STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I hope all my OGs in here are doing well.

I lurk in the shadows, but no need for me to post.

Still banging.

The social media world has ruined the "posting" and "talking" about lifting for me.

So now I just go about my lifting in silence lol

Keep grinding my dudes!
Well well well I be damned. How may SNs you got now..... lol 

I'll see you when I hit 200.
I turned 30 last March and I can officially say I'm WASHED. I'm still making gains but the slightest injury takes months to heal now. Also I have the knees of an 80 year old man. Running? Out of the question. Bball? Out of the question. ATG? Not even sniffing parallel. I've come to accept that I'll have to make gains in certain areas, and give up on certain things for good
Im 22 and im starting to feel like my knees are getting shot.... at least my right knee. its been hurting a lot the past 6 months and its making me really consider whether or not I should still squat heavy....
Just start working out smarter youre still young so make sure youre doing your stretches. Foam rolling all that. I can tell you now that has been my downfall. I just started stretching seriously a year ago. Now indo dynamic stretches amd all that everyday. And I already see an improvement. But i know its never going to be what it couldve been.

You dont necessarily have to stay away from heavy squats. But make sure your comfortable doing them. If something hurts. Stop. I use to do squats through pain. Ilsince ive adjusted my stance. Wear that inzer belt and a little more mobile. Squats feel 1000x better
LA fitness yesterday was the most crowded i had ever seen it. The whole time i was there about an hour and a half not one piece of open cardio equipment. It was wild.

I am usually ok with crowds its the lack of etiquette that gets to me. Was doing incline DB press and dude comes and stand right next to me as im standing next to my bench. I usually don't sit in between sets i will superset with some front raises or just stand since the bench is close to the rack and i don't like making people walk sideways past my feet.

Anyway dude is actually in my range of motion. He was doing standing DB overhead triceps. I grabbed weights and sat down but waited for him to finish hoping in between his sets he would realize he was too close. But nope. We alternated basically when all he had to do was take a step forward and problem solved.
Whenever someone is too close to me or I come up after they have been there is just move the bench over to have more space and if its too crowded ill come back later for that exercise. A lot of times me and my boy will just take the bar off of a bench and use that bench for DBs if all the other ones are taken.
Why didn't u just ask him to take a step forward?

if there is one thing ive learned that if its not necessary and can be avoided in the gym its just avoid it.

from "do you mind if i work in with you man" "Just wait your turn bro!"
"are you done with this bench man?" "Does it look like im done?!?"

And obviously being a new person to the gym i didn't want to "gymtimidate" any one. I just casually comment about it on the internet. It wasn't life altering, they will figure it out.

and the LA fitness benches are anchored to the ground. Its kind of annoying at times but not that big of a deal really at least you know no one is going to put one right up to the DB rack
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LA fitness yesterday was the most crowded i had ever seen it. The whole time i was there about an hour and a half not one piece of open cardio equipment. It was wild.

I am usually ok with crowds its the lack of etiquette that gets to me. Was doing incline DB press and dude comes and stand right next to me as im standing next to my bench. I usually don't sit in between sets i will superset with some front raises or just stand since the bench is close to the rack and i don't like making people walk sideways past my feet.

Anyway dude is actually in my range of motion. He was doing standing DB overhead triceps. I grabbed weights and sat down but waited for him to finish hoping in between his sets he would realize he was too close. But nope. We alternated basically when all he had to do was take a step forward and problem solved.

I saw your other reply, but if it's something that can either affect your lift OR safety, you should have said something. As long as you're not rude about it, there really wasn't any reason for dude not to comply.
if there is one thing ive learned that if its not necessary and can be avoided in the gym its just avoid it.

from "do you mind if i work in with you man" "Just wait your turn bro!"
"are you done with this bench man?" "Does it look like im done?!?"

And obviously being a new person to the gym i didn't want to "gymtimidate" any one. I just casually comment about it on the internet. It wasn't life altering, they will figure it out.

and the LA fitness benches are anchored to the ground. Its kind of annoying at times but not that big of a deal really at least you know no one is going to put one right up to the DB rack
You have had people say that kind of stuff to you? 

Like I've said before I haven't had any kind of encounters like that in any gym I've been to. Now watch it happen tonight.

The gym is like the jungle bros you gotta be ready to throw down at all times otherwise you are the prey and will get eaten. 

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if there is one thing ive learned that if its not necessary and can be avoided in the gym its just avoid it.

from "do you mind if i work in with you man" "Just wait your turn bro!"

"are you done with this bench man?" "Does it look like im done?!?"

And obviously being a new person to the gym i didn't want to "gymtimidate" any one. I just casually comment about it on the internet. It wasn't life altering, they will figure it out.

and the LA fitness benches are anchored to the ground. Its kind of annoying at times but not that big of a deal really at least you know no one is going to put one right up to the DB rack

You have had people say that kind of stuff to you? 

