STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yeah I did the same. I googled numbers. "What should I start with". Ended up doing my own thing and it has been working.


I ran 40/40/20 at 185.

Ran 35/40/25 at 180.

Currently running 30/40/30. Bumped my fats up, since I started going over 50g recently. Also allowed for ice cream and funyuns. Lol.

My protein is at 174g. But I also eat more. At least 180g, since I'm 178 now. Most of the time, on the 5 days i lift, I hit about 190g.

Yeah. See how your body reacts to it. Supposedly some people do better with lower carbs and etc. I don't care about rhat. I just do what fits how I eat. I'm still getting cut regardless.

Only thing I wouldn't do is a high fat diet. Put my ex on one due to her PCOS. But I would rather have a high protein/carb macro split.

Thanks for the info man.
You're welcome.

I see you fam :pimp:

We working b. :pimp:

Today was DL day, hit 475x1 with ease so I decided to go for 5 plates.

Was humbled early. :lol:

Grip was not prepared for that, also feel like I did too many warm up sets.

Went 135x5 225x5 315x5 405x1 425x1 455x1 475x1 495 fail, 405x3, 315x5.

Going to keep doing a lot of accessory work and heavy rows until I get there, I can taste that 500.
That is a lot of working sets.

I warm up with 225. Maybe 3x. Then start my work sets, which range 3-4 sets.

But good job!!! Your deadlift is crazy. Yall making me look frail out here.
Is it bad if my heel raises a bit during squats. I don't have trouble hitting parallel but my heel raises very slightly. Like not even half an inch. Should they be strictly flat on the ground? I've noticed that as I put on more weight it's easier for me to keep them flat I guess cause the heavier weight keeps me from going forward.
Is it bad if my heel raises a bit during squats. I don't have trouble hitting parallel but my heel raises very slightly. Like not even half an inch. Should they be strictly flat on the ground? I've noticed that as I put on more weight it's easier for me to keep them flat I guess cause the heavier weight keeps me from going forward.

What kinda footwear you using?

Whenever I squat I always basically just focus on pushing my hips back towards my heels and that usually keeps me in perfect form.
Is it bad if my heel raises a bit during squats. I don't have trouble hitting parallel but my heel raises very slightly. Like not even half an inch. Should they be strictly flat on the ground? I've noticed that as I put on more weight it's easier for me to keep them flat I guess cause the heavier weight keeps me from going forward.

What about trying a slightly different stance/shoes or some ankle mobility exercises?
Felt like **** this morning, literally. Belly mosh but it was DL day week7. Thugged it out. Was supposed to do 320x2 said f it and did 5reps. Felt good even tho i felt like ****.


Speed DL

Power shrugs
285x2x5 ima try get to 3plates next time

Bent over row

Good mornings

Reverse grip lat pulldown

Finished wit biceps and cardio. Got some hectic calluses now :pimp:. Supposed to hit 355 end of this program but i think ill crush that.
Appreciate it bro. Im just tryna be strong like everyone else in here lol. Soon time.
I have no idea what's going on here

But to think an elite professional athlete couldn't squat less than 2x his body weight is laughable to me
I'm saying.

You don't have to be a powerlifter or even that focused on strength to be squatting 2x especially as a professional athlete with anything at your reach.
Wait you guys are serious?! 
 So Lebron is out here squatting 500 to depth? FOH 

You go to a strong gym if a bunch of people are legit squatting 400 and its not a hardcore/PL gym. 

The only reason Im making a deal out of this is because you guys are making it sound so easy when literally no one in here can do it 
 and yes I know Kobe is a world class athlete but 400 pounds is ******* 400 pounds.

I almost want to see both of you post videos but then I remember Jews won't even be 300.
Wait you guys are serious?! :lol:  So Lebron is out here squatting 500 to depth? FOH :lol:

You go to a strong gym if a bunch of people are legit squatting 400 and its not a hardcore/PL gym. 

The only reason Im making a deal out of this is because you guys are making it sound so easy when literally no one in here can do it :lol:  and yes I know Kobe is a world class athlete but 400 pounds is ******* 400 pounds.

I almost want to see both of you post videos but then I remember Jews won't even be 300.

The video I posted earlier was my last set of 290lbs :lol:

I guarantee you Lebron could EASILY squat 500lbs with minimal training towards it.
We working b. :pimp:

Today was DL day, hit 475x1 with ease so I decided to go for 5 plates.

Was humbled early. :lol:

Grip was not prepared for that, also feel like I did too many warm up sets.

Went 135x5 225x5 315x5 405x1 425x1 455x1 475x1 495 fail, 405x3, 315x5.

Going to keep doing a lot of accessory work and heavy rows until I get there, I can taste that 500.

I'll post vids when I hit 400 for sure, will be glorious day. :pimp:
Good ish bro. Yea def a lot of volume before the failure . Still good a** work. I'm resting right now doing DL as I type this lol. I'm depleted from the other day. Core is sore and my grip is buns today even though I never have a problem with reverse grip.

Guys Tuesday had me do farmer carries with 100lb plates for the first time. Complete shock to the system and you really need to focus. So today I'm still feeling it

I'll be waiting for that vid!
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The video I posted earlier was my last set of 290lbs

I guarantee you Lebron could EASILY squat 500lbs with minimal training towards it.
Sorry bro we all fam but you have no idea what you're talking about, GOAT level genetics for being a great basketball player don't mean **** when it comes to actual numbers on a bar. Could he do it with specific strength training? Possibly, but to say he would do it EASILY with minimal training and it be legit just shows you haven't ever had that kind of weight on your back, sorry. 

Its ALMOST like saying just because soccer players run a lot then they could EASILY go run a sub 3 hour marathon, it just doesn't work that way.

Now if we go into the drug topic then thats a whole different story...
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That's a huge fallacy.

Has way more to do with the leverages of your body than just being tall or short.
So you wouldn't make fun of a 400 pound guy benching 500 with a 2in ROM? 

How many guys that tall you see squatting Jew? 

I expected better from you today. 
Top sets for my DL the other night.
335 2x6

Didn't chalk up and my hand started slipping on the last 2 reps. Going to work on grip strength this training cycle so when I load up 505 that's the last thing on my mind.

My starting numbers for this week were my week 3 numbers 8 weeks ago. Either I originally started too low or I'm slowly getting stronger. Hella forgot how it feels to train beltless too, my back is tight today gotta foamroll this ****

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Boss, I get where you're coming from.

But I think you're grossly overestimating how difficult it is for these feats to be accomplished.
Boss, I get where you're coming from.

But I think you're grossly overestimating how difficult it is for these feats to be accomplished.
And I think your grossly overestimating how easy it is...

I'm mainly mad because I know how hard Ive busted my *** to hit my numbers and now you 2 want to tell me how easily it is for someone who doesn't even train for strength to hit them? lol we must be watching different NBA games because I don't see many if any guys out there that can total what I do.
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