wanted 500 by June. Seems reasonable.

Let's do it. See who can get to 500 first.

:lol: @ the tiny gym. My gym had like 15 dl bars and 3 rogue platform things. If those are all taken grab a bar and set up wherever.

Cause your celly took em :lol:
Noooooo :rofl:


Respect. :pimp:

Pressing power is high, I'm tryna get there.

Do you use any elbow wraps during working sets?


I don't use wraps but I use sleeves and compression cuffs if Im doing working sets with 300-315 or more usually, I purposely buy them slightly bigger though so it just keeps them warm and doesn't offer and "pop" just more placebo for my shoulders and elbows. I use wrist wraps for everything.

Sheesh you a monster. What weight you cutting down to again?


Thanks brother, with help from @Soundview
 I plan on getting to 200 and see what I look like. Once Im shredded ill be flying out to Texas to show Jew these gainz in person.

I see u bro! :pimp:

Probably a stupid question but whats the benefit of feet up? Seen a few people do it like that.

Well the major thing is that it eliminates any leg drive you get from having them on the ground, forces you to use all core and chest strength. I have actually always done it though for show and mainly cause I have short *** legs and most benches are high so my feet slip :lol:  


Let's get ittttt

DL singles today.


Felt good and like I had 15/20 pounds more, will go back to volume work and check again in a week and a half.

600 coming #soon

Copied Boss chest day but a lot less heavy obviously. :lol:

Worked up to 90lbs for 3 sets of 10 on incline DB, excited to test my bench soon been doing a lot of accessory and volume work.

Finished with a circuit of front raises, lat pulldown, incline DB chest fly, dips.
here go steroids man showing off again [emoji]128580[/emoji][emoji]128580[/emoji][emoji]128580[/emoji]
Thought my close grip max was 275. Then I pressed it for like 4-5. Bumped it up to 285. Pressed it for like 3-5. Then I bumped it up to 290 this week. Pressed it for 3 [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I might be oNE of those dudes at the meet who does the bench close grip smfh
Been out of shape for a while and just started training again early this week. Im trying this 5x5 workout and some cardio work in between. So far so good on the 5x5 but the cardio in between kills me :lol: I know it's gonna be a challenge to keep this up since im pretty busy at work but it's always been my reason :smh: Hope I can change that.

I don't use wraps but I use sleeves and compression cuffs if Im doing working sets with 300-315 or more usually, I purposely buy them slightly bigger though so it just keeps them warm and doesn't offer and "pop" just more placebo for my shoulders and elbows. I use wrist wraps for everything.

Thanks brother, with help from @Soundview
 I plan on getting to 200 and see what I look like. Once Im shredded ill be flying out to Texas to show Jew these gainz in person.

Well the major thing is that it eliminates any leg drive you get from having them on the ground, forces you to use all core and chest strength. I have actually always done it though for show and mainly cause I have short *** legs and most benches are high so my feet slip :lol:  

Never understand benching with your feet up. It essentially takes your base away, would not recommend for anyone that's starting out, could be dangerous . Im curious tho, do you feel it translate to your regular bench press numbers or helps in any way ?
DB Bench Press 3x8-12
Seated DB Overhead Press 3x8-12
DB Tri Extensions 3x8-12
Stiff-leg deadlift 3x5

DB Rows 3x8-12
DB Curls 3x6-10
DB Shrugs 2x-10-15
DB Squats 3x8-12

I do this 4x a week. Any suggestions?
Bench at work was meh.. not too bad until I got 185lbs. Would only go heavier if someone spots me.
Never understand benching with your feet up. It essentially takes your base away, would not recommend for anyone that's starting out, could be dangerous . Im curious tho, do you feel it translate to your regular bench press numbers or helps in any way ?
Yeah I wouldn't tell anyone to do it that doesnt know how to set up properly. Does it make my chest stronger? I think so, but does it directly correlate to my 1rm going up? Im not sure. Honestly bench is one of the lifts that is most dangerous because its not a natural motion at all, it always puts the shoulders in a compromised position. I would recommend anyone starting out to hire a trainer that knows how to teach proper form for all lifts, Ive seen some awful squats here lately in my gym.
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If you are just starting off my best advice is to seek out the biggest person at the gym and go talk to them. They are ALWAYS more than happy to talk about how they got so swole. The most intimidating people are often the nicest and it will save you a ton of time doing things that aren't helping you towards your goals.
Ehhhh I somewhat agree but be careful with this approach, sometimes the biggest dudes are ********. Look up Malcom Marshall, he played for the Jets and is now a pro and occasionally comes to my gym, I have hear that he isn't the most friendly...
I'll tend to agree.

im willing to bet the dudes u guys keep getting into fights with at the gym are them napoleon complex dudes 
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