STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Posted this before, but the shoulder saver pads are great for dudes with long arms to minimize shoulder rotation during the barbell bench press. For people with certain body types, the lower your humerus goes during the eccentric phase of the movement, the more your shoulder rotates and creates anterior humeral glide, which puts your shoulder at risk. The shoulder saver pad helps to decrease the ROM.

I might need that to work on my bench press form. I just work with dumbbells now.
For some big tough dudes ya'll report and get banned often up in here.
For some big tough dudes ya'll report and get banned often up in here.
I'm going for a 3 month run

Just trying to get cut not to big, I like how my jeans and sweaters fit. 

Got my 15lbs curl weights

How many sits up/ Push ups you guys do before bed and in the morning?
I'm going for a 3 month run

Just trying to get cut not to big, I like how my jeans and sweaters fit. :stoneface:
Got my 15lbs curl weights

How many sits up/ Push ups you guys do before bed and in the morning?

If I total up both when I wake up and right before bed, including what I get in at lunch, I do exactly, zero.
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Nice bro. I am too after getting failing 3/4 of the way up. Boss would be good with this but what I did last week was






405x2 (I was debating about doing just 1)



Less is always more when warming up for a max. I say drop 225 to 5 reps and skip 275 all together, anything after 365 should be singles only.

Yea that kind of volume warming up for a 1RM is incredibly counter productive. Your almost training for muscular endurance at that point which is the opposite of 1RM.

When warming up for heavy weight I do 3 sets of 5, 3, and 1 reps at 60%, 75% and 90% of 1RM respectively with 2 - 3 minutes rest in between.
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So, we're doing a weight loss challenge at work starting Friday. 45 days, winner determined by pounds lost. Any tips? Eat a big *** meal before weigh in? I know I'll have to up my daily cardio, no problem.
So, we're doing a weight loss challenge at work starting Friday. 45 days, winner determined by pounds lost. Any tips? Eat a big *** meal before weigh in? I know I'll have to up my daily cardio, no problem.

If there's money at stake eat as much as possible from now until the weight in :lol:. But diet is the key to weight loss. Can't outwork a bad diet. Couple that with excercising and cardio and you'll be Gucci.
Man, I'm not the type to usually get mad at what other people do at the gym, and I know this happens every single year, but I absolutely despise the New Years resolution crowd this time of year. Hundreds of people with no intention of working out after 2 weeks from now clogging up every machine. Takes 3 hours to get in a 45 minute workout with these crowds. Might just stay home and do push-ups and sit-ups for the next 2 weeks :/
So, we're doing a weight loss challenge at work starting Friday. 45 days, winner determined by pounds lost. Any tips? Eat a big *** meal before weigh in? I know I'll have to up my daily cardio, no problem.
i am a 2 time champ at my job and have destroyed the competition through water manipulation. you won't be able to lose that much fat in 40 days so do this: 24 hours before the weigh-in, start eating plenty of salty foods like chips. i've even ate salt directly. drink lots of water/fluids. right before you weigh-in, drink as much water as you can. i gained 13# of water weight in one day just by doing this and lost it all by the next day. for the next 40 days, diet as best as you can. 48 hours before the ending weigh-in, start drinking plenty of water for about a day - at least a gallon but shoot for more. 24 hours before the weigh-in, don't drink anything. chew on ice chips if it gets real bad but don't drink the water. you can use the sauna, run wearing a plastic bag, soak in a hot bath with epsom salts etc. whatever you can tolerate. sleeping that night will be horrible, trust me. the next day when you weigh-in, be prepared to shock everyone at how badly you kicked everyone else's ***.
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I gotta start hanging out in this th

over the last few years I lost that fire to push myself in the weight room (work, kids, age, etc.) but want to start filling that void with running/swimming etc. not sure a guy in his mid 30ʻs should be trying to max out on incline bench... figure itʻs safer to max out on my mile time, or amount of push upʻs I can crank out in a minute :tongue:

thoughts from the 30 year old and up club?
Man, I'm not the type to usually get mad at what other people do at the gym, and I know this happens every single year, but I absolutely despise the New Years resolution crowd this time of year. Hundreds of people with no intention of working out after 2 weeks from now clogging up every machine. Takes 3 hours to get in a 45 minute workout with these crowds. Might just stay home and do push-ups and sit-ups for the next 2 weeks :/

I know dude. I went to the gym today for the first time in a bit. With traveling for the holidays and all the family stuff. I have been dealing with a pain in my lower back and trying to take it easy for a bit. The new people at the gym were something else. I'm pretty sure someone knocked my workout log off onto the floor. Almost a dropped a MF
I gotta start hanging out in this th

over the last few years I lost that fire to push myself in the weight room (work, kids, age, etc.) but want to start filling that void with running/swimming etc. not sure a guy in his mid 30ʻs should be trying to max out on incline bench... figure itʻs safer to max out on my mile time, or amount of push upʻs I can crank out in a minute :tongue:

thoughts from the 30 year old and up club?]

as the Co-Leader of the OMC = Old Man Coalition with E everysingletime and @marmourjr.
more cardio is def a good thing. I still lift and i still go decently heavy. but i prefer my high rep low weight workouts a lot more than i do my low rep high weight workouts.
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