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How many years does it take for one to squat 400 lbs? Frank Mason, the 5'11 Kansas point guard can do that at age 22. I don't know how long he's been lifting but there's no way I'm doing that by 22.
A true 400 pound squat? Not that high school gym bull **** lol... too many variables come into play honestly. If we use 200 pounds as an average bodyweight for a lifter, I hit 455 at 196 after about a year or so of serious strength squat training. I personally think if you're a serious lifter/gym rat whatever and you weigh over like 180 then you should be hitting 3 plates no problem, **** Guzman is hitting 455 or something and doesnt train for strength at all.

Hope that ruffles some feathers 
I'm repping 335 for 6 easy now @ 185 so consider my feathers unruffled. :lol:

Need that 4 plate squat in the winter.
A true 400 pound squat? Not that high school gym bull **** lol... too many variables come into play honestly. If we use 200 pounds as an average bodyweight for a lifter, I hit 455 at 196 after about a year or so of serious strength squat training. I personally think if you're a serious lifter/gym rat whatever and you weigh over like 180 then you should be hitting 3 plates no problem, **** Guzman is hitting 455 or something and doesnt train for strength at all.

Hope that ruffles some feathers >D

I was hittin parallel in highschool b don't hurt my feelings [emoji]128546[/emoji]
1.5 months of cutting. MIGHT have a month left. Gotta do weigh in first week of November and do my BF test to see if I'm at 10% yet.

My dude got the beach body in bulk season [emoji]128526[/emoji]

How has it affected your strength?
Reason I'm so intrigued by the squat is that I want to dunk the basketball. I can't squat 1.5x my bodyweight yet so I got a long way to go. Just kinda crazy that 400lbs is where I have to get to jump like frank mason who's the same height as me
Im no expert but i dont think how much someone can squat correlates to dunking a basketball. Im sure it has some effect but i doubt zach lavine is squatting 400lbs
Reason I'm so intrigued by the squat is that I want to dunk the basketball. I can't squat 1.5x my bodyweight yet so I got a long way to go. Just kinda crazy that 400lbs is where I have to get to jump like frank mason who's the same height as me

I know that squatting will help with expolsiveness and ultimately vert but I'm not sure that it's an absolute correlation. For instance Vince Carter in his prime prolly had damn near 50 inch vert. I'm not 100% percent sure but I'd take a guess he didn't get there with heavy *** squats. He most likely got there with incredible genetics that gifted him a **** ton of fast twitch fibers and him jumping over and over and over again. I'd be surprised if he could squat four or five plates in his prime.
Im no expert but i dont think how much someone can squat correlates to dunking a basketball. Im sure it has some effect but i doubt zach lavine is squatting 400lbs

[emoji]128514[/emoji] Beat me to it
I know that squatting will help with expolsiveness and ultimately vert but I'm not sure that it's an absolute correlation. For instance Vince Carter in his prime prolly had damn near 50 inch vert. I'm not 100% percent sure but I'd take a guess he didn't get there with heavy *** squats. He most likely got there with incredible genetics that gifted him a **** ton of fast twitch fibers and him jumping over and over and over again. I'd be surprised if he could squat four or five plates in his prime.

Word, guys like that were blessed with genetics to jump out the gym, kinda like how certain guys can throw a baseball 98mph. Theres def drills and exercises to help with and increase explosiveness but not everyones gonna be able jump that high. Just like theres throwing progressions and programs to help increase mph but at the end of the day not everyones gonna throw a ball 98mph. Some of it is just god given ability.
thick solid tight bro (no homo)
what are your daily meals?
only homo if you think homo.

- Lactaid (im intolerant to milk lol), 2 scoop protein, 2 scoop "whole oats "(it's oatmeal finely grinded up like whey powder, my sponsor made it. If you want more info, let me know. Or check it on amazon under the name)
- 28g of cashews
- Banana

6-8 oz of ground turkey
Spinach (4oz)
Jack Daniels Bbq sause


Protein bar
Whatever else leftover I eat what I want. Ice cream, oreos. Whatever. Long as it fits in my remaining macros.

On off days it's the same. Except I might not eat 180g of protein, and I eat 106g of Kashi lean cerealm I might hit 100-140g on off days since I'm still poor and can't afford to buy 7 days worth of protein stuff.

MFP: TimShepard. My diary is public to friends. Add me and you can see what I eat yourself.

This week I had madddd Kennedys though. With the biscuits. Oh mannnnn.

Yes. I've literally ate the same thing for almost 2 months. Nobody got time to "get tired of eating the same thing". Food is food lmao I like simplicity and it takes me 90 minutes to cook lunch/dinner for 5 days.

Good work Sound, Ill be jacked like you one day, a way lighter version :lol:
Good looks, man!!! One day I'll be as strong as you....except way darker [emoji]128514[/emoji]


1.5 months of cutting. MIGHT have a month left. Gotta do weigh in first week of November and do my BF test to see if I'm at 10% yet.

Looking good g. :pimp: :pimp:

You gonna be looking crazy after you finish the cut.
Thank you my boy!!! I appreciate that. And yeah, I wasn't expectin to look like this! I actually thought I'd look smaller and took skinny. I realized I had a lot of lean muscle. But I just had a lot of fat covering it.

I'm actually enjoying the cut. Based on the results. My mind is still blown.

1.5 months of cutting. MIGHT have a month left. Gotta do weigh in first week of November and do my BF test to see if I'm at 10% yet.

My dude got the beach body in bulk season [emoji]128526[/emoji]

How has it affected your strength?
hahaha I'm trying to have the Northface on with the muscles well hidden. #UEONO. Take my jacket off at a girl house and make the ***** pass out.

My strength has still been going up, actually. I still train heavy as I did before. I still haven't failed a power set on squat, bench or deadlift yet.

I just consume more protein than body weight. So my strength still increases and my body doesn't burn lean muscle.

I've googled and saw people doing powerlifting sets all around. Why? Lol they're so scared if they don't all out heavy they will burn muscle.

I do power compound sets.
Hypertrophy everything else.
6-8 exercises total per body part.

This is why I don't listen to online with certain things. I just do my own thing.
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Reason I'm so intrigued by the squat is that I want to dunk the basketball. I can't squat 1.5x my bodyweight yet so I got a long way to go. Just kinda crazy that 400lbs is where I have to get to jump like frank mason who's the same height as me

I know that squatting will help with expolsiveness and ultimately vert but I'm not sure that it's an absolute correlation. For instance Vince Carter in his prime prolly had damn near 50 inch vert. I'm not 100% percent sure but I'd take a guess he didn't get there with heavy *** squats. He most likely got there with incredible genetics that gifted him a **** ton of fast twitch fibers and him jumping over and over and over again. I'd be surprised if he could squat four or five plates in his prime.

Im no expert but i dont think how much someone can squat correlates to dunking a basketball. Im sure it has some effect but i doubt zach lavine is squatting 400lbs

[emoji]128514[/emoji] Beat me to it

Dammit. I can grab rim. Dunk off an alley. But I want to be able to dunk on my own. I'm 5'9.

Like if nate Robinson can do it why can't i? Gues's I'd have to train for it?
Squatting might not have a positive correlation with dunking but I gotta try. I can touch the rim with super weak legs, if I strengthen them, it surely has to add inches. Only one way to find out
Everyone talking about weight. I look like I'm 140 at 185 and 5'7" :lol: I don't even care anymore.

I started a new job too soundview soundview change of schedule has me going to the gym at weird *** hours now.
soundview soundview

One day ill have abs....ONE day...just dont care for them at this point tho LOL. Good stuff tho man
I didn't care about them before either lmao and I barely train them now. Maybe 1-2x a week for core strength. feels good to not have to flex to barely see them [emoji]128557[/emoji]

Good looks tho bro

Just eat funyuns and ice cream lol jk

Soundview puttin in that work :pimp:
Bro for real. People keep thinking you have to eat healthy 24/7 to make gains or cuts. You don't. I'll purposely save carbs and fats to eat junk food later in the day. Once I got my flow down I'm good. I ate snickers ice cream the other day [emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji] a whole :nerd:unces too.

I like funyuns cause they taste good and have the least amount of fat...but mack up for it in sodium lol

But thanks man!!! I appreciate all of the love. I'm just trying to be cut and strong (like yall).

Sound view [emoji]128591[/emoji]

Good work Sound, Ill be jacked like you one day, a way lighter version :lol:

I'll believe it when I see it :lol:
Everyone talking about weight. I look like I'm 140 at 185 and 5'7" :lol: I don't even care anymore.

I started a new job too soundview soundview change of schedule has me going to the gym at weird *** hours now.
Man. I had to force myself to go school and work got me hitting the gym late now SMH.

I used to go by 12-1. Knock it out the way.

Studies show most peaks (how well you perform) are around 2-3pm.
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