STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I was talking to sound. Meth and molly go hand in hand. :lol: why do you think your jaw gets tight?

I haven't touched that stuff in years. Can't trust it these days if people even do it anymore.
My jaw never got tight.

Every time I did it with my ex it was pure bliss.

But we got it from someone who was legit and manufactured it himself. NOT some bS where you test it and you don't now what's init (like that one video testing drugs at raves).

But i did it at HOMe. No telling how I'd act in public lmao.

Took "E" oNE time. GOT duped. LMaooo should've known. I felt nada.
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Sooooo I guess I'm the only square in here that hasn't taken anything [emoji]128514[/emoji] BRB bout to snort some creatine.
Sooooo I guess I'm the only square in here that hasn't taken anything [emoji]128514[/emoji] BRB bout to snort some creatine.

#teamsquare over here as well

Used to burn trees heavy and hash occasionally. That was bout it. Never really liked to drink.
Well damn guess im not on the squad lol. Dw u not missing much anyways, i dont miss it one bit.
I was talking to sound. Meth and molly go hand in hand. :lol: why do you think your jaw gets tight?

I haven't touched that stuff in years. Can't trust it these days if people even do it anymore.

Bro I was hitting crossfit reps on gum chewing when I popped
Sooooo I guess I'm the only square in here that hasn't taken anything [emoji]128514[/emoji] BRB bout to snort some creatine.
I take the plant based protein at whole foods, and sometimes drink skim milk after my workouts. Nothing compares to a well based, protein infused diet. Working out is only 30 percent of the battle honestly. 
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Chipotle trash anyways.

It is. Death to Chipotle.

Sooooo I guess I'm the only square in here that hasn't taken anything [emoji]128514[/emoji] BRB bout to snort some creatine.
I got molly for you. Lmao.

Sooooo I guess I'm the only square in here that hasn't taken anything [emoji]128514[/emoji] BRB bout to snort some creatine.
what's dMT??? and nahm...I think molly is [emoji]128016[/emoji]

But I haven't tried anything else.

Only thing wouldn't do is :

Crack, meth, heroin, acid.

Tried my unflavored whey. It tastes like milk. I'm happy.

Mixed it with watermelon creatine.

It tasted like a watered down strawberry nesquik. I'M surprised I didn't throw up.

Idk. THE whole experience was weird.

Back to the drawing board. Might have to buy a coco nesquik powder for it.
I've never done any drugs either. Never tried or anything....only booze.
I prefer smoking bud than drinking. The next day drinking I feel like crap. With bud I feel great....other than the fact I ate everything in the fridge. Speaking of chipotle. They got a b1g1 free coupon floating around. Imma go use it later Haven't been there for a lonnnnnng time
Im not a fan of weed. Never liked it. Ill smoke it once in a blue moon. Probably 1-2x per year. TRIPPED out way too mAny times. The times I didnt, I use don't like the effects. I can drink and feel coherent aND able and know my limit.

I'm a drinker. Bring on the Jack and Colt 45. Drinking makes me feel great.

Can't wait for December. It's Turkey hill eggnog/E&J season [emoji]128544[/emoji][emoji]128544[/emoji][emoji]128544[/emoji][emoji]128544[/emoji][emoji]128556[/emoji][emoji]128556[/emoji][emoji]128556[/emoji]
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^^^ Yeah, I prefer to drink. Quite honeslty, and maybe I'm just getting older but a lot of drinking doesn't really do it for me. Like there are times every now an drhen I go over board and get kinda drunk, but mostly anynore I just what to chill and have a few Guinness and call it a day lol
Yeah. I never drink to be drunk. WHAT is the fun in being drunk and having no control over yourself.

I drink to be faded/tipsy. I feel good. Im coherent. I know what's going on.

Minus a couple of lost IQ points like when you run up the stairs and trip and fall [emoji]128514[/emoji]
^^^ Yeah, I prefer to drink. Quite honeslty, and maybe I'm just getting older but a lot of drinking doesn't really do it for me. Like there are times every now an drhen I go over board and get kinda drunk, but mostly anynore I just what to chill and have a few Guinness and call it a day lol

Drinking is sooooooo bad for the gains. Ill have a glass of Merlot every so often but that's it. My days of getting traahed are over.
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