STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

have ridiculous achilles pain in my left leg. Literally out of no where. Started to run on a tredmill 2 days ago and couldn't do over a mile my leg was on fire.

Im assuming its tendinitis :smh: :smh: its been 2 days and i still can't run on it. I have soccer saturday and sunday too....this needs to get better. Anyone ever have this?

You might have been running on a tight calf.

I'm being very serious right now bro.

Be verrrrrry careful with what you do next . You might be in danger of blowing your Achilles.

Do not. I repeat. Do not play with a sore Achilles.
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have ridiculous achilles pain in my left leg. Literally out of no where. Started to run on a tredmill 2 days ago and couldn't do over a mile my leg was on fire.

Im assuming its tendinitis :smh: :smh: its been 2 days and i still can't run on it. I have soccer saturday and sunday too....this needs to get better. Anyone ever have this?

You might have been running on a tight calf.

I'm being very serious right now bro.

Be verrrrrry careful and rest and make sure you rest. You might be in danger of blowing your Achilles.

Do not. I repeat. Do not play with a sore Achilles.


i read online it could be from calf tightness and my calves have been cramping in my sleep infrequently. They are extremely tight.

Appreciate the feedback. I might take this weekend off from soccer if i can
Yuh man. The first order of business is loosen up those calves. When they're tight, it's hell on the Achilees.
Picture a string that's been pulled taut. That's what happens to your Achilles when the calf is tight.

And when a string is pulled taut long enough..
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Amel out here preventing injuries now? Amel curse been banished? Big Boss Curse emerged in its place?
@Jking0821  you have access to a kettle bell? My go to for calf tightness is laying down on my back and putting my calf on top of the kettle bell handle. I just roll my calf on the handle and move up or down every minute or so. Works wonders for me.
This dude throwing Kief Urban style shots and uses "i wasn't in the right state of mind" as an excuse?

 you have access to a kettle bell? My go to for calf tightness is laying down on my back and putting my calf on top of the kettle bell handle. I just roll my calf on the handle and move up or down every minute or so. Works wonders for me.

will try it out.

I roll out before most work outs but i neglect my calves some times and with soccer 3 times a week and still trying to fit a legs day in....i feel like an idiot. And this pain is real.. Hurts to walk. Like annoying pain. And when you are in pain all day its like i start to get nauseous a bit and have no appetite.
 you have access to a kettle bell? My go to for calf tightness is laying down on my back and putting my calf on top of the kettle bell handle. I just roll my calf on the handle and move up or down every minute or so. Works wonders for me.

will try it out.

I roll out before most work outs but i neglect my calves some times and with soccer 3 times a week and still trying to fit a legs day in....i feel like an idiot. And this pain is real.. Hurts to walk. Like annoying pain. And when you are in pain all day its like i start to get nauseous a bit and have no appetite.

I really like using a lacrosse ball for rolling my calves. I feel like I can get it better than with a foam roller alone. Plus it feels great to roll your feet on them as well.

For a couple bucks at a sporting goods store I think a lacrosse ball is useful as hell.
6 months of training and getting in shape well better shape

Went on vacation.... rolled my ankle on the last beach day

Cant never win
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Fams. New PR on DL 465. Wasn't feeling it but still got it up and I got a video :pimp: . You can see towards the end how I shook my head because it didn't feel as clean as I wanted.

Heres the video. Idk whats up with the quality. My first video ever uploaded to YT. Taken on my boys 7 plus. Any tips appreciated.
looked easy lol I'd just dip but more, back inclined more, look up more

These came in today. Looks like after my surgery I'll only be able to do lower body stuff and cardio for about 3 months. Cross fit it is. Time to go back to being one of those skinny boiz :frown:
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Pusha T again.
Sorry Ahat20. But i did the 225 x6 reps. And knew i had more.
Went up to 250 x5 reps.

Lets go brotha!!!!

Doing heavy chest again in 10 days. Raise me!
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