STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

NT may or may not be the right place to ask about this stuff but have any of you guys tried SARMs or Pro Hormones? I've interesting in them for awhile. My homeboy did a 30 day cycle of a prohormone and estrogen blocker and saw crazy gains. Like 10 lbs of legit muscle in a month. I'm concerned about the side effects though. I've read some horror stories on reddit about them shutting down your natural testosterone production, hair loss, etc. I've never done anything harder than regular *** creatine monohydrate so anything like this would be a big jump. :lol:
I never ****** with any hormone **** 

Hardest I went was creatine too... Just put in the work and have patience.. the gains will come.
Getting stronger a top 5 feeling in life.

Throwing around weight that coulda seriously injured you months or years ago > anything.

Only so many things in life you have full control over and you get directly when you put in.

I try to focus as much as I can on those things and as a young healthy man, I feel like it's only right to push myself to be as physically strong as I can be.

I honestly don't understand why even more guys don't lift really.

There is a reason the ancient civilizations always made statues of the peak of the human body.

I used to think about this too. I love lifting and seeing myself get bigger and stronger... But weightlifting just isnt for everybody.

Just like coding isnt for everybody... Someone can say "Being able to code in a language you once never understood > anything"

Just different passions.

I agree 100% with @awwsome but I definitely feel what you're saying.

One thing I thought he was gonna touch on, the natural high from working out gotta be one of the best highs possible to attain in this world man.

Love my food, love my music, love my drugs and extrextracurriculars (moderation), but damn man. The high generated by intense training might top all of that.
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The high from ****** is the best

Man idk about you guys but I just feel exhausted after a workout. There's never a high.
soundview soundview Right now I'm about 300. I'm definelty NOT HAPPY with it. I know it's no excuse, but having a girlfriend I live with that isn't really into working's hard. Sometimes I cave...I know I need to be more disciplined. I felt my best at like 260-270.
I agree 100% with @awwsome but I definitely feel what you're saying.

One thing I thought he was gonna touch on, the natural high from working out gotta be one of the best highs possible to attain in this world man.

Love my food, love my music, love my drugs and extrextracurriculars (moderation), but damn man. The high generated by intense training might top all of that.

All of this man!

Also, I would eb easy with the pro hormone talk and such because another thread got shut down for HGH and roids. I'm not sure what they consider out of bounds
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How much u weigh?
I let people do them.

Stopped giving advice when my cousin tried to help sone kid and the dad said "he doesn't know what he's talking about".

IF people approach me, that's oNE thing.

Besides that. Every man for himself. Better learn through trial and error, googles and youtube like i did.

Saying u got ur sponsor u acting brand new? Cant give out free advice anymore? :rofl: jk fam

F the sponsor too. I sponsor myself [emoji]128514[/emoji]

I never give advice unless someone asks. I've learned if people want your two cents, they'll ask for it. :lol:
anand if they want you to have something, they'll offer.

- my mom
soundview soundview Right now I'm about 300. I'm definelty NOT HAPPY with it. I know it's no excuse, but having a girlfriend I live with that isn't really into working's hard. Sometimes I cave...I know I need to be more disciplined. I felt my best at like 260-270.
I agree 100% with @awwsome but I definitely feel what you're saying.

One thing I thought he was gonna touch on, the natural high from working out gotta be one of the best highs possible to attain in this world man.

Love my food, love my music, love my drugs and extrextracurriculars (moderation), but damn man. The high generated by intense training might top all of that.

All of this man!

Also, I would eb easy with the pro hormone talk and such because another thread got shut down for HGH and roids. I'm not sure what they consider out of bounds
I was just wondering cause I go by pound for pound.
Another ****** day of squats. All my other lifts bounced back from completely messing up my routine but squats. I swear I will never be able to hit 315 again.

I just rep lower weight and walk out of the gym pissed after a half hour these days.

Just keep grinding g.

It's probably just a mental thing if you've already gotten there previously.

You have it in you, you just gotta find that under the bar.

