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I was wondering how sone of them were jacked in that Netflix doc.... [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
There is always a lifting portion to the workouts. The typical Crossfit class is a warm up, a strength workout with a barbell, and a metcon. The elite athletes, who workout all day, do multiple strength workouts, so it isn't hard to see them as jacked as they are.  
I was wondering how sone of them were jacked in that Netflix doc.... [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

There is always a lifting portion to the workouts. The typical Crossfit class is a warm up, a strength workout with a barbell, and a metcon. The elite athletes, who workout all day, do multiple strength workouts, so it isn't hard to see them as jacked as they are.  
I was told they do other stuff besides crossfite even train for competitions or to get jacked.
I was wondering how sone of them were jacked in that Netflix doc.... [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
Thats how they suck you in to join.......hey look at these top 1% guys, if you pay $250 a month to join here then you to can be one of the fittest people on earth 
Majority of them have athletic backgrounds so they were jacked before crossfit like I said.
Many of the jacked crossfit dudes do multiple workouts a day. They live in the gym. One at 8. One at 1. One at 9. Something like that.

And make no mistake they do a lot of strength workouts.

And for the regular everyday crossfitters, a typical crossfit class is always split into a strength portion and a metcon portion.
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I was wondering how sone of them were jacked in that Netflix doc.... [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

Thats how they suck you in to join.......hey look at these top 1% guys, if you pay $250 a month to join here then you to can be one of the fittest people on earth :lol:

I was told they do other stuff besides crossfite even train for competitions or to get jacked.

You talking about steroids?


Nah. They do workouts that's not crossfit, in addition. Especially to train for competitions.
You gotta do more than just some Olympic lifts to look like this...


Like that calesthetic however you spell the workout when you too broke to pay $20/month for the gym so you "willlingly" choose to workout outside.

That dude hannibal was jacked. He was obviously in the gym as well, or both. But swore p ND down all he did was body Weight exercises

Edit: nvm I googled him. I guess I thought he was big cause I was small at the time lmso
They must be using it for strength then. CAUSE I saw a lot of lean ones with good size. But jacked, like actually big and lean? HAVEN'T saw any. But II don't check my CF. YOU'D know more than me.
If I'm not mistaken, guys like Ben Smith and Rich Froning work out 4x per day. As much of a beating as CF can be on your body, they're probably...scratch that, most likely, taking "something" to aid in muscle recovery. :lol:

But both of those guys played baseball in it goes along w/ what BB was saying about these guys having an athletic background before getting into CF.
If I'm not mistaken, guys like Ben Smith and Rich Froning work out 4x per day. As much of a beating as CF can be on your body, they're probably...scratch that, most likely, taking "something" to aid in muscle recovery. :lol:

But both of those guys played baseball in it goes along w/ what BB was saying about these guys having an athletic background before getting into CF.

I was gonna type out the same thing :lol:

Working out multiple times per day like that only makes it more likely that these dudes are on something :lol:
I remeber watching usa doc on the women's track team, they was on something were they could workout for 3 hours take 2 off on go back
Seeing results in a week
Maaan i remember i used to follow my macros to the T, maaaad hard and made eeverything stressfull.

Yay crossfit talk.
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Today's workout

For time:


Power cleans (115lbs)


rest 1 minute


Power cleans (135lbs)

Burpee pull ups
They must be using it for strength then. CAUSE I saw a lot of lean ones with good size. But jacked, like actually big and lean? HAVEN'T saw any. But II don't check my CF. YOU'D know more than me.
The guy I posted is Jason Khalipa, he is probably 205-210 at 5'8 or so and under 10% BF so he is pretty jacked. 

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