STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Knew you'd say that :rofl:

Larry on the juice wheels competed 2 meets ago at PH. I would've asked for my one back. No lie. He tried to go to my school, too. I've had some funny encounters with him [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I feel you. WE all wanna do it for fun.....but I bet you still wanna place 1st tho [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji]

Oh duh theres no doubt about that :lol:

He seems like he might have some side stuff going on, I think he had a tough upbringing. 
nah he probably just stuck with ANIMAL. Sponsor money. Probabky Figured why go to school when he can make money off of lifting.

And i saw his intro story, his story no different/worse than most kids who grew up in SB.
Not to respark debate in here (who am i kidding controversy is NTs real name)
Saw a dude in the gym about 6'3 6'4. Squatting 405 (think he got to about 465 on his last set) broke parrallel. Dude had size on him. Had to be no less than 240
Thought to myself...this dude isnt doing this with ease....there is no way in hell Kobe was reppin 405 and breaking parrallel even in his prime.

Side note. Icouldnt comment last weekend. But that was the first time boss wanted to come to the screen and start choking dudes out. Lmao
Boss had enough :rofl:
Kobe isn't squatting no damn 4 off the bat. FActs.

Shaq might be able to. MAYBE Dwight in his prime. MAYBE. AND I think either of them would hit mid-high 300s at most.
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Not to respark debate in here (who am i kidding controversy is NTs real name)
Saw a dude in the gym about 6'3 6'4. Squatting 405 (think he got to about 465 on his last set) broke parrallel. Dude had size on him. Had to be no less than 240
Thought to myself...this dude isnt doing this with ease....there is no way in hell Kobe was reppin 405 and breaking parrallel even in his prime.

Side note. Icouldnt comment last weekend. But that was the first time boss wanted to come to the screen and start choking dudes out. Lmao
Boss had enough
hahah see I told you bro! These dudes out here talking crazy like Kobe got some kind of strength just cause he's a baller.
Looking at gym lingo all wrong. If you get under the bar, pull off the rack and go down like 4 some, those are reps
Rear ended and my back was acting up. Already had back issues and doc recommended I lay off the weights for a while. Sucks but I'll be back
That's the spirit! Thank God you're alright though. The iron will be waiting for you when you get back. 

I tweaked my back and rolled my ankle so I haven't squatted in over a month. Feels like every other month something prevents me from squatting. 

On the plus side I'm using this time to work on my bench and OHP; two things I've been neglecting for far too long.
Not to respark debate in here (who am i kidding controversy is NTs real name)
Saw a dude in the gym about 6'3 6'4. Squatting 405 (think he got to about 465 on his last set) broke parrallel. Dude had size on him. Had to be no less than 240
Thought to myself...this dude isnt doing this with ease....there is no way in hell Kobe was reppin 405 and breaking parrallel even in his prime.

Side note. Icouldnt comment last weekend. But that was the first time boss wanted to come to the screen and start choking dudes out. Lmao
Boss had enough :rofl:

Yup. And Kobe is a LOT thinner than that guy too. Like 6'6 and 210. Cats were in here talking crazy like just cause you're a pro athlete you can put it up with ease
hit the gym on base again for lunch went ham on the biceps/triceps

warmed up with 2000 meters on the rower

4 x 10 Hammer Curls (75 DB)  super set with Cable Hammer Curls (150 lbs) 8 reps or to failure

3 x 10 (50lb barbell) Skullcrushers on Swiss Ball  superset with Cable Tricep Kickbacks (no attachetment) (30lbs)  10 reps each arm

3 x 10 Seated Dumbbell Curls (45lbs)

3 x 8-10 reps Narrow Grip Bench Press (150lbs)

did a bunch other crap I cant remember... gym on base aint that bad wish I was at my regular gym though...... back to the job
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Getting stronger a top 5 feeling in life.

Throwing around weight that coulda seriously injured you months or years ago > anything.

Only so many things in life you have full control over and you get directly when you put in.

I try to focus as much as I can on those things and as a young healthy man, I feel like it's only right to push myself to be as physically strong as I can be.

I honestly don't understand why even more guys don't lift really.

There is a reason the ancient civilizations always made statues of the peak of the human body.
Perfectly said.

Two weeks on the job as a trainer and I see people with wrist problems, back problems, chronic health issues, joint issues, etc. I design workouts wondering if they're challenging enough then see people struggling to do what, to me, is so simple. They couldn't do frog a warm up...FROG HOPS! Blew my mind

If you've been blessed with good health, take advantage and capitalize on it.
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Another ****** day of squats. All my other lifts bounced back from completely messing up my routine but squats. I swear I will never be able to hit 315 again.

I just rep lower weight and walk out of the gym pissed after a half hour these days.
Another ****** day of squats. All my other lifts bounced back from completely messing up my routine but squats. I swear I will never be able to hit 315 again.

I just rep lower weight and walk out of the gym pissed after a half hour these days.

Just keep grinding g.

It's probably just a mental thing if you've already gotten there previously.

You have it in you, you just gotta find that under the bar.
I tweaked my back and rolled my ankle so I haven't squatted in over a month. Feels like every other month something prevents me from squatting.  
That's exactly what happens to me. Had just started getting the form down with the bar and then the accident happens. Probably going to stick to body weight exercises for now, mixed in with a lot of cardio/stretching. Back issues are nothing to pay with man
Well, after about a month off from heavy weights giving my body a break, I'm back at. Today did my mains and it wasn't great, but 405×1 squat, 340×2 bench and 530×1 for deads. I've lost some weight on my movements, but my body feels better overall. Trying new shoes so that got in my head a little I think
Well, after about a month off from heavy weights giving my body a break, I'm back at. Today did my mains and it wasn't great, but 405×1 squat, 340×2 bench and 530×1 for deads. I've lost some weight on my movements, but my body feels better overall. Trying new shoes so that got in my head a little I think

You're a strong dude.
You're a strong dude.