Yeah I'll never stop. It's just frustrating come squat day. I think it's partially because of my job because I'm basically deadlifting the corner of a 2000 pound container like 10 times a day sometimes so my legs are always pretty sore. Then I go to the gym already tired.

Whatever I'll get it back sometime. I might start lifting with a coach once a week because it's super cheap and just to mix it up. Dude squats big boss numbers.
Today is rest day. TORE up chicken and broccoli. LINdeNS cookies. OReos.

Tomorrow I'm eating 2 chicken rotis. F it. Might get doubles too.

Still staying under my macros tho.
Worked on chest today with 40lbs dumbbells and went light on bench press to work on form

Ohp a bit too. Don't remember how many reps I did of any exercises.

I definitely need to eat a lot more than I do now.
Been doing a push/pull/legs program for the last few weeks. I've gotten great results on my push movements. I got 255 for a set of 10 on flat bench and 120s on incline dumbbell for 2 clean reps. We outchea making gains NT :smokin
The whole eating thing is whats killing me, I just am never hungry. I see dudes eating 6-7 times a day, I can legit get by with two times and be full. Might have to break my meals down into little meals or something.
I just am never hungry.
legit get mad when i hear people say stuff like that. i can eat a huge dinner then drink a soda and be ready to kill a box of pop tarts. only time i was ever not hungry in my life was when i smoked meth.

and to dude asking about PH and SARMs, you need to do plenty more research man. and not just on reddit.
I just am never hungry.
legit get mad when i hear people say stuff like that. i can eat a huge dinner then drink a soda and be ready to kill a box of pop tarts. only time i was ever not hungry in my life was when i smoked meth.

and to dude asking about PH and SARMs, you need to do plenty more research man. and not just on reddit.

You smoked meth? Jesus, hope you're doing better now bro
belt came in today. pioneer is niceeeeee.
holding off on squat shoes till the romaleo 3s drop lol. sneaker head in me wants that new steez.
Hit 525 for 3 singles tonight on deads to finish up my peaking for my comp next saturday. Ive been feeling a little down about it lately because my numbers are lower this cycle but Im pumped to get on the platform again :smokin  

Once you step to that platform those numbers will fly up. Get it bruh. 9/9

I haven't done any official meets, done some mock meets for fun, got to meet people and to learn the commands, etc. I'll probably look to compete locally in 2017 when my schedule frees up and I have a little more time to train seriously.

Peak week on a program is the worst for me mentally, hate feeling all beat-up, sucks haha
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belt came in today. pioneer is niceeeeee.
holding off on squat shoes till the romaleo 3s drop lol. sneaker head in me wants that new steez.

A good lifting belt change dnt life lol. I got a Texas lifting belt I believe. It's a lever or latch whatever people call it these days. So much nicer. For reason I can't bring myself to get squat shoes. I hear they will help my squat, but I tried some on in store and walked around and it just didn't feel right. I hate changing things like that in my workouts because I feel like it gets in my head.....Also because crushing a huge squat isn't enough, you have to feel/look awesome doing it lol hahaha
A good lifting belt change dnt life lol. I got a Texas lifting belt I believe. It's a lever or latch whatever people call it these days. So much nicer. For reason I can't bring myself to get squat shoes. I hear they will help my squat, but I tried some on in store and walked around and it just didn't feel right. I hate changing things like that in my workouts because I feel like it gets in my head.....Also because crushing a huge squat isn't enough, you have to feel/look awesome doing it lol hahaha
Romaleos will change your life brah srs 
Romaleos will change your life brah srs 

Is that what you use? I have really been thinking about what company to get Reebok, Adidas and Nike. I tried on the Adidas and didn't feel different. They were like 50 bucks and I should've just done it
Had a failure moment earlier this morning when squatting. I think i got fatigued too quickly today. Last set, 275, tried to knock out a good 6 reps but after the 3rd rep, i went all the way down and i just got stuck smh and NOONE was at the gym so i had to get outta there on my own....which i did luckily and not get hurt lol.

I said f this and one of the trainers there was able to spot me, knoced out the 6 full reps with homies help :smokin

...and now my legs are wobblin everywhere :frown:
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