STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I worked out this morning, and I have zero energy right now. Which is bad cuz I have 8 hours of work to go..


Let's pray that my patients do not act up. I don't feel like doing **** :lol:
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Why you think that is?

You've said that's your best lift, do you think you've kinda hit a plateau or something?
Oh yeah, I mean I went from never squatting to hitting 585 in like 2.5 years with steady linear process the whole time so its expected.. plus just mentally I got a little tired of going heavy on them, the rack I have to use is horrible and I don't have any spotters so its a little sketchy, excuses I know. 

I'm just to the point now where gains are slow, like Im not adding anything more than 10-15 pounds to any lift over a 10-12 week cycle.

I'm looking forward to changing things up after this comp though, get in better athletic shape and not be as fat anymore 
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Genetics play the biggest role, theres a trainer at my Golds thats about 5'7 or so and looks all of 200+ shredded, asked him the other day how much he weighed.... he said 170 

I think he is natty but theres other dudes there on gear that don't like as good as him no romo. 
It's weird when I see ppl that look 200 plus pounds..just very solid looking then I come to find out that they're only ten or so pounds heavier than me.

Actually, it's not so weird now that I think about it. There's a lot of ppl that look like they can eat me that are just one weight class over. Idk how that works.
Not that anyone would confuse me with weighing 200lbs :lol:

But people always assume I weigh a lot more than I actually do.
Also maDE me realize HOW important your diet and counoting macros really is.


I know it's different for everyone but what's the breakdown of your Macros. After reading a lot of different information I've settled at 40/40/20 to start. I'll see how I react and adjust accordingly. Just wanted to get an idea of other peoples breakdown.
Yeah I did the same. I googled numbers. "What should I start with". Ended up doing my own thing and it has been working.


I ran 40/40/20 at 185.
Ran 35/40/25 at 180.
Currently running 30/40/30. Bumped my fats up, since I started going over 50g recently. Also allowed for ice cream and funyuns. Lol.

My protein is at 174g. But I also eat more. At least 180g, since I'm 178 now. Most of the time, on the 5 days i lift, I hit about 190g.

Yeah. See how your body reacts to it. Supposedly some people do better with lower carbs and etc. I don't care about rhat. I just do what fits how I eat. I'm still getting cut regardless.

Only thing I wouldn't do is a high fat diet. Put my ex on one due to her PCOS. But I would rather have a high protein/carb macro split.
Started my new job today. Omw to the gym for heavy deadlift. Lifting 100% for 2. At 630pm. I'm hungry too. Sigh.

Good news is, all the kids were scared of me. My boss is real cool. But I'm on the site one day out of the week and that's just ******ed.

Man. I'm so hungry :/ but if I lift today I can have this weekend off.
How many years does it take for one to squat 400 lbs? Frank Mason, the 5'11 Kansas point guard can do that at age 22. I don't know how long he's been lifting but there's no way I'm doing that by 22.
How many years does it take for one to squat 400 lbs? Frank Mason, the 5'11 Kansas point guard can do that at age 22. I don't know how long he's been lifting but there's no way I'm doing that by 22.
I knew an 18 year old who was squatting 5 plates in college. Which no one else was doing (Who's squatting in BK lol) Granted, he weight in his heavy 200s. But is possible. He went to military school though him and his brother were strong af.
Got 415x2 on deadlifts!! New PR! Well not really. But it is conventional PR. Almost bought preworkout, too. Glad I didn't. I went the cheap route and just played "Black Republicans".

Would've recorded but yeah. Uses phone for music. Didn't think I'd get it. Deadlifting is scary before you pull lol
Thanks bro!! I need that 500 pull.

Didn't think I'd get it. Tweaked my back a little last week on 395x3. Only got 2. I'm like no way I can get 415 for 2. I had to just get pumped up and clear out the negative assumptions.
How many years does it take for one to squat 400 lbs? Frank Mason, the 5'11 Kansas point guard can do that at age 22. I don't know how long he's been lifting but there's no way I'm doing that by 22.

It all differs I guess. When I was in highschool playin football; including me there were a couple of us attempting/doing 4 plates plus at our max tests and we were like 16. There was even a kid that was a freshman 14 years old hittin that weight.
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