Thanks man. I tried doing deadlifts while not looking at myself in the mirror and I think it helped. I wish I was able to try squatting without a mirror too because I always feel like I'm trying to critque myself in my head and doing that with 400 pounds on your back isn't great lol......all focus is needed on not killing yourself.

Question for you gym folk......when do you find it acceptable to give someone advice in the gym? Saw some kids in the gym and they couldn't do anything right. Not that I'm a doctor, but it was wayyyyyy obvious. Someone once told me to only say something if they are in danger of injuring themselves of they ask. Saw a twig tryi g to squat 185 with a bar pad and towel over the pad. Went down about a third of the way and was just super sloppy until eventually the weight ended up tipping him forward and his 2 spotters couldn't even do anything besides stand there and be like "Ohh crap"
Thanks man. I tried doing deadlifts while not looking at myself in the mirror and I think it helped. I wish I was able to try squatting without a mirror too because I always feel like I'm trying to critque myself in my head and doing that with 400 pounds on your back isn't great lol......all focus is needed on not killing yourself.

Question for you gym folk......when do you find it acceptable to give someone advice in the gym? Saw some kids in the gym and they couldn't do anything right. Not that I'm a doctor, but it was wayyyyyy obvious. Someone once told me to only say something if they are in danger of injuring themselves of they ask. Saw a twig tryi g to squat 185 with a bar pad and towel over the pad. Went down about a third of the way and was just super sloppy until eventually the weight ended up tipping him forward and his 2 spotters couldn't even do anything besides stand there and be like "Ohh crap"

I been recording myself when i squat. It helps cuz when im doing it i dont think about anything just the movement and after the set i watch the video and see what i did good and what i need to work on for the next set.
Well, after about a month off from heavy weights giving my body a break, I'm back at. Today did my mains and it wasn't great, but 405×1 squat, 340×2 bench and 530×1 for deads. I've lost some weight on my movements, but my body feels better overall. Trying new shoes so that got in my head a little I think

Nice work fam! Cosign aNYone aNYone lol u a strong dude
Well, after about a month off from heavy weights giving my body a break, I'm back at. Today did my mains and it wasn't great, but 405×1 squat, 340×2 bench and 530×1 for deads. I've lost some weight on my movements, but my body feels better overall. Trying new shoes so that got in my head a little I think
How much u weigh?

You're a strong dude.

Thanks man. I tried doing deadlifts while not looking at myself in the mirror and I think it helped. I wish I was able to try squatting without a mirror too because I always feel like I'm trying to critque myself in my head and doing that with 400 pounds on your back isn't great lol......all focus is needed on not killing yourself.

Question for you gym folk......when do you find it acceptable to give someone advice in the gym? Saw some kids in the gym and they couldn't do anything right. Not that I'm a doctor, but it was wayyyyyy obvious. Someone once told me to only say something if they are in danger of injuring themselves of they ask. Saw a twig tryi g to squat 185 with a bar pad and towel over the pad. Went down about a third of the way and was just super sloppy until eventually the weight ended up tipping him forward and his 2 spotters couldn't even do anything besides stand there and be like "Ohh crap"
I let people do them.

Stopped giving advice when my cousin tried to help sone kid and the dad said "he doesn't know what he's talking about".

IF people approach me, that's oNE thing.

Besides that. Every man for himself. Better learn through trial and error, googles and youtube like i did.
How much u weigh?
I let people do them.

Stopped giving advice when my cousin tried to help sone kid and the dad said "he doesn't know what he's talking about".

IF people approach me, that's oNE thing.

Besides that. Every man for himself. Better learn through trial and error, googles and youtube like i did.

Saying u got ur sponsor u acting brand new? Cant give out free advice anymore? :rofl: jk fam
Man I workout at a local University. I'm not a student it's just convenient location and fair pricing but man... So many young guys who have no idea what they're doing.

That inner moral struggle over whether or not to give unsolicited advice in cases were people are obviously risking serious injury is something I used to wrestle with.

These days I just let people cook and don't give it much thought. Just try and be a good visual example exhibiting correct technique at all times myself.
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Getting stronger a top 5 feeling in life.

Throwing around weight that coulda seriously injured you months or years ago > anything.

Only so many things in life you have full control over and you get directly when you put in.

I try to focus as much as I can on those things and as a young healthy man, I feel like it's only right to push myself to be as physically strong as I can be.

I honestly don't understand why even more guys don't lift really.

There is a reason the ancient civilizations always made statues of the peak of the human body.
I used to think about this too. I love lifting and seeing myself get bigger and stronger... But weightlifting just isnt for everybody.

Just like coding isnt for everybody... Someone can say "Being able to code in a language you once never understood > anything"

Just different passions.
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Man I workout at a local University. I'm not a student it's just convenient location and fair pricing but man... So many young guys who have no idea what they're doing.

That inner moral struggle over whether or not to give unsolicited advice in cases were people are obviously risking serious injury is something I used to wrestle with.

These days I just let people cook and don't give it much thought. Just try and be a good visual example exhibiting correct technique at all times myself.
Everytime I see new people to the gym not knowing what they doing, i just leave them alone.

I used to be just like them and I eventually learned through the internet... Im sure they will too. But yea, i get the urge to help them but then im like na... i'll just let them be
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