Like I've said before I haven't had any kind of encounters like that in any gym I've been to. Now watch it happen tonight.

The gym is like the jungle bros you gotta be ready to throw down at all times otherwise you are the prey and will get eaten. 


Yeah man i have had worse then that. I am usually a headphones in talk to no one type. Just run through my routine, please don't talk to me. I am not much for socializing at the gym since im mostly on a time schedule and want to get in and get done and keep my intensity as high as possible through my whole work out.

So i personally tend to avoid and just find something else to do.
Damn dudes wild disrespectful at some of your gym's.

I've never had anything like that.

Only problem I've had is there is one dude in my gym who acts like a beauty/IG queen.

There's only 3 squat racks in my gym and only 1 true power rack.

Dude will get on the power rack and set up go pro cameras and be on his phone constantly while squatting 225 every 4-5 minutes.

My and my girl have gotten our whole workout done while he was still in the rack.

If you wanna waste your time be my guest but don't hold the best rack in the gym hostage because you want 360 degree angle footage of your basic *** squats.
I need some help with dead lifting. On the way up I am confident but I'm not sure about going down. Does it matter as long as I drop it fast and hold my breath?
First time hittin' the gym since the new year started. I hope it isn't packed w/ the new people
The hard part is once I put up the weight. My arms want to give and I lose confidence. I'm dead lifting 100 lbs. It's pathetic n I need to level up faster
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It seems like yesterday when I thought deadlifting 95 pounds was tough. Everyone starts somewhere lol. Don't be tough on yourself and keep working.

Not sure what you mean by your arm wants to give up though..

Squeeze your traps and set the bar on that little groove your muscles make in your upper back. Your arms aren't really holding up the weight. Your back is
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The hard part is once I put up the weight. My arms want to give and I lose confidence. I'm squatting 100 lbs. It's pathetic n I need to level up faster

Easy brother. Everything will come in time there is no point in pushing it and trying to rush it you could hurt yourself. As far as deadlifting when you go to pull the weight you want to try to use your back and legs you don't just want your arms pulling it. Like, when I get ready to come up I try to "row" it. Everything comes in time. Hard work and perseverance. Don't worry about competing with other people on that level. DO YOU. Do what's best for you. We all want to be better, but who cares of its pathetic. Do the proper form with the proper weight.
The hard part is once I put up the weight. My arms want to give and I lose confidence. I'm dead lifting 100 lbs. It's pathetic n I need to level up faster
I remember when I was doing only sets of 135. 155 would feel heavy. Yesterday pulled 5 plates.

It all takes time and building. It doesn't happen overnight. You may need to check your form. Work with someone legitimate maybe to give you some tips
For those that tried IF:

How did you start?
Do you workout while fasting?
Do you still drink beer/wine/liquor?
your advice to someone that never did IF

I am active. I hit the gym at least 3-4x per week.

Today been exactly a year since i been in the gym after gettin hit 3times. Started barely able to lift a 5lbs db and just trying to gain strength i lost back to hitting most of my goals (3plate bench still eluding me). Hit 3plate squat and 4plate DL and passing 1k total. Got 9mths left, trying to get that 3plate bench, 4plate squat, 5plate DL and bodyweight OHP by then.
you make me proud to be a fake mexican.

You out here spotting fake J''s and casually pulling 500.

I keep telling people These #2016Mexicans ain't playing no more lmfao.

Good stuff. I had to hit 425x2 again today. Got one. Headphones falls down my face. Paused after that. Tried second. Felt the back tweak. Dropped it.

I gotta stop wearing headphones during deads. It never fails. But I need the music to pump me up. I like my headphones better than my earphones cause my headphones block out everything and be booming [emoji]128517[/emoji]
Fake mexican? I'm as real as they come esé. So what that I'm 6ft :lol: . I eat tacos de lengua once a month!
lmaooo 6ft. See. Yall not playing. I'm not F'n with yall. I live with mexicans (as you know) and one is one inch taller than me. I was tight. Lmaoo

you make me proud to be a fake mexican.

You out here spotting fake J''s and casually pulling 500.

I keep telling people These #2016Mexicans ain't playing no more lmfao.

Good stuff. I had to hit 425x2 again today. Got one. Headphones falls down my face. Paused after that. Tried second. Felt the back tweak. Dropped it.

I gotta stop wearing headphones during deads. It never fails. But I need the music to pump me up. I like my headphones better than my earphones cause my headphones block out everything and be booming [emoji]128517[/emoji]

Saying that N.O.R.E has you hype

lmaooo dont ever mention that name again...minus "super thug"
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