STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Side note. Thats why I hate most supps.

You never know if it's working. Or if it's a placebo effect.

LLike how do you review bcaa? WHey? ....bcaa?
lmaoooo I knew the was you before I saw the name.

Lol nah I'm good at 168-170. Im good at 9-10%. THEN I'm bulking back up to about 175-176. THEN cutting again.

And im still putting up weight.

Now go do some diamond push ups and "kettle bell burpees"..... Lil *****

bruh I'm in the basement with paki women and small dogs. VERY yes [emoji]128591[/emoji]

My ex was paki. She was the one filming my my first fitness videos.... I miss her ***** *** [emoji]128557[/emoji]
bahahaha ok lil man "kettlebell burpees" boy been watching my vids lol

about to take this pt test next week then put on about 10 lbs of muscle.... then im go to the Bronx or staten island and make soundview do some crossfit/calisthenics/cardio/workouts
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Side note. Thats why I hate most supps.

You never know if it's working. Or if it's a placebo effect.

LLike how do you review bcaa? WHey? ....bcaa?

I think there's a lot of truth to this. That's one reason I have stopped taking so many supplements. I do drink coffee before I workout most times. Like a preworkout is nice an do feel like it gives me a bit more of a rush and pump, but I don't know if it's worth it. Plus they banned the original 1MR....sad day lol. I can definetly tell a difference in when I used the Animal Flax Paks for my joints. Any other supplements beyond that and I really feel it's hot or miss or if people hope/convince themselves it's working.

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placebo effect = working though, technically. It's just not scientifically proven

I feel like BCAA's are only effective when lifting in a fasted state, outside of that not much use IMO
Just found Bradley Martyn on instgram my god this dude does some incredibly stupid s***. Strong as hell though
iirc the 2 main proves uses of bcaas is taking them if you're working out in a fasted state to minimize catabolism and in-between meals to spike muscle protein synthesis.
but.....the real only good reason is to have something tasty to sip on while you workout.
iirc the 2 main proves uses of bcaas is taking them if you're working out in a fasted state to minimize catabolism and in-between meals to spike muscle protein synthesis.
but.....the real only good reason is to have something tasty to sip on while you workout.
This. Read up. BAsically onlygood for fasted workouts.

Side note. Thats why I hate most supps.

You never know if it's working. Or if it's a placebo effect.

LLike how do you review bcaa? WHey? ....bcaa?

I think there's a lot of truth to this. That's one reason I have stopped taking so many supplements. I do drink coffee before I workout most times. Like a preworkout is nice an do feel like it gives me a bit more of a rush and pump, but I don't know if it's worth it. Plus they banned the original 1MR....sad day lol. I can definetly tell a difference in when I used the Animal Flax Paks for my joints. Any other supplements beyond that and I really feel it's hot or miss or if people hope/convince themselves it's working.

I mean is protein. IT gives you protein. HOW o you review bcaa unless you look in your body and see it working [emoji]128514[/emoji]

I'm taking a fat burner. I was losing 1lb/week on my own. How I know it's just not me dieting?
lmaoooo I knew the was you before I saw the name.

Lol nah I'm good at 168-170. Im good at 9-10%. THEN I'm bulking back up to about 175-176. THEN cutting again.

And im still putting up weight.

Now go do some diamond push ups and "kettle bell burpees"..... Lil *****

bruh I'm in the basement with paki women and small dogs. VERY yes [emoji]128591[/emoji]

My ex was paki. She was the one filming my my first fitness videos.... I miss her ***** *** [emoji]128557[/emoji]

bahahaha ok lil man "kettlebell burpees" boy been watching my vids lol

about to take this pt test next week then put on about 10 lbs of muscle.... then im go to the Bronx or staten island and make soundview do some crossfit/calisthenics/cardio/workouts
why would I do that..I want to get strong. lmaooo
Question for my swole famb

How important are leg days, and working your legs in general?

I've always been big on strengthening my base and my core (way more than my arms).

anybody in here more focused on developing their base than the arms?
Branch Chain Amino Acids(BCAAs) : not effective for improving performance; studies show promise for immune system support and reduction of postexercise fatigue.

And while we're at it......

Glutamine: not effective

Beta-alanine: studies show promise of effectiveness for buffering muscle pH in athletes performing high intensity (sprint) exercise

Nitric oxide/Argenine alpha-ketoglutarate(AAKG): effectiveness unknown because of lack of research.
Question for my swole famb

How important are leg days, and working your legs in general?

I've always been big on strengthening my base and my core (way more than my arms).

anybody in here more focused on developing their base than the arms?

Like you said, it's your base. Everything starts from the ground and how you use your legs(heels) to drive weights. I always loved leg days, mainly because most people are too sissy to squat anywhere near 90° lol. I always thought it was cool, until I was able to start buying nice jeans (see I was always really big 330 at one time and could never get decent jeans), then I got to a decent jean size and they were nice around the waist, but my quads and calves were getting tight in them. Made me reevaluate a little haha
Branch Chain Amino Acids(BCAAs) : not effective for improving performance; studies show promise for immune system support and reduction of postexercise fatigue.

And while we're at it......

Glutamine: not effective

Beta-alanine: studies show promise of effectiveness for buffering muscle pH in athletes performing high intensity (sprint) exercise

Nitric oxide/Argenine alpha-ketoglutarate(AAKG): effectiveness unknown because of lack of research.

Interesting. I used to take the Dymatize Glutamine like the pharmacutical stuff.....white and tastless lol. Maybe it was placebo, but I could take it with my shake and have like zero pain the next day after leg day.....or any body part for that matter
Question for my swole famb

How important are leg days, and working your legs in general?

I've always been big on strengthening my base and my core (way more than my arms).

anybody in here more focused on developing their base than the arms?

My introduction to strength training was competitive team sports so developing core and lower body has always been a primary focus.

These days I lift for aesthetics and my priorities are

1. Shoulders
2. Chest
3. Legs
4. Back

Get enough core work doing compound movements and arms are of least importance.
Question for my swole famb

How important are leg days, and working your legs in general?

I've always been big on strengthening my base and my core (way more than my arms).

anybody in here more focused on developing their base than the arms?
Support system is the other important. Your back and legs.

But I treat rything equal.

Starting to become my favorite poster :pimp:

For my shredded bros,

I play soccer 2x a week, is this enough cardio for cutting or should I up it and incorporate jogs etc.? Pretty much all HIIT at this point
And @M BOIZ aka cornbread strong. Don't make me release the hidden tapes of you taking bcaa....but you telling other people not to. I ssaw your reviews on amazon.

Lmaooooo [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Ive never taken a BCAA, PWO or any of those bull **** supplements once. 
For my shredded bros,

I play soccer 2x a week, is this enough cardio for cutting or should I up it and incorporate jogs etc.? Pretty much all HIIT at this point

Depends on your diet. If you're already operating at a caloric deficit then there's no real need for cardio unless you're tryin to loose a certain amount of weight in a certain time frame and the caloric deficit from dieting won't metabolize fat at a fast enough rate.
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For my shredded bros,

I play soccer 2x a week, is this enough cardio for cutting or should I up it and incorporate jogs etc.? Pretty much all HIIT at this point
That's fine...You don't have to so cardiovascular to begin if you're already at a deficit.

I do about 30-45 min a week. The pros do about an hour a week while cutting.

And [@="Cornbread strong" to buy C4 and I got a 10% discount [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
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