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Any good non weights workouts for someone who can't grab weights for a few days?
My go to's for quick workouts at home:

10 rounds: 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 air squats

100 jumping jacks, 75 air squats, 50 push ups, 25 burpees

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: burpees, air squats
Any good non weights workouts for someone who can't grab weights for a few days?
dips, push ups, sit ups, just pick up random heavy **** 
Can't get past this damn 95 lbs on ohp :wow: >: . Last 3 were cheat reps. I do them strict standing up. Feet about shoulder width apart and I grip with my pinky on the line on the bar. Use a 45lb bar

Can't get past this damn 95 lbs on ohp
. Last 3 were cheat reps. I do them strict standing up. Feet about shoulder width apart and I grip with my pinky on the line on the bar. Use a 45lb bar
You're doing a lot of reps...Try starting at 80lbs...
^ thought about that. Will give it a try next week. I need to break 100

Been doing 4x12 on my other exercises but I'm gonna go to 4x10. Haven't really been moving up in weight like I should. Gonna try that next week too
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Can't get past this damn 95 lbs on ohp :wow: >: . Last 3 were cheat reps. I do them strict standing up. Feet about shoulder width apart and I grip with my pinky on the line on the bar. Use a 45lb bar


Don't cheat rep ohp.... you have a high chance of snapping something. Happened to me and it sucked
Can't get past this damn 95 lbs on ohp :wow: >: . Last 3 were cheat reps. I do them strict standing up. Feet about shoulder width apart and I grip with my pinky on the line on the bar. Use a 45lb bar


I personally never liked doing a build-up of weight or pyramid or whatever. I always just prefered straight sets at a 5×5.

Patience is a virtue. Also, if you are cheat repping on the last 3 reps of your 95 pound set of 5......maybe you aren't ready for that much weight.
I just think he's fatiguing out early.

Coach told me to drive with the heels and use my lats to push upward...

That's new to me using my lats to drive it upward
Shoulder width is far too wide for your feet placement.

"Hip-width Stance. Overhead Press with your heels under your hips. This means the narrower your hips are, the narrower your stance should be. But your heels shouldn’t touch. That’s a Military Press and it makes it harder to balance yourself to press heavy. Your heels shouldn’t be shoulder-width apart like on the Squat either. It won’t feel right. Stand narrower than when you Squat, similar to how you Deadlift"

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I seen a video on youtube when i first switched from seated military press to standing military press (ohp). Dude was saying basically the same thing as ur coach, drive ur heels into the ground. It made sense to me, like u wanna push ur body down and use ur shoulders/arms to push the weight up. Not pushing ur legs like bending ur knees pushing but just driving ur heels to the floor basically.

I agree i think homies just getting fatigued by his last set. Or maybe even the time ur resting between sets could be a factor.
Today I hit 405 for 5 on squat (heavy for me lol)after doing 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, and 365 x 3

After I did the 405 it felt like my soul left my body LOL. I needed a little assistance on the last rep. I had never felt like that before I was so surprised at how 30 seconds of activity can leave you drained. Has anyone ever felt like this? I was a little lightheaded after and low-key felt like a zombie for a little part of the rest of my workout. Would it be smart to put weight like that on my back every week? I was talking to a friend that's really into lifting and he was telling me how using heavy *** weight on a consistent basis can sometimes fry the CNS. Is there any truth to that because I think I was fried today [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Today I hit 405 for 5 on squat (heavy for me lol)after doing 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, and 365 x 3

After I did the 405 it felt like my soul left my body LOL. I needed a little assistance on the last rep. I had never felt like that before I was so surprised at how 30 seconds of activity can leave you drained. Has anyone ever felt like this? I was a little lightheaded after and low-key felt like a zombie for a little part of the rest of my workout. Would it be smart to put weight like that on my back every week? I was talking to a friend that's really into lifting and he was telling me how using heavy *** weight on a consistent basis can sometimes fry the CNS. Is there any truth to that because I think I was fried today [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Nice work fam!!

Ive never hit 4plates on squat or close to it lol but on a couple occasions i have felt like ur describing and it was always the last couple reps. Standing with that weight on ur back,matter fact any weight, and feeling like ur soul got zapped out ur body is straight up frightening.
Today I hit 405 for 5 on squat (heavy for me lol)after doing 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, and 365 x 3

After I did the 405 it felt like my soul left my body LOL. I needed a little assistance on the last rep. I had never felt like that before I was so surprised at how 30 seconds of activity can leave you drained. Has anyone ever felt like this? I was a little lightheaded after and low-key felt like a zombie for a little part of the rest of my workout. Would it be smart to put weight like that on my back every week? I was talking to a friend that's really into lifting and he was telling me how using heavy *** weight on a consistent basis can sometimes fry the CNS. Is there any truth to that because I think I was fried today [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Great job hitting those 4 plates. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I've definitely been lightheaded/close to passing out after heavy squats, that's why I always do them first because they deserve the most energy.

The rest of my workout is usually a bit compromised but it's worth it.
Today I hit 405 for 5 on squat (heavy for me lol)after doing 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, and 365 x 3

After I did the 405 it felt like my soul left my body LOL. I needed a little assistance on the last rep. I had never felt like that before I was so surprised at how 30 seconds of activity can leave you drained. Has anyone ever felt like this? I was a little lightheaded after and low-key felt like a zombie for a little part of the rest of my workout. Would it be smart to put weight like that on my back every week? I was talking to a friend that's really into lifting and he was telling me how using heavy *** weight on a consistent basis can sometimes fry the CNS. Is there any truth to that because I think I was fried today [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Good job man! Well done. Repped for that lol. I think your buddy is right. I think I read (and I don't know the article right now, and not to sound all broscience-y) that doing that too often can do that to your CNS. That's why some guys may only do like heavy deadlifts like once or twice a month and not super heavy weight like that all the time, but that article was for deadlifts. I can't speak for certain in squats. My issue was knees. I had to take a few weeks off because I would do all 3 movements in one day and my knees would feel "squishy" for like 3 days haha. On squats though, I hit 405 for 2 after sets of like 340×5, 380×3,3 then 420×2 and I definetly had feelings like that. Someone told me to set down and it looked like almost had an aneurysm. I was surprised I dodnt get a nose bleed.
Can't get past this damn 95 lbs on ohp :wow: >: . Last 3 were cheat reps. I do them strict standing up. Feet about shoulder width apart and I grip with my pinky on the line on the bar. Use a 45lb bar


What app are you using?

It's called repcount. Someone in here recommended it and I downloaded it. It's alright, simple and easy to use. I had the free version then bought the premium for $2.99 and all I got was some ****** graphs :lol:

Shoulder width is far too wide for your feet placement.

"Hip-width Stance. Overhead Press with your heels under your hips. This means the narrower your hips are, the narrower your stance should be. But your heels shouldn’t touch. That’s a Military Press and it makes it harder to balance yourself to press heavy. Your heels shouldn’t be shoulder-width apart like on the Squat either. It won’t feel right. Stand narrower than when you Squat, similar to how you Deadlift"

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Thanks. Now that I think about it my feet aren't even shoulder width, probably about hip width like it says. I'll keep it in mind and make sure I do it right next week

Thanks for the responses guys :pimp: . I'll just do 1 warmup set with the bar and get right to it next week. I'll report back with my gainz :evil:
It was only the last 3 reps. Used my legs for momentum

thats 3 chances to snap something man 

That's a push press lol

Yea this. a lot of powerlifters do it... super dangerous imo. using momentum for ohp at least...
I never had a problem push pressing nor did I any PL have any...there's people who think dips going 90 degredegrees or more is bad

Look at my videos. I go all the way down, weighted. MOST I've did for reps was 90lbs. NEVER and injury, sprain or anyanything else. I know when I can't do another going down. I stop. INSTEAD of potentially popping my shoulder oUT the socket.

Its about being smart and knowing when to stop and what our capabilities are....
Today I hit 405 for 5 on squat (heavy for me lol)after doing 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, and 365 x 3

After I did the 405 it felt like my soul left my body LOL. I needed a little assistance on the last rep. I had never felt like that before I was so surprised at how 30 seconds of activity can leave you drained. Has anyone ever felt like this? I was a little lightheaded after and low-key felt like a zombie for a little part of the rest of my workout. Would it be smart to put weight like that on my back every week? I was talking to a friend that's really into lifting and he was telling me how using heavy *** weight on a consistent basis can sometimes fry the CNS. Is there any truth to that because I think I was fried today [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Great job hitting those 4 plates. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I've definitely been lightheaded/close to passing out after heavy squats, that's why I always do them first because they deserve the most energy.

The rest of my workout is usually a bit compromised but it's worth it.
Carb up....legs/back you have to. IF you doing compound.

Soon as I carbed up before the workout...No more of those symptoms.

Drink at least 16-32 ounces of water beforehand too.
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Today I hit 405 for 5 on squat (heavy for me lol)after doing 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 8, and 365 x 3

After I did the 405 it felt like my soul left my body LOL. I needed a little assistance on the last rep. I had never felt like that before I was so surprised at how 30 seconds of activity can leave you drained. Has anyone ever felt like this? I was a little lightheaded after and low-key felt like a zombie for a little part of the rest of my workout. Would it be smart to put weight like that on my back every week? I was talking to a friend that's really into lifting and he was telling me how using heavy *** weight on a consistent basis can sometimes fry the CNS. Is there any truth to that because I think I was fried today [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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