STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

lol you haven't cut until a cheat is 2 otris

Yeah lol I'm looking forward to it. Gonna slow bulk. I got the master plan to stay at 10%.
forgot you're on house arrest

Not anymore. Curfew now but its stupid early. Not complaining tho at least i can go outside for a lil bit lol. I was going mod bein cooped up in the apartment for over a yr
My bad then. Respect though. F it.

^I'm have to record whenever I do next time.... I don't record every session.... bahahah I'm weak right now bro wait till I hit 165 ish monster gains!

hows that shred life going though?
I just posted about it last page. Got 2% more to drop then it's slow bulk life. I'm sitting at 178 rn. Strrngth hasn't dropped. BUT the cut calories is taking a toll with compounds.

Still going hard though.
Hate Sumo High Pull.....I hate sumo anything :lol:

Good job.

Your snatch movement looks like a smooth transition. Question, in your first high hang pull, it seems when you caught the bar at the bottom you jumped forward...does this causes any problem as the weight gets heavier?

Also, the weight must be light because on your second snatch you barely pulled back on your 2nd pull...:lol:
What's your PR?
I am effing sore. Mad at my coach for scheduling a workout today at 12.

My old CF & Oly coach scheule something for us to do today when I go workout with him. .he's programming for a 2 time regional athlete.

Still tough, amel? :lol:

Anything crossfit related would be tough for me lately. I've been hiding in the weightlifting classes for over a yr now lol
Hate Sumo High Pull.....I hate sumo anything :lol:

Good job.

Your snatch movement looks like a smooth transition. Question, in your first high hang pull, it seems when you caught the bar at the bottom you jumped forward...does this causes any problem as the weight gets heavier?

Also, the weight must be light because on your second snatch you barely pulled back on your 2nd pull...:lol:
What's your PR?

Yea, as the weight gets heavier, it's a problem because forward momentum throws my balance of and causes me to fail the lift. I used to jump much forward, but have gotten better after making some adjustments with the pull and bar path. I've been trying to focus on my feet a bit more lately to make sure I'm stomping more out as opposed to forward and out.

225lb is my snatch PR. Hit that a few months ago. I've always been wary of snatches because I separated my shoulder a few years ago and just have that hesitation in my mind. I've cleaned up my technique a lot and it's helped me go up in weight over the past year or so.
Usually when someone goes forward it's because they either failed to keep the bar close or they didn't finish their extension.

But it's no big. Jumping forward is a very common problem among better lifters than me.

My problem is that I jump backwards. My coach is always telling me that my snatch can get 'hip-py' and that I should always focus on exploding 'up'
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I respect y'all CFers but that's something I have no interest in trying. Those movements...looks like injuries waiting to happen. I get it that it's about technique, coaching, handling weight u can control, etc, but eff dat. I love basketball and playing with my kids too much to be swinging barbells over my head and losing my shoulders
I respect y'all CFers but that's something I have no interest in trying. Those movements...looks like injuries waiting to happen. I get it that it's about technique, coaching, handling weight u can control, etc, but eff dat. I love basketball and playing with my kids too much to be swinging barbells over my head and losing my shoulders

This the misconception of the sport.
I respect y'all CFers but that's something I have no interest in trying. Those movements...looks like injuries waiting to happen. I get it that it's about technique, coaching, handling weight u can control, etc, but eff dat. I love basketball and playing with my kids too much to be swinging barbells over my head and losing my shoulders
They're the only ones I know that like it. Everyone else doesn't like it. Especially Elgentensity or whatever his name is lmao.

I've heard "it's not bad, but the way they mix different exercises and how they do it is what's the risk and stupid about it. With more tuning it can be way better and productive"

Some dude went paralyzes from crossfire workout:

I've never did CF. Never would. So I can't speak on it, bUT I do agree with the mixing exercise/volume stuff. It's like when they don't say do more than 8 heavy reps of deadlift. After 8, your form will deteriorate and you're more likely to injure yourself.

All I can say is, be safe.
This the misconception of the sport.
Thats just from seeing lucio's vid, hes fluid n all but all i can think is damn that motion will kill a lot of folks shoulders

I used to think like this. And then I committed to weightlifting for a yr.

It can happen. But it's highly unlikely if you are highly trained and disciplined.

Try weightlifting man. Or even crossfit. With really good coaches even if you are strong enough to get 135 over your head right away, they will make you do 95 over and over and over again until you get it right.
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Pitching a baseball is probably more dangerous for your shoulder than doing a snatch correctly.

Word the natural motion is underhand. Thats why softball pitchers can go every game and baseball pitchers go every 5th day
Funny you mention that. Throwing a baseball really hurts my shoulder man.

I'd rather snatch than throw a baseball anyday.
This new diet got me detoxing. I'm in here with the chills and stuff [emoji]128543[/emoji]
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