STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

A workout log app would be nice. I bought a notepad once to track my lifts but I was too lazy to keep up with it.

*looks one up for the Samsung

Use fitnotes. I wish it was on iPhone I used to use that it was the best
that's what I use now. I love it.

Nothing I despise more than thieves and scammers. Taking stuff from ppl doing the right thing from hard earned money.

Sucks to hear about your car and stuff bro.

Edit: I despise thieves more than curling in the squat rack
I'm even more grateful my gym let's us keep our own lockers (If they know you like that). I never have to carry my gym stuff anywhere.

But that sucks. Where does dude live
Lol. It gets real after you did back squats. But yeah my legs are my weak point. So is my right knee SMH. I hate myself.

I'm just messing around. All I do is front squats and back squats...

Just like you'll make me look like a shrimp on the bench
Lol. It gets real after you did back squats. But yeah my legs are my weak point. So is my right knee SMH. I hate myself.

I'm just messing around. All I do is front squats and back squats...

Just like you'll make me look like a shrimp on the bench
Yeah bench and deadlift are my greatest. But it sucKs cause of my knee. I wanna squat 315+ like yall. I hit 265x2 last week? 2nd rep was a hard grinder. My knee didn't really give me problems. Been taking fsh oil. Stretched between sets.

I really wanna squat 315 already. And I was doing it when I first started lifting. Lost all my PR''s cause I didn't know anything about nutrition or macros lol. I was eating noodles and mcchickens (I was poor lol)

I know you were kidding though lol but my squat does suck let's be realistic lol

But I'm gonna try front squats next week. Hypertrophy sets though. I need to burn more fat off my legs. Only body part still not as cut as the rest
Just did arms. Happy I finally finished my damn workout. Tried to close grip 235x10 but got 235x6.

In one week, 3 people told me I'm got big. It's funny how you. Get bigger when you "get smaller". Glad I learned more about mavros, nutriton and cutting.

Anyways. 80 degrees in NYC? in late october? Global warming is real. Or that conspiracy that the government can alter the weather lol. I think it broke a record I'm Buffalo that stood since 1947. But they're calling it an "Indian Summer". Southern warm fronts beING pushed. Icee man already outside of E.180th. Like bruh. It's October. Why are you still renting that cart.

Saw a crazy lady harass a dude before work. That was entertaining. She encouraged us to take pictures of her, so she would live forever since she was "dying today". Her name was "Evee the great" LMFAO. She had a cane and a half drank jug of orange juice (wtf).

My guy, it was a summer day today, **** is wild. :lol:

Walk to the gym was glorious. :pimp:
Bruhs chest day was terrible. Started and immediately felt way off. I had been dealing with shoulder pain. Everything felt heavier and my form was all over the place even though the shoulders weren't hurting as much. It's my damn teres muscles and right above it starting up again. Rolling it out with a lacrosse ball hurts like m f.

Hate when you walk in thinking its gonna be a good day.
Did chest and tris today. Did week 6 of bench program. Think ima do week 7 on friday lol. **** it gonna get after it.

Shoulders and legs tomorrow. Ready to get my squat form right. My plan is once i get back to 315 im gonna post a comparison video of before and after. I know i can handle the weight but im not tryna rush the increase yet. Make sure form is on point is the main focus right now.
Just did arms. Happy I finally finished my damn workout. Tried to close grip 235x10 but got 235x6.

In one week, 3 people told me I'm got big. It's funny how you. Get bigger when you "get smaller". Glad I learned more about mavros, nutriton and cutting.

Anyways. 80 degrees in NYC? in late october? Global warming is real. Or that conspiracy that the government can alter the weather lol. I think it broke a record I'm Buffalo that stood since 1947. But they're calling it an "Indian Summer". Southern warm fronts beING pushed. Icee man already outside of E.180th. Like bruh. It's October. Why are you still renting that cart.

Saw a crazy lady harass a dude before work. That was entertaining. She encouraged us to take pictures of her, so she would live forever since she was "dying today". Her name was "Evee the great" LMFAO. She had a cane and a half drank jug of orange juice (wtf).

My guy, it was a summer day today, **** is wild. :lol:

Walk to the gym was glorious. :pimp:
Lmaoo all the crazies, weirdos and ice cream trucks came out today.

I actually sweated in the gym.

Can you believe that.


Smh *yuppie voice*
Today was chest and back. I supersetted it damn near every workout for the first time. Your boy was tired LOL
I squatted and did shoulders.

Belt gains on squats been crazy, hitting 315 for the working sets now when that was a max just a while back.
My brother let me use me his Inzer wrist wraps today for bench and OHP. Felt weird at first but man theybhelped a lot once I got in a groove. I might have to hop on a bench program while I'm taking an extended break from squatting.

My brother suggest a Candito bench program. Anyone ever run it before? Opinions?
hitting PR DL with lifting straps.... is that brag worthy or are raw DL only something to brag about?

my schieks came in.... so excited to hit DL this saturday 